Frequently Asked Questions


  • Who administers the program?

    Washoe County administers our COBRA program for participants in the High Deductible Health Plan, PPO and the Surest plans.
  • Who do I contact if I have any questions on my COBRA election?

    Please contact Washoe County Human Resources at 328-2081.
  • How much does COBRA Continuation Coverage cost?

    Current rates can be found on the Human Resources website with the following link: Washoe County Employee Benefits 

    Normally, qualified beneficiaries are required to pay the entire cost of COBRA Continuation Coverage.  The amount a qualified beneficiary may be required to pay may not exceed 102 percent (or, in the case of an extension of continuation coverage due to a disability, 150 percent) of the cost to the group health plan (including both employer and employee contributions).

  • How and when will I be notified of continuing my health coverage?

    Terminated employees and their dependents (qualified beneficiaries) will be provided an election notice within 14 days of their termination date.
  • When is my payment due?

    The initial premium payment must be made within 45 days after the date of the COBRA election (This is the date the Election Notice is post-marked, if mailed.) Payments must cover the period of coverage from the date of COBRA election retroactive to the date of the loss of coverage.  Qualified Beneficiaries have 60 days beyond the date they receive their election notice to sign up for their health care coverage.
  • When would my coverage start?

    The effective date of COBRA Continuation Coverage is the day following the termination date of health insurance.  The insurance is not activated until payment is received.
  • When does my health insurance coverage end?

    Your current health insurance coverage ends on your last day of work.
  • What is COBRA?

    The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 mandates that employers that have with 20 or more employees and offer health coverage continue to offer employees benefits when they quit, are laid off or fired or have their work hours reduced. Additionally, benefits must be offered to the employee’s spouse and dependents. COBRA benefits apply to health care plans, dental plans, vision plans, prescription drug plans, etc. Benefits may continue for up to 18, 24, 29 or 36 months, depending on the cause for the loss of benefits.

    If you are separating service with the County you will most likely be entitled to 18 months of continued coverage.
  • When and how must payment for COBRA Continuation Coverage be made?

    You will be notified by Washoe County on the process utilized to continue your health insurance program. After you make your first payment for COBRA Continuation Coverage, you will be required to make monthly payments for each coverage period. Payments are due on the 1st of the month for that coverage period. The Plan will not send monthly notices of payments due.

Benefits-Deferred Comp

  • Where can I get more information and education on saving for my retirement?

    Contact Voya's local representative Tom Verducci at 775-530-3089. 

  • What are the responsibilities of the Deferred Compensation Committee?

    The Deferred Compensation Committee has a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of participants with respect to plan administrators, fund offerings, account management, plan review for compliance, best practices and competitiveness, and is responsible for plan revisions and other necessary actions to meet those responsibilities.
  • What is the authority of the Washoe County Deferred Compensation Committee?

    In accordance with NRS 287.440, the Board of County Commissioners established a Washoe County Deferred Compensation Committee in 1979 to administer the 457 plan. The powers of the Deferred Compensation Committee as established by NRS and conferred upon the Committee as approved by the Board include collecting deferred compensation, transmitting to depositories within the State, payment of deferred compensation to participants and contracting with a private entity for services necessary to the administration of the plan.
  • What are the enrollment periods for the 457 and 401(a) plans?

    Enrollment periods are established by Federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Codes. For the 457 plan, eligible employees can enroll at any time. For the 401(a) plan, employees are eligible to participate after one (1) year of employment with the County and then have a 90 day window in which to enroll. After the 90 day period ends, the employee is not eligible to enroll in the 401(a) plan for the remainder of his/her employment with Washoe
  • Can I take a loan from my 457 or my 401(a) plan?

    Participants are eligible to take loans from the deferred compensation plans. The minimum loan amount is $1,000 and the minimum loan term is 12 months. For more information contact Voya's Retirement Readiness Service Center at 1-800-584-6001 or Voya's local representative Tom Verducci at 775-530-3089.       

  • What is the minimum contribution required for participation in the plans?

    Participants in the 457 Plan can start your retirement savings with as little as $10 or 1% per pay period, so starting sooner rather than later is easy.  You can start or stop your contributions to the 457 at any time. Participants electing to participate in the 401(a) Plan may select a minimum contribution amount of 2.5%. 401(a) enrollment and contribution elections are irrevocable.

  • Why does Washoe County have only one provider for the Deferred Compensation plans?

    The Committee has conducted record-keeper and administrator searches in 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2018. During these search projects the Committee has not found any compelling evidence that there are any advantages for our employees in adding a second provider. A single provider also minimizes confusion for plan participants and creates pricing advantages due to the economies of scale that are created.
  • How is the performance of the offered investment options evaluated?

