
B. Improving public health by reducing emissions

When we reduce emissions, we can experience many health benefits. First, air quality is better when we do not burn fossil fuels. For example, internal combustion engines (ICE) vehicles emit dangerous gases that are known or suspected to be cancer-causing. These toxins can also cause noncancerous health effects such as neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive and / or immune system damage. Electric vehicles (EVs) do not create emissions. Walking, biking and riding scooters are also zero-emissions activities.

Second, we can reduce heat-related illnesses in our region by reducing emissions. As greenhouse gases (GHGs) accumulate in our atmosphere, they act like a blanket, trapping heat. With lower emissions, less heat is trapped. This could stabilize temperatures and help reduce heat-related illnesses ranging from minor issues such as sunburn, heat rash, and heat cramps to more severe conditions like heat stroke.

Third, we can advance environmental justice for those who experience disproportionate and adverse human health and environmental effects due to climate change. By reducing emissions and expanding environmental resources like trees, people in the most vulnerable parts of our County can breathe cleaner air.

Finally, reducing emissions can save people money. For example, insulating homes can reduce energy bills. These savings can help build wealth, and wealth is linked to better overall health outcomes.

Children in red uniforms running soccer drills around cones

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