
Washoe County Climate Action Plan - Introduction - DRAFT

Draft, February 2025

Washoe County is committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to Net-Zero by 2050. This Climate Action Plan (CAP) provides GHG emissions inventories for County Operations and Community-Wide, as well as 121 recommended actions to reduce emissions in our buildings, transportation, land-use, supply chain and waste sectors to guide our County and Community toward meeting our Net-Zero goals.

This Introduction is the first of four total sections of the Climate Action Plan (CAP):

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Climate Action Plan Introduction - Table of Contents
  1. Land Acknowledgement
  2. Introduction from the Washoe County Chair, Commissioner Alexis Hill
  3. Washoe County's Mission, Vision and Guiding Principals
  4. Home Means Nevada: Washoe County's Quality of Life, Climate Impacts and Need for Action
  5. The purpose of this Climate Action Plan (CAP)
  6. Benefits of Climate Action
  7. Vision for 2050
  8. Washoe County: place and people
  9. The County’s role in creating and implementing the CAP
  10. The Community’s role in creating and implementing the CAP
  11. Navigating the Four Sections of the CAP 
  12. Implementation

Appendix 1: Glossary/Definitions
Appendix 2: Climate science, climate goals
Appendix 3: Washoe County Maps
Appendix 4: The County’s work to date on Sustainability topics
Appendix 5: Washoe County’s Clean Air Survey results
Appendix 6: Cost of Living data from Truckee Meadows Tomorrow
Appendix 7: Environmental Justice Community Report
Appendix 8: Washoe County Annual Average Temperature: Past and Projected
Appendix 9: Climate Projections for 2084
Appendix 10: Washoe County growth through 2040
Appendix 11: Yale Climate Opinion Survey, results for Washoe County (2023)

The Washoe County Climate Action Plan was developed by the Office of the County Manager, Sustainability Division, with support from a Fuse Corps Executive Fellow. Development of the plan would not have been possible without leadership from the County Manager’s Office, collaboration across county and regional agencies, and feedback from members of the Washoe County community. ICLEI USA – Local Governments for Sustainability – provided the template for this Climate Action Plan, as well as guidance and technical support during its production. NZero conducted the County Operations Emissions Inventory on behalf of Washoe County.

Plan Approval and Adoption
The Washoe County Climate Action Plan (CAP) must be formally adopted by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). This draft CAP will go to the BCC for consideration and approval in early 2025 (date TBD). This plan has not yet been adopted.

Washoe County Commissioners at the time of consideration are:
District 1: Alexis Hill, Chair
District 2: Mike Clark
District 3: Mariluz Garcia
District 4: Clara Andriola
District 5: Jeanne Herman

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