    The Committee adopted a written Statement of Investment Policies and Guidelines at their August 12, 2004 meeting. This Statement establishes criteria for funds offered within the 457 and 401(a) plans as well as the criteria for eliminating investment options. The policy is reviewed annually and assists in meeting the fiduciary responsibility of the Committee to act in the best interest of all plan participants. As stated in the guidelines, “the Committee will evaluate fund performance at least annually. Performance results will be evaluated using comparisons with the guidelines, pertinent market indices and appropriate peer groups of managers. When necessary, fund performance will be reviewed more frequently.” Evaluation is focused on long-term performance, though interim qualitative factors may influence a decision to add or remove a fund.
  • What are the participation rates for the 457 and 401(a) plans?

    Both the 457 and 401(a) plans are voluntary retirement plans that employees may utilize. Neither plan offers a matching contribution which means each plan is funded solely from employee contributions. The 457 plan has maintained a strong participation rate of nearly 70% for several years. The 401(a) plan is a supplemental plan and is an irrevocable enrollment which make it appealing for a smaller number of employees.
  • Can I purchase PERS service credits with my 457 or 401(a) dollars?

    Yes. Participants in the 457 and the 401(a) plan may elect to have any portion of their account balance transferred to a defined benefit governmental plan (PERS) at any time during their employment. For more information on purchasing “time” contact Voya's local representative Tom Verducci at 775-530-3089 or the Voya Retirement Readiness Service Center at 1-800-584-6001. You will also need to contact NVPERS at 775-687-4200 or visit the PERS website at
  • What is a Roth 457 plan?

    The Roth Provision was added to the 457 Deferred Compensation program in May 2011. This feature enables you to contribute after-tax money from your paycheck to your 457 retirement plan account. The Roth option offers alternative tax benefits. Unlike traditional before-tax contributions, the Roth feature lets you save and invest with after-tax dollars. Because Roth contributions have already been taxed, Roth contributions and earnings can grow tax free.


  • Who administers the GAP Plan?

    The GAP is administered by American Fidelity Assurance (AFA).
  • How should I submit my Claim Form and supporting documentation to American Fidelity?

    The easiest way to file a gap insurance claim is through your online account at or the mobile app, AFmobile. Download American Fideity mobile app from the App Store or Google Play. 

     When filing a gap insurance claim you will need to provide the following documentation:

    • Statement of Insured, completed via  online claim filing  or paper claim form
    • Itemized Bills with diagnosis from each of your providers with a complete breakdown of charges for each date of service
    • Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your primary medical insurance carrier

    We may also need:

  • I want to submit a claim for reimbursement. Where can I find these forms?

    Forms are available on the Employee Benefit Forms page of the Human Resources website: Employee Benefit Forms.

    You can also visit American Fidelity's website to file an online claim or download the AF mobile app.

    Please note that the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act does require that information submitted on this claim form is protected and only disclosed as necessary to process your claim. Employers, plan sponsors and providers are subject to ensuring that your data is private and secure.

  • What number do I call should I wish to follow up on the fax, or if I have other questions?

    To follow up on a fax (after 48 hours to allow processing time): 1-800-662-1113
    For any other plan or claim questions, contact the local American Fidelity office at 829-1313.
  • What does the GAP cover?

    The following out-of-pocket expenses are covered:

    Maximum In-Hospital Benefit:

    • Up to $1,000 per hospital confinement

    Maximum Out-patient Benefit:

    • Treatment in a hospital emergency room

    • Out-patient surgery in a hospital out-patient facility or free-standing out-patient surgery center

    • Diagnostic testing in a hospital out-patient facility or MRI facility

    • Up to $200 for treatment of the same or related conditions unless separated by a period of 90 consecutive days (then a new out-patient benefit will be payable)

    Physician Out-patient Treatment Benefit:

    • Treatment in a hospital out-patient clinic, free-standing emergency care clinic or physician’s office

    • Up to $25 per treatment; $125 maximum per family per calendar year (non-routine care excluded)

  • How can I cover my dependents through a GAP plan?

    If your dependents are covered under the Surest Plan, you may also purchase GAP coverage for them. You may enroll dependents during the annual Open Enrollment period (mid-October through mid-November for a January 1 effective date) by meeting with an American Fidelity representative, or anytime during the year with a qualifying event. Rates can be found on the Human Resources website and premiums are collected pre-tax through payroll deduction. To enroll your dependents outside of the Open Enrollment period (with a qualifying event), contact American Fidelity at 829-1313.
  • What if I want to drop a dependent?

