
Climate Action Planning

After more than a year of conversations, listening sessions, surveys, research and consultation with County staff and departments, regional stakeholders, fellow jurisdictions and citizens, the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners adopted a Climate Action Plan on March 11, 2025. 

Note: The links and documents below may still be "draft" versions. These are being finalized and updated and will be available in early spring 2025.

The Climate Action Plan (CAP) consists of the following documents:

Summary lists of strategies and actions to reduce emissions in Washoe County:

Share your feedback about the Climate Action Plan:

Please use this form to share your thoughts about this Climate Action Plan. Although the Plan has been adopted, how we work in the community to reduce air pollution and save people money on energy will always be an evolving process. Please share your feedback and recommendations on how we can best serve our community.

What is a Climate Action Plan?

A Climate Action Plan (CAP) is a strategic document that outlines a collection of measures and policies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and actively address climate challenges.

It defines GHG reduction goals based on local priorities and develops a framework with tactical activities to help achieve those goals. 

Why have a Climate Action Plan? 
A Climate Action Plan shares a vision of the positive outcomes possible with County and community action. And it provides a roadmap for our work together to reduce greenhouse gases and improve our air quality, public health, economy and quality of life.
Building an Equitable Climate Action Plan

Low-Income, disadvantaged and vulnerable populations often experience the “first and worst” impacts of climate change. The County will prioritize solutions for these communities living on the front lines of climate impacts.

Previous Washoe County Inventories & Plans

Washoe County 2008 Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Washoe County 2014 Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Washoe County 2016 Waste Management Plan

Washoe County 2018 Waste Characterization Study

Washoe County 2020 Hazard Mitigation Plan

Washoe County 2022 Green Recovery Plan



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