
Appendix 2: Community Clean Air survey feedback

1. How important is it to you that Washoe County reduces its emissions?

Pie chart showing the importance of reducing GHG emissions. 60% say it is "very important." Full data in the table below.

If these transportation options were affordable and convenient for you, would you like to do any of the following? "Transportation" here is defined as a trip for which the primary purpose is not exercise or recreation.
Answer Option Count Percentage
Very important 269 60%
Somewhat important 65 15%
Neither important nor unimportant 47 10%
Somewhat unimportant 19 4%
Very unimportant 49 11%
Total 449 100%

2. How important is "Green" / "Good" air quality to you, as measured by the Air Quality Index (AQI)?"

Pie chart showing responses to the importance of air quality. 76% of people said "Very important." Full data in the table below

How important is it to you that hte heat index ("feels like" temperature) is less than 90 F / 32 C on any given day?
Answer Option Count Percentage
Very important 368 76%
Somewhat important 81 17%
Neither important nor unimportant 24 5%
Somewhat unimportant 7 1%
Very unimportant 7 1%
Total 487 100%

3. How important is it to you that the heat index ("feels like" temperature) is less than 90° F / 32° C on any given day?

Pie chart showing the importance of heat. 41% of people said "Very Important." Complete data in the table below.

If these residential energy use options were affordable and easy for you, would you like to do any of these?
Answer Option Count Percentage
Very important 203 42%
Somewhat important 160 33%
Neither important nor unimportant 84 17%
Somewhat unimportant 18 4%
Very unimportant 22 4%
Total 487 100%

4. If these transportation options were affordable and convenient for you, would you like to do any of the following? “Transportation” here is defined as a trip for which the primary purpose is not exercise or recreation.

Segmented bar chart that shows interest in different sustainable transportation activities. Full data in table below.

If these transportation options were affordable and convenient for you, would you like to do any of the following? “Transportation” here is defined as a trip for which the primary purpose is not exercise or recreation.
Answer Option I currently do this I WOULD like to do this Neutral I WOULD NOT like to do this Total
Walk for transportation (including with assistive devices 21% 30% 26% 23% 100%
92 129 111 100 432
Use a bicycle, scooter, skateboard, wheelchair, or other personal mobility vehicle for transport 14% 31% 25% 30% 100%
61 133 108 130 432
Use public transport (eg bus) 3% 38% 25% 34% 100%
15 162 109 146 432
Lease or purchase an electric vehicle 10% 38% 18% 34% 100%
43 163 78 148 432
Take a shuttle bus to destinations like Lake Tahoe, Carson City, or the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center (TRIC) 2% 48% 24% 26% 100%
8 207 106 111 432
Take a high speed train to Las Vegas 0% 55% 20% 25% 100%
3 236 87 106 432

5. If these residential energy use options were affordable and easy for you, would you like to do any of these?

Segmented bar chart showing interest in sustainable activities in buildings. Full data in the chart below

How important is "Green" / Good" air quality to you, as measured by the Air Quality Index (AQI)?
Answer Option I currently do this I WOULD like to do this Neutral I WOULD NOT like to do this Total
Have a technician conduct an energy audit at my home to identify energy savings opportunities 17% 43% 24% 16% 100%
74 184 100 68 426
Replace low efficiency lightbulbs (eg incandescent) with high efficiency lightbulbs (eg light-emitting diode / LED, compact fluorescent lamps / CFL, or halogen) 76% 14% 5% 5% 100%
324 59 22 21 426
Use a programmable thermostat to set heating / cooling schedules that save energy 63% 18% 8% 11% 100%
269 75 34 48 426
Add caulking to my windows to reduce energy use 50% 32% 15% 3% 100%
172 177 57 20 426
Add insulation to my home to reduce energy use 40% 42% 13% 5% 100%
172 177 57 20 426
Get an electric heat pump for heating / cooling my home 8% 41% 33% 18% 100%
36 175 139 76 426
Use renewable energy (eg solar, wind power, geothermal or hydropower) to generate the electricity that comes into my home 16% 57% 16% 11% 100%
66 243 68 49 426

Demographic Details

We are including some demographic details about survey respondents. Our goal was for the identities of survey respondents to mirror the demographics of Washoe County. Some demographics (eg Hispanics, renters, adults younger than 55 years old) are under-represented in survey results, so we have reached out to community groups affiliated with those demographics to hear feedback directly in small group sessions.

6. What best describes where you live?

Pie chart describing where survey respondents live. 78% own their housing. Full data in the table below.

What best describes where you live?
Answer Option Count Percentage
I own my housing 393 78%
I rent my housing 87 17%
I am unhoused 1 0%
Prefer not to answer 13 2.5%
Other (please specify) 12 2.5%
Total 506 100%

7. What is your race and / or ethnicity? (select all that apply)

Pie chart showing survey respondents' race and / or ethnicity. 70% of respondents were white. Full data is listed in the table below.

What is your race and / or ethnicity? (select all that apply)
Answer Option Count Percentage
American Indian or Alaska Native 11 2%
Asian 14 3%
Black or African American 10 2%
Hispanic or Latino 37 8%
Middle Eastern or North African 3 1%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 5 1%
White 321 70%
Prefer not to answer 60 13%
Total 461 100%

8. Select which age group you are currently in:

Pie chart showing the age of survey respondents. 25% are in the 65 - 74 year-old range. Full data is listed in the table below

Select which age group you are currently in
Answer Option Count Percentage
18 years or younger 0 0%
19 - 24 years 5 1%
25 - 34 years 53 13%
35 - 44 years 57 14%
45 - 54 years 48 11%
55 - 64 years 59 14%
65 - 74 years 106 25%
75 years or older 55 13%
Prefer not to answer 39 9%
Total 422 100%
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