    Just as with your health plans, dependents can only be dropped during Open Enrollment or with a qualifying event. To delete a dependent, you must contact American Fidelity directly. Dependent GAP coverage is privately purchased insurance and it is the responsibility of the employee to maintain the integrity of that policy. Calling Health Benefits to delete a dependent from your health insurance plan will not automatically delete them from your GAP Plan.
  • How can I obtain an EOB (Explanation of Benefits)?

    To access a copy of your Explanation of Benefits, go to member login site with Surest  and create an account.
  • Can I check my individual account online?

    Employees can visit and to set up an online account or download the AFmobile app.
  • What is the GAP Plan?

    This supplement benefit works in conjunction with the Surest Plan and is provided only to Surest participants. The GAP was added as a result of health insurance negotiations to offset plan design changes that helped the County meet budget needs in FY 2010/2011. The cost of the GAP Plan is covered by the County for all employees and retirees, and is available on a voluntary basis for dependents.
  • What constitutes a qualifying event?

    A list of qualifying events can be found under the “Eligibility Quick Reference” link on the Medical-Dental-Vision page of the Human Resources website:

Benefits-Health Savings Account

Benefits-Life Insurance

Benefits-Medical Insurance

  • How do I add and/or delete a dependent?

    You must log onto ESS and submit a Life and Work Event request to add or remove a dependent.  

    Please see the “Eligibility Quick Reference” on the Human Resources website for more information on adding or deleting dependents: Eligibility Quick Reference 

    Under the new Health Care Reform Bill, you may cover your child/children up to age 26.  They do not have to be a full-time student, living with you, and/or dependent upon your financial support. 

    If you are adding a domestic partner, you must do so within 31 days of filing the declaration of domestic partnership, or during the annual Open Enrollment period. 

    You may add your new baby within 31 days of the birth by submitting a Life and Work Event request through ESS and providing a copy of the birth confirmation to Human Resources.

  • Where is the Benefits Office? How do I contact them?

    Washoe County Employee Benefits is located within the Human Resources Department at the County Administration Complex, 1001 East Ninth Street, Building A, Room A220, and the contact information for the benefits team is as follows:          

  • How do I change health insurance plans?

    You may change your choice of health plan for any reason during the annual Open Enrollment period by logging on to ESS and completing the online enrollment process. 
  • How much does the County contribute toward premiums for me and my dependents?

    Washoe County pays 100% of the employee premium. Through collective bargaining, the County has also agreed to pay 50% of the enrolled dependent’s premium.  Employees are responsible for the remaining premium for their enrolled dependents.
  • My dependent child just turned 19. Is he/she still covered?

    As a result of the Health Care Reform Act, dependent children may now continue on your health insurance until age 26.
  • How can I find out how much it will cost to carry my dependents on my insurance?

    Current insurance rates are posted on the Washoe County Human Resources public website. To access the website, click here:

  • Do the Washoe County health plans include prescription drug coverage?

    Yes.  Visit the websites below to access pharmacy services, check drug prices, view your prescription history, locate pharmacies near you and enroll in pharmacy by mail program. 

    • Self-funded PPO and HDHP: (or call 1-800-687-0707)

    • Surest:  OptumRx (or call 888-29-5416)

  • What is the GAP Plan?

    The GAP Plan was first introduced in FY 10/11 and is available in conjunction with the Surest Plan.  Washoe County covers the cost of the GAP plan for all employees enrolled in Surest; however, it is an elective coverage for dependents, and employees are responsible for dependent premiums.  Provided by American Fidelity, the GAP Plan is designed to reimburse the following out-of-pocket expenses up to:

    • $1,000 per inpatient hospital confinement

    • $200 for certain outpatient services

    • $25 for non-routine doctors visits (limit of $125 per family per year)

    For more information about the GAP Plan, or to enroll or delete a dependent, you must contact American Fidelity directly at 775-829-1313. 

  • When do my health insurance benefits go into effect?

    Coverage becomes effective on the 31st day of continuous full-time or permanent part-time employment (21 or more hours per week).  You must log onto Employee Self Service (ESS) and add dependents, if applicable, and designate life insurance beneficiary(ies) for you life insurance benefit.  

    If enrollment is not completed within the first 20 days of employment, you will be enrolled with employee-only as of your effective date.

  • What hospitals are associated with each plan?

     Self-funded PPO and HDHP Plan:

    • Renown Regional Medical Center, Renown South Meadows Regional Medical Center, St. Mary's Regional Medical Center, Northern Nevada Regional Medical Center, Northern Nevada Sierra Medical Center, and Carson-Tahoe Hospital

    Surest Plan:

    • Renown Regional Medical Center, South Meadows Regional Medical Center, Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center, Northern Nevada Regional Medical Center, Northern Nevada Sierra Medical Center, and Carson-Tahoe Hospital
  • I lost my insurance card. How can I obtain a new one?

