
C. Creating a plan that represents the voice of the community

Reducing GHG emissions is important because it can improve air quality and reduce extreme heat. We asked Washoe County residents directly about climate-related health impacts and about their interest in actions that can help reduce emissions. Between April – October 2024, we heard feedback from over 1,000 people (see Appendix 1):

  • 506 people replied to the online survey “Clean Air: Transportation & Residential Energy Use” (see results in Appendix 2)
  • 300 people voted on emissions reduction ideas at Washoe County’s table at the Earth Day festival
  • 55 people participated in one of our 6 listening sessions (4 in-person, 2 virtual)
  • 33 community-groups, agencies, or operators participated in small-group feedback sessions
  • 8 Washoe County Citizen Advisory Board (CABs) heard a public comment about the plan; 2 CABs requested a presentation that included question and answer
  • TBD# people commented on the draft Climate Action Plan

This Climate Action Plan (CAP) directly responds to the community’s experience with health impacts due to the warming climate. In particular, this CAP prioritizes actions that can improve air quality and reduce energy bills for everyone, especially low-income residents, people of color, rural residents, youth, and seniors.

People walk alongside Washoe County's tent at Earth Day


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