
E. Purpose of the CAP

The purpose of this Climate Action Plan (CAP)

What is a Climate Action Plan? A is a “strategic document that outlines a collection of measures and policies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and actively address climate challenges. It defines reduction goals based on local priorities and develops a framework with tactical activities to help achieve those goals.” A climate action plan also “aim[s] to address inequalities in the way the effects of climate change are being distributed.” For a full glossary of climate terms, see Appendix 1 (Link to come). 

What are greenhouse gas emissions? Greenhouse gas emissions are gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. There are several different GHGs, and they can be created through a variety of sources. Carbon dioxide (CO₂) is the primary GHG emitted from human activities, and it mostly caused by burning fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil. For in-depth explorations of GHGs and the science of climate change,

To slow the steadily rising heat, to improve daily air quality, and to reduce ongoing fire risk, we must reduce GHGs. The purpose of this CAP is to identify actions that can be taken across all sectors (Buildings, Transportation, Waste, etc.) in the short- and long-terms to help the County reach its long-term target of net zero emissions by 2050.

“Net zero” is a state of balance between emissions and emissions reductions. The State of Nevada Legislature committed to the Net Zero 2050 target in Senate Bill 254 in 2019, and Washoe County is leading regional efforts to support that commitment.

This Climate Action Plan provides three types of information to support that goal:

  1. Explains the context, urgency, and opportunities of reducing GHGs
  2. Shares calculations of recent GHG emissions for the year 2021as well as projections of future GHGs
  3. Defines actions for 2025 - 2030 that can reduce GHG emissions

This information lives in four segments of the CAP: 1) this Introduction 2) County Operations CAP 3) Community GHG Inventory (Link TK), and 4) Community CAP.

Climate Change is a wide-ranging phenomenon that impacts our community in many, complex ways. This CAP is only a start to the work necessary to respond, focusing primarily on actions that mitigate (reduce) GHGs to minimize the climate damages in our region and globally.

This CAP does not include detailed analyses and strategies for water conservation -- an important topic in the driest state in the Union. Similarly, there are many topics related to the environment and sustainability, such as protecting native pollinators and other native species and ecosystems, microplastics, PFAS and other toxic chemicals, etc. Washoe County will, under direction from our Board of County Commissioners and public need, work internally and with regional partners to address these and other topics in the future.

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