    Contact information for the following plans:

    •  Self-funded PPO and HDHP contact UMR at 800-826-9781.
    •  Surest, contact Surest at 866-683-6440.
  • What is the Medicare Advantage Plan?

    The HMO Medicare Advantage Plan was added to the Washoe County Retiree Health Benefits Program in FY 10/11.  The coverage is provided through Senior Care Plus, and is available only to those retirees and their dependents with both Medicare parts A and B.  This plan is a great option for those retirees who are receiving only a partial premium benefit from Washoe County and/or who are covering dependents. Please note that enrollment occurs only on the first of each month.
  • How do I find out more information about the Medicare Advantage Plan?

    You may contact the Enrollment Specialist at Senior Care Plus at 775-982-3134.
  • What is the “Open Enrollment” period?

    Every year, mid-October through mid-November, the County holds an Open Enrollment period during which time you can make any changes to your health insurance plan without qualifying event restrictions.  This is the perfect opportunity to review all your health insurance options to make sure you and your family are appropriately covered.

  • What if I do not want to make any changes during Open Enrollment?

    With the introduction of online open enrollment in FY 12/13, you must now review and certify your existing benefits via ESS even if you are not making any changes. You are strongly encouraged to attend one of the annual Open Enrollment meetings or review the Open Enrollment data posted on the website to be sure you understand any changes occurring at the beginning of the calendar year (January 1).
  • How do I find out more about the plans offered through the Health Benefits Program?

    We strongly encourage all employees to attend Open Enrollment meetings which are scheduled each year mid-October through mid-November.  If for some reason you cannot attend one of these informative meetings, you may contact a Benefits Specialist:  Kristie Harmon at (775) 328-2079, Molly Hodges at (775) 325-8111 or Christine Kirkland at (775) 328-2099 to set up an appointment.

  • How do I find out if my doctor is a provider on my plan?

    If you are on the Self-funded PPO or HDHP, visit (select Washoe County, Nevada); or contact UMR at 800-826-9781.

    If you are on the Surest Plan, visit; or, contact Surest Plan at 866-683-6440.


  • I see preventative and routine medical care is now covered at 100%. What exactly does this include?

    For a full description of what services meet the definition of preventative and routine medical care, please refer to your plan summary or contact your plan administrator directly:

    • Self-funded PPO and HDHP participants:  Contact UMR Customer Service at 800-826-9781.

    • Surest participants: Contact Surest Customer Service at 866-683-6440.


  • My spouse/partner lost his/her job. Can I add them to my insurance?

    Yes, this is considered a “qualifying event” and they must be added within 31 days of the loss of coverage.  You must submit a Life and Work Event request through ESS along with documentation from the previous insurance company that indicates the last day of coverage.
  • My spouse/partner has a new job and insurance is being offered. Can I remove them from my insurance?

    Yes, this is considered a “qualifying event” and they must be removed within 31 days of the effective date of the new insurance.  You must also submit a Life and Work Event request through ESS along with documentation from your spouse’s new employer that indicates the effective date of his/her coverage.

  • Am I required to receive care only from contracted providers?

    If you are on the Self-funded PPO and HDHP, or Surest Plan you will receive a better rate if you use contracted providers, but you do have flexibility. 



  • I am a pre 97/98 hire. Do I retain the same retiree health benefits when I retire?

    Yes, you currently retain the same benefit provided by contract. However, the actual benefit plan design is subject to future changes that may take place during labor negotiations with the bargaining units. Upon retirement, employees hired prior to 97/98 are not required to enroll in Medicare but are strongly encouraged to do so. If Medicare is primary to your Washoe County Health Plan, it helps defray future claims costs, which in turn helps to keep premium rates down. Increased premiums impact plan design which could result in increased out-of-pocket expenses to employees and retirees.
  • How do I find out more information about the Medicare Advantage Plan?

    You may contact the Chris Gourlay at Senior Care Plus, at 775-982-3134. Inform him that you are a retiree of Washoe County.
  • What is the Medicare Advantage Plan?

    The HMO Medicare Advantage Plan was added to the Washoe County Retiree Health Benefits Program in FY 10/11. The coverage is provided through Senior Care Plus, and is available only to those retirees and their dependents with both Medicare parts A and B. Please note that enrollment occurs only on the first of each month.
  • I am over 65 and covered under a COBRA policy. Is COBRA considered creditable coverage?

    No. Regardless of your insurance coverage, you must enroll in Medicare within the 8-month Special Enrollment Period immediately following termination of your employment.
  • Who do I contact for more information on Medicare?

    Information is available on the Medicare website or you can contact the local Social Security Office at 1-888-808-5481; 1170 Harvard Way, Reno, NV 89502.
  • How much does Medicare cost?

