
Appendix 4: "SMARTIE" goals for implementing climate Actions

SMARTIE goals are (Strategic, Measurable, Ambitious, Realistic, Time-bound, Inclusive, and Equitable)

Draft SMARTIE goals for Tier 1 CAP Actions
# Action Draft SMARTIE goal, to be improved in project plan
Strategy 1: Achieve County-wide net Zero 2050 alignment
1 Measure Community GHG emissions every 5 years. The next inventories will be for 2024 (in 2025) and for 2029 (in 2030). Action is a SMART goal.
2 Create a public dashboard to track Community CAP actions by the end of 2025. Post public updates on Community CAP actions at least once annually. Action is a SMART goal.
3 Create forecast of estimated emissions reductions through 2050 based on Community CAP actions by 2025 Action is a SMART goal.
4 Washoe County will write and implement a County Operations Climate Action Plan County Operations Climate Action plan to be approved by the Washoe County Commission by April 2025. Sustainability team to implement actions on the schedule defined in the plan.
5 Document the health impacts of air pollution and heat on Washoe County and its residents to improve public communication and success of grant applications. By June 2025, calculate community return-on-investment (ROI) of at least 3 Community CAP actions, at least 1 with equity as the primary focus
6 In preparation for Waste Management franchise agreement negotiations in 2028 (current contract ends in 2030), identify strategies to reduce waste and waste-related emissions for the future. By June 2027, define a zero waste strategy for the County and a list of the individual services needed to support zero waste, emphasizing services for communities of Environmental Justice concern.
7 By 2030, identify long-term funding strategy for transportation infrastructure in Washoe County that is not the gas tax. In advance of 2031 state legislative session, identify legislative and policy actions needed to secure sustainable long-term funding for transportation infrastructure. Avoid "regressive" strategies that place disproportionate burden on low-income individuals.
8 Advocate that net zero 2050 be a foundational premise in RTC Washoe's "Regional Transportation Plan 2050" update in 2025. Action is a SMART goal.
9 Share resources, advocate adoption of Net Zero 2050 policy with City of Sparks. City of Sparks adopts Net Zero 2050 policy by 2030.
10 Amongst all businesses registered in Washoe County, grow the number of businesses with sustainability plans or green business certifications (eg Nevada Green Business Certification, etc.) to 70% by 2030. Action is a SMART goal. Encourage money-saving sustainability upgrades, particularly for Disadvantaged-Owned Business Enterprises (DBEs).
11 Grow Washoe County Sustainability email list to an audience of 5,000. Action is a SMART goal. Conduct outreach / invitations to community members in proportions that mirror the demographics of Washoe County.
12 Send a spotlight communication about Washoe County's Climate Action Activities at least quarterly. Action is a SMART goal. - Updates to include information about how the County's Actions encourage equity.
13 Participate in at least two community events across the region each year to share information about Climate Action Planning and to hear residents' continued feedback. Action is a SMART goal. - vary events and locations to expand access to County information and to increase the diversity of perspectives that the County hears.
14 Develop interactive communications that allow individuals to take climate action and spread knowledge with others. By June 2026, identify interactive engagement strategy (eg ambassadors, local influencers; digital engagement), and secure budget to support community member training and / or campaign implementation across communities that mirror the demographics of Washoe County.
Strategy 2: Implement net zero land use principles
15 Advocate for a planning manager to be assigned to the Envision 2040 Master Plan by 2025 to facilitate implementation of the GHG-reducing elements of Envision 2040. Action is a SMART goal. Once planning manager is in place, advocate to prioritize actions that have largest equitable impacts.
16 Support Tribes with their environmental stewardship and Land Use plans. Requires discussion.
17 Partner with regional jurisdictions, agencies, stakeholders and citizens to launch a Community Forestry Program. Plant 4,700 more trees in Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities (LIDACs) by 2030. Action is a SMARTIE goal.
Strategy 3a: Reduce emissions, Transportation
18 Create an online hub to amplify information about alternatives to single occupancy vehicles (SOVs) for recurring trips. (eg Safe Routes to School, carpooling, existing transit or bicycle infrastructure) Transportation hub of Sustainability website updated by June 2025. Plan should particularly focus on strategies that work in communities of Environmental Concern.
19 Create and distribute sustainable transportation guides for Washoe County’s 12 libraries, 49 parks, ~50 voting locations, and 14 buildings with walk-in services. Sustainable transportation guides for all County facilities online by June 2026.
20 Pursue a Trip Reduction Ordinance for Washoe County Bring a Trip Reduction Ordinance to Washoe County Commission by 2027.
21 Align regional efforts to reduce SOV trips to the region's top employment areas (eg Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center (TRIC), Reno / Sparks casinos, Lake Tahoe recreation) Document existing trip-reduction efforts by June 2025; identify gaps and possible upgrades by June 2026; fund upgrades by 2030.
22 Expand reliable broadband across Washoe County to enable more telecommuting. Implement the County's Digital Equity strategy by 2030.
