F. Navigating the CAP
This CAP is designed for you to find easily the sections that most interest you.
- This Introduction explains the purpose of the Climate Action Plan. It describes Washoe County’s geography and population. It affirms Washoe County’s commitment to Environmental Justice and Climate Equity. It lists the expected benefits of implementing the CAP, and it outlines the roles of the County and the community in implementation. Finally, the introduction illustrates the vision of Washoe County in 2030 on its path to Net Zero 2050.
- The County Operations Climate Action Plan (COCAP) shows how Washoe County is leading by example. It provides the calculations of emissions for Washoe County’s government operations, which were 23,424 mt of CO2e in 2021 (mt CO2e = metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents). The COCAP lists 47 Actions Washoe County will take to reduce emissions from its buildings, fleets, operations and waste.
- The Community GHG Inventory provides calculations of GHG emissions in million metric tons (MMT) from six sectors: 1) transportation, 2) commercial buildings, 3) residential buildings, 4) solid waste, 5) potable (drinkable) water and wastewater, and 6) agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU). It describes the methodology for these calculations and includes data from local operators who serve the people of Washoe County such as Washoe’s Regional Transportation Commission (RTC), NV Energy, Southwest Gas, Waste Management (WM), Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA). Emissions calculations include activities in Unincorporated Washoe County as well as Reno and Sparks (see map in Appendix 3).
- The Community CAP lists 4 Strategies and 44 “Tier 1” priority Actions to guide everyone in the region to reduce our emissions. It describes the community outreach process and feedback that informed the CAP, and it describes how we will measure the impact of our Actions.