    In general, there is no premium associated with Medicare Part A. There is a premium associated with Medicare Part B. Please contact Medicare for information on Medicare Part A and B premiums.
  • How do I know if I’m eligible for Medicare?

    You are eligible for Medicare if you are 65 or older and you OR your spouse worked and paid Medicare taxes for at least ten years. When an individual who has not paid Medicare taxes applies for Medicare (assuming the spouse has), they simply provide their spouse’s information in addition to their own.

    Federal employees began paying the Medicare payroll tax in 1983 and all newly hired state and local employees (including Washoe County) began doing so in 1986. Thus, most government employees and retirees are now eligible.

  • Can I enroll in Medicare at any time?

    If you did not sign up when you were first eligible because you are still working and covered under the County’s group plan, you can enroll anytime. After your employment ends, you can enroll anytime during the 8-month Special Enrollment Period or during Medicare’s regular Open Enrollment Period which runs from January – March each year for a July 1st effective date.

    Please note: if your active employment ends and you do not enroll during the Special Enrollment Period you may have to pay a higher premium for late enrollment.

  • How does Medicare pay for medical services?

    Hospitals and community mental health centers are paid a set amount of money (called the payment rate) to give some outpatient services to people with Medicare. The payment rate includes:

    • Medicare’s payment amount for the service you receive
    • Your yearly Medicare Part B deductible if you haven’t already paid it for the year. This amount can change each year.
    • Your co-payment amount or co-insurance

    The payment rate is not the same for all hospitals and community mental health centers. The payment rate for a hospital or community mental health center is a national rate adjusted to reflect what people are paid to work in hospitals in the area where you get services. Each January 1, Medicare updates the payment rates to keep up with changes in the cost of providing services.

  • I have a spouse who qualifies for Medicare. If I retire at 66 or older, will I be penalized for not enrolling in Medicare at age 65?

    No, because the County’s insurance is creditable coverage. Medicare provides an 8-month Special Enrollment Period in which you can sign up for Parts A and B after your employment ends. If you enroll after the 8-month period, you will face late enrollment penalties.
  • Do I need to notify you when I am eligible and enroll in Medicare?

    Yes. If you notify us upon receiving your Medicare identification card and providing us with a copy, it may lower your premium rate. In addition, we will notify the plan administrator (Homeown Health or Prominence Health Plan) which could alleviate issues relating to the payment of claims.
  • Is there another Plan option available if I have Medicare?

    Yes. The Medicare Advantage Plan was added to the Washoe County Retiree Health Benefits Program in July, 2010. Coverage is provided through Senior Care Plus and is available to those retirees and their dependents with both Medicare parts A and B. This HMO plan is a great option for those retirees who are receiving only a partial premium benefit from Washoe County or who are covering dependents, as premiums are considerably lower. Please note that enrollment occurs only on the first of each month.
  • I am curious about what Medicare Parts A and B will cost me when I retire. Is there some where I can go to research this?

    You can either contact the Medicare’s customer service at 800-633-4227, or you can access one of their premium or eligibility tools on their website:
  • Should I enroll in Medicare Part A at age 65 even if I am still employed?

    Yes. Part A is available at no cost, and employees and retirees both should always take advantage of this coverage as soon as you are eligible.
  • What are some of the advantages of enrolling in Part B?

    • Lowers your monthly premium
    • Lowers your out-of-pocket costs over time by eliminating, or greatly reducing, co-insurance/co-payments.
  • Should I enroll in Medicare Part B at age 65 even if I am still employed?

    No, because the County’s insurance is creditable coverage. Medicare provides an 8-month Special Enrollment Period in which you can sign up for Part B after your employment ends. If you enroll after the 8-month period, you will face late enrollment penalties.
  • Do I need to sign up for Medicare Part D (Prescription) coverage?

    No, the Washoe County Plans are equal to or better than Medicare Part D.
  • Do I need to sign up for Medicare when I turn age 65?

    Depending on your original hire date with the County, enrollment in Medicare may or may not be required, and the decision to elect or reject Medicare may impact the way your claims are paid. We strongly encourage all retirees who are eligible for Medicare to take Parts A and B. If you are uncertain about whether or not to elect Medicare coverage, please feel free to contact our office.
  • I have a spouse who will eventually qualify for Medicare, but currently is only 62. I am 65 and want to retire. Can I enroll in Medicare now, even though my spouse is not yet eligible?

    You are eligible to enroll in Medicare A and B if your spouse has paid Medicare taxes for at least ten years.
  • I am already retired from the County and am enrolled in the Retiree Health Benefits Program, but I am still working full-time in the private sector. Do I still need to enroll in Medicare when I turn 65?

    If you are covered under your current employer’s group health plan in the private sector, you may want to delay enrollment in Medicare Part B.  If you are only enrolled in the Washoe County Retiree Health Benefits Program, then you should not delay enrolling in Medicare.  Retiree insurance is not considered “creditable” coverage by Medicare, so if you do not enroll in Part B at age 65 and decide to enroll later, you will be subject to a late enrollment fee of 10% for each 12-month period beyond your original Part B eligibility date.
  • What is Medicare?

    Medicare is a national social insurance program, administered by the federal government since 1965 that guarantees access to health insurance for Americans who are:

    • Age 65 years and older

    • Under age 65 on Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) or diagnosed with certain diseases including End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and Lou Gehrig's Disease (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS) The original program included:

    • Part A – Hospital Care. Part A is premium-free for most people.

    • Part B – Doctor and Outpatient Care. Part B requires a monthly premium.

    In 2006, the program was expanded to include:

    • Part D – Prescription Drug Coverage. Part D is optional and requires a monthly premium.


Employment Verification


  • Special testing accommodations request

    If you have a disability which requires special testing accommodations, please contact the Department of Human Resources before the scheduled exam, at and include the ADA Special Testing Accommodations Request Form with your request.  Special testing accommodations will be provided in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

  • If I do not pass the exam may I take it again?

    Washoe County does offer an exam retake policy.  If you choose, you may re-take an exam after sixty days and up to one year after testing.  This option to re-test is only available for a position when it is open for recruitment and the same exam is used.  In this circumstance, you will be emailed with the opportunity to re-take the exam or transfer your previous score.  If a re-test is chosen, the most recent score will be used, whether higher or lower.  If it has been less than 60 days or more than one year, re-testing will not be an option.
  • I wasn't notified when my exam date would be or I did not receive my exam scores.

    All correspondence about your application and the position you applied for are sent through email to the email address you provided on your application.  Prior to contacting Washoe County Human Resources, check your email spam folder. Also, please verify your email address is correct by signing in at, be sure to use the User ID and password you previously created.

  • Are exams given for all positions?

    The Department of Human Resources administers examinations to determine which applicants are the most qualified for a particular position.  There is no single exam; examinations are developed to suit duties and responsibilities of each job classification.  The Department of Human Resources uses written and oral examinations, tests of physical ability, and demonstrations of practical skills as testing instruments.  For some positions, the entire examination consists of a rating of education and experience as you describe them in your application.

    Some positions are unclassified and outside of the merit system.  Individuals selected for those positions serve at the pleasure of the hiring authority.  A variety of selection instruments may be used in evaluating candidates for these types of positions.

  • When will my test be scheduled?

    Once the applications have been through final review, applicants who meet the qualifications are generally scheduled to take the exam generally a minimum of one week prior to the exam. The job announcement states the date the exam will occur so applicants are able to plan accordingly when they apply.  Most applicants are scheduled within a single session, however when there is a large number of applicants it may require more than one testing session and applicants will be scheduled in groups.  Also, if the recruitment is open continuously, applicants may be scheduled in groups in the order of the date their applications are received.

  • What type of exam might I expect?

    The tentative examination content is described on page two of the job announcement. Some jobs require a written exam that may consist of short answer, multiple choice, true-false, or essay type questions that are directly related to the job. For example, do not be concerned about taking a spelling exam if you are applying for a maintenance job; you will most likely be asked questions about plumbing, carpentry, painting, etc.

    Not all of Washoe County`s positions require written exams. Some jobs may require a performance test where applicants must perform tasks similar to those performed on the job. For example, clerical applicants may take a typing test. For certain jobs, such as a Sheriff`s Deputy, a physical ability test is also required.

    Another type of exam is an oral exam, which reviews your qualifications,  experience, education and other knowledge, skills and abilities required for the job. This type of exam is still structured and scored by a panel, but it does give you the opportunity to express yourself, and to discuss what unique qualifications you bring to the position. It also gives you the opportunity to ask questions about the job.

    The examination process may consist of one or any combination of these types of exams. Each portion of the examination is required to be taken in order to be considered. The passing score is determined by a statistical evaluation of the exam scores. Applicants are notified of their exam results by email.

  • When will I be notified if I am eligible to take the examination?

    Review page two of the job announcement which provides the date of the exam.  After you have submitted your application and the Recruiting Analyst has determined that the minimum qualifications have been met, you will receive an email at the email address you provided on your application.  This email notification is generally sent approximately one week before the examination notifying you of your exam date, time and location.
  • When will I receive my exam scores?

    Exam scores will be emailed to you within 1-2 weeks of taking the examination, larger exams may take up to 4 weeks to score.  
  • Where will the examination be held?

