
F. Implementing the Community CAP

Measuring Success A two-page draft project plan will be written for each Tier 1 Action (see example below). Success for each of the 44 Actions will be measured using a “SMARTIE” goal that is specific to each Action. SMARTIE goals are Strategic, Measurable, Ambitious, Realistic, Time-bound, Inclusive, and Equitable. See draft SMARTIE goals for Tier 1 Actions in Appendix 4. Information about progress on Actions and SMARTIE goals will be shared in annual Community CAP updates, starting in 2026.

Adjusting Action Tiers Washoe County’s Sustainability team plans to begin activity on all Tier 1 Actions during fiscal years 2025 (July 2024 – June 2025) and 2026 (July 2025- June 2026. Starting in fiscal year 2026, the Sustainability team will provide annual updates to the community about progress on the Community Climate Action Plan. If the Sustainability team identifies a change in the “Tier” criteria for any of the Actions, the Tier of the action may be changed. This will allow the County to be adaptable to changes. For example, the award of grant funding could cause a Tier 2 action to move up to Tier 1.

“How do I Get Involved?” Each project plan has a section that describes specific ways you can participate in that Action. You can express interest in participating in a sustainability working group by completing a form on our website. And the County’s communication goals under Strategy 1 are designed to better inform our community about the County's climate action, ways to make your voice heard, and ways to help implement the CAP.

Five red and yellow rest on top of colorful kayaks

Draft Project Plan

Black apple emojiStrategy 3d, Action 36

Identify and support food-waste composting pilot projects and providers for both residential and commercial needs

“SMARTIE” goal (Strategic, Measurable, Ambitious, Realistic, Time-bound, Inclusive, and Equitable): 100% of Washoe County businesses and residents have access to commercial or at-home composting by 2028

An equitable plan: This initiative will prioritize composting access in multi-family buildings and in tracts designated areas of Environmental Justice concern by the EPA.

Best practices: San Francisco for curbside pick-up; Minnesota for drop-off points

Public benefits:

  • Community modeling: Visible demonstration of daily individual climate action
  • Healthy, local compost dirt can support the virtuous cycles of expanding community gardens, reduce food insecurity and improve plant health at parks and municipal properties.

How do I get involved? 

There are several ways you can help accelerate composting in Washoe County:

  • Write letters of support to Washoe County and other jurisdictions to advocate for better composting in the region.
  • Start composting with an existing composting company like Down to Earth or Full Circle.
  • Begin composting at your home or business and participate in community composting education and events
  • Participate in Waste Management (WM) or other food-waste drop-off compost programs.
  • Notify the County if you would like to be a commercial customer for compost soil.

Potential partners and stakeholders: City of Reno, City of Sparks, Carson City, interested businesses and landowners.

Potential operators: Waste Management (WM), Down to Earth Composting, Full Circle Composting, Nevada Recycling & Salvage, Mill or other private companies

Description of workplan:

  1. Conduct a community-wide compost survey to understand community knowledge of and support for composting.
  2. Explore composting providers, models, and pilot projects for food waste.
  3. Support programs to expand home composting for residents.
  4. Support food-waste compost models for businesses (grocery stores, restaurants, entertainment facilities).
  5. Develop data-driven best practices to support future expansion of compost programs

Funding needs:

  1. [TBD%] Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff needed
  2. [TBD$] implementation expenses


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