23 Work with transportation and tourism partners to educate visitors about car-free ways to enjoy Reno, Sparks, Lake Tahoe, and other points of interest in and around Washoe County By 2025, Sustainable transportation guidance is listed major tourism websites; by 2026, a collaborative communications plan is designed to fill gaps in sustainable transportation and to make Washoe County a more accessible destination for visitors.
24 Support and accelerate RTC Washoe's Walk and Roll plan by seeking grant funding, collecting data to accelerate the 12 neighborhood plans being designed by 2030. At least 6 neighborhood plans implemented by 2030; Plans for the remaining neighborhoods to have a completion timeline of 2032 or earlier.
25 By 2026, create a regional plan for an equitable network of EV chargers; by 2028, create a plan to begin funding the EV charging network. Action is a SMARTIE goal.
26 Create, support, and/or accelerate a plan to make Washoe County's I-80 corridor the nation-wide leader in alternative fuel charging. By 2030, implement at least one pilot or permanent project that improves alternative fueling for commercial vehicles.
Strategy 3b: Reduce emissions, Commercial Buildings
27 Establish an opt-in Building Performance System (BPS) for commercial buildings to identify energy efficiency opportunities and support. By 2030, 20% of registered businesses in Washoe County participate in the BPS program.
28 Adopt "ambitious" (instead of "standard") 2024 and 2027 International Energy Conservation Codes (IECC). Action is a SMART goal.
29 Integrate sustainability into government procedures by providing resources during planning and permitting processes (eg provide information about heat pumps to requestors of permits to install new chillers / heaters / boiler). By June 2025, list government processes that have potential for sustainability upgrades. By 2027, include sustainability information in the customer process of at least one government process.
Strategy 3c: Reduce emissions, Residential Buildings
30 Create virtual and / or physical resource hubs for homeowners and renters to learn how to make sustainable upgrades. By June 2025, expand Sustainability website's existing resource hub. Create draft plan for a physical hub, in anticipation of potential funding opportunity. Focus solutions for low-income populations.
31 Amplify awareness of existing home energy efficiency programs such as NV Energy's free energy efficiency audit; Nevada Clean Energy Fund's Residential Energy Upgrade Program (RE-UP); Nevada Housing Division’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP); and the federal Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) program. By June 2025, learn existing customer uptake rate of existing home energy efficiency programs. By June 2026, agree with program administrators on increased participation rate (eg, 10%). Prioritize promotion of income-qualified programs.
32 Create a program to convert mobile home power from gas to electric. By June 2026, draft a plan that could convert at least 30% of mobile homes from gas to electric by 2030. By June 2028, share a case study of one successful conversion.
33 By 2030, implement at least one sustainable retrofit incentive for rental properties serving income-qualified tenants (Tacoma Public Utilities example). Action is a SMARTIE goal.
34 By 2026, create toolkit, identify incentives, and identify lending facilities for owners of multi-family, affordable housing, and senior living facilities to make their buildings more energy-efficient. By 2026, create a toolkit of resources and identify a metric to track progress on increasing building energy efficiency.
Strategy 3d: Reduce emissions, Waste
35 Identify and support food-waste composting pilot projects and providers for both residential and commercial needs. 100% of Washoe County businesses and residents have access to commercial or at-home composting by 2028.
36 Identify and support green-waste composting models and providers for both residential and commercial needs. 100% of Washoe County businesses and residents have access to green waste composting by 2030.
37 Provide administrative support to community waste-reduction working groups. By June 2025, design working group charters, incorporating community feedback. Document group needs and identify budget and / or resources required to support working group communication and collaboration.
Strategy 4: Produce Cleaner Energy
38 Review NV Energy's progress toward commitment of 50% electricity from renewable sources by 2030; help remove barriers. By 2026, learn barriers to NV Energy's 50% renewable sources commitment; by 2027, create plan to remove barriers if necessary. Create metrics to track progress.
39 Identify new federal programs to implement related to solar energy (eg R-PACE); apply to new grants supporting expanded solar capacity. Create list of federal opportunities by December 2025. Identify up to 3 programs to pursue, at least 1 with an equitable focus; implement 1 program by 2030.
40 Identify opportunities and expand distributed energy resources like Community Solar, Solar Gardens, microgrids, smart-grids, behind-the-meter technology, and net metering. Define tracking mechanism for solar progress by June 2025. Double the amount of community solar by 2028; focusing on neighborhoods with high energy burden (large % of total income goes to energy costs).
41 Promote financing options available through the existing Commercial Property-Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Program for local businesses. Enroll 6 C-PACE customers each year through 2030.
42 Speed and streamline residential and commercial solar permitting through programs like SolSmart. Obtain SolSmart Bronze level by 2026; Silver level by 2030.
43 Support implementation of grants, incentives and other federal funding opportunities to expand solar, especially for low-income residents. (eg Nevada Clean Energy Fund's implementation of its Solar for All) At least two solar programs are launched in Low Income, Disadvantaged Communities (LIDACs) by 2030.
44 Ensure geothermal options are understood and considered during the pre-construction phase of new buildings. By 2025, document the County services in which geothermal can be introduced; by 2028, include geothermal education as part of standard permitting processes.
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