    You will be provided the location by email approximately one week before the examination date. Refer to the examination date on page two of the job announcement.
  • What is an examination and why do I have to take one?

    The term "examination" refers to the selection method used to rank all candidates for a particular classification. Applicants applying for employment with the Washoe County Merit System are required to go through an "examination" process. Depending upon the position for which you are applying, examinations may consist of written, oral, performance, physical agility tests, involve a rating of past experience and training, or be comprised of a combination of such exams.

Interview and Selection

  • How long do lists of qualified candidates last?

    Most lists remain active for at least 1 year, but no longer than 3 years.  If you are on a list that is being replaced before 3 years has passed, you may be notified to reapply and retest.
  • Where am I ranked on the eligible list?

    All candidates on the list are ranked in score order, based on the number of eligible candidates.  If there is a tie score, the candidates receive the same ranking.  For example, if two people have a score of 86.44 and are ranked at #8 then both are ranked 8.  If the next candidate’s score on the list is an 87,  that candidate  would be ranked 7 due to  their higher score.

    Promotional candidates are ranked at the top of the list followed by open competitive candidates  to complete the list.  Departments receive an even number of candidates from the Promotional and Open Competitive groups based on how many they wish to interview. For example:  If a department requests 6 names to interview, they will receive the top three Promotional candidate’s names and the top three Open Competitive candidate’s names.

  • I didn't get notified about an interview or receive my ranking.

    All correspondence about your application, testing and ranking are sent through email to the email address you provided on your application.  Prior to contacting Washoe County Human Resources, be sure to check your email spam folder. Hiring departments have the option to contact you directly to schedule an interview; therefore, you may receive notification either from Human Resources or the hiring department.

  • Can my rank ever change?

    Yes, there are two ways your rank may change. If the examination is open continuous, new names will be added to the list each time the tests are administered. If another applicant scores higher than you, your rank will be lowered. It is also possible for you to advance higher on the eligible list as others are hired or removed for other reasons such as finding other jobs. 
  • When will I be notified for an interview?

    As vacancies occur, the Department of Human Resources refers a list of eligible candidates to a hiring department. Candidates may be notified for an interview by either the Department of Human Resources or the hiring department.  Interview notices may be made by phone or email. 

On-line Application

  • Can I apply for more than one job at a time?

    Yes, once you have completed your online application through our online application system and submitted, you can apply for multiple positions that are currently open and on the Job Opportunities web page. Even days or weeks later, all you have to do to apply for another job is to log back on to the online application system and apply using the same User ID and password you created. The last application you submitted will still be in the system available for you to update and/or submit for another job opening. 

  • How does the application process work?

    Applicants can complete their applications online from any computer with Internet access. After the closing date, applications will be screened by the recruitment staff and all applicants will be notified by email of their results.  Additional information is available at Recruitment and Selection Process.

  • How long does it take to complete the online application?

    The time it takes depends on several factors including the amount of work experience and education you have to enter, how fast you can type, whether you copy and paste information, etc. You should allow 20-45 minutes for the total process. However, you can speed up the process by collecting important information about previous work experience, education, certifications, etc. before you start creating your application. If you find you are missing a piece of information requested on the application, you may be able to skip the field and go back later to complete it. If you decide to do this, it is important that you return and complete the missing information BEFORE you submit your application for a specific job opening. The application does not have a SAVE option, you must be ready to submit your application when you log in. The information on your application when you apply will be used to evaluate your qualifications for the job opening for which you apply--make sure it is accurate and contains all information requested as well as any specific attachments that are required.

  • Can I apply by sending my application via mail?

    We do not accept mailed applications.  All applications must be completed using the online application system when the position is posted on the Job Opportunities web page.

  • This is my first time applying what do I do?

    Create a new account by going to Click the “Create an Account” button and an email will be sent to the email address you entered. Then, go to your email to validate your account and you will create a password at this time. Be sure to create a unique User ID and note it somewhere safe for future use. You will need it to reset your password should you misplace it at any time.  (IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY APPLIED, PLEASE DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.  USE YOUR PREVIOUSLY CREATED ACCOUNT OR YOU WILL HAVE TO RE-CREATE YOUR APPLICATION--NOT RECOMMENDED.)
  • Can someone help me complete the online application?

    HR staff members are available to help applicants get started and to answer questions about the online application system. Visit the Human Resources Department at the Washoe County Complex,1001 E. Ninth Street, Administration Building A, Room 220,  Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm or call 775-328-2081.

  • How do I apply for a job?

    The online application process has five steps:

    1. Reviewing the job listing and all documents listed for the title (job announcement-found when title is clicked and job description-found under title).
    2. Selecting "Apply Online" for the position of interest.
    3. Registering by creating a unique User ID and password. This will enable you to come back and apply for additional positions as well as check on the status of a position. 
    4. Creating, completing, reviewing and submitting your online application. 
    5. Application confirmation received in the inbox of your registered email address that will include your Applicant ID number.

    It's important that you read and follow all instructions carefully.  Review the Job Opportunities web page to find any open positions that interest you. Once you identify an open position of interest, click on the job title to bring up the Job Announcement, review page two of the job announcement for exam and specific requirements for the position. Review the details, if you meet the qualifications and would like to apply to the posting, click on the associated link that says "Apply Online". This will begin the application process. Once the application is submitted, you will receive a confirmation number via email. This email confirms that we received your application for this position.

    Be sure to remember your User ID and password so you can log back on to the system at a future time. You should make a note of these and keep it handy. Please do NOT create a second account. If you forget your User ID and/or password, please contact

  • Will a mobile device work with the online application?

    Yes! Your mobile device and all internet browsers will work with the online application.

  • Why am I receiving multiple password reset emails?

    If your browser caches (saves) the page then you will see the same “welcome back” screen & get the email message to reset your password.  You will need to close all open browsers to allow the screen to refresh, then go to your email and retrieve the message with instructions to reset your password.  If you still have issues, please manually clear your cache or restart your device.

  • I am a County employee will I continue to use my network logon and ID to apply?

    County employees that currently have an online application in the system will use the same network User ID (if that is how they created their application) and password to get started.  Once you do this you will be notified that your password must be reset and will receive an email.  This email will arrive within 15 minutes.  Use the email to get started with the new application.  From this point forward the application will no longer be connected to your network password. If you experience any challenges with your network User ID, please do not create or register a new account. Contact the Human Resources Department at 775-328-2081 or

  • What if I do not have a computer or access to the web?

    There are several ways you can still get access to our online application system:

    Public access computers are located in the Human Resources Department`s main lobby (located in the Administration Building A, 2nd floor) at the Washoe County Complex, 1001 East Ninth Street, Suite 220, Reno 89512 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

    Washoe County Public Libraries - Branch Location and Hours

    Nevada Job Connect Centers.

    Public community colleges and universities.

    Internet cafes.

  • Is my previous application still going to be available?

    Yes, as long as you use your previously created User ID.  This is the only way to have access to your previous application.  If you do not have this information you may contact the Human Resources Department at 775-328-2081 or  You may be asked to come to the Human Resources Office with a valid Photo I.D., in order to obtain assistance with access to your account. Otherwise, you will need to create a new account and start over with a new application.  Be sure to save your User ID and password in a safe place for future use.

  • Will my previous login work even though it was created many years ago?

    Yes, you may access your application account with your previous User ID.  Once you do this you will be notified that your password must be reset and will receive an email.  This email will arrive within 15 minutes.  The email will contain instructions to help you get started with the new online application process. If you do not have your User ID, please contact the Human Resources department via or at 775-328-2081.

  • Can I save my application before I finish completing it?

    No.  The system requires that you complete all of the required fields indicated with a red asterisk in order for the application to be submitted.  It is recommended that you schedule enough time to complete the application in one session as the system will time-out after 45 minutes of inactivity and it does not provide a save option.

  • How can I update my address and phone number on the online application?

    Sign on to your application history using your previously created User ID and password using this link Once logged in, you can update your contact information, once the changes are made, click “Update my Details.” You are also able to view a list of positions you have applied for and the online application; however, you are not able to make any changes to the online application once the recruitment is closed or your application status has been updated (anything other than "New Application" status).

  • Who will see my application if I use the online application system?

    Your application is on a secure web server and will be available to the Human Resources Department and the interviewer(s) for the specific job opening for which you apply. If the same position becomes available in a different department or with a different supervisor, your application may be reviewed for that opening by the responsible supervisor. Washoe County does not share its database with other companies or localities.


  • Quick Tips - Preparing to Apply for a Job Opening or Training and Experience Exam

  • How do I access my previous application? How do I change personal contact information?

    Please log into the online application system using the link listed below. You may also find a thumbnail that will direct you to the login page for previous applications on the Careers homepage. Your login information is the user id and password you created when you applied online.  Once you log in, you may ONLY update your contact information (address, city, state, zip code, phone number and email address). 

    Please note:  You will be able to view the list of positions you have previously applied for and your online applications, however, you may not make any changes to the online application if the position you applied for is no longer open online.

  • I've been working for the County for a long time. Why do I have to fill out an application?

    Applications are required of each person applying for a position. It is likely that you may have acquired additional skills, experience and education since you originally applied that should be considered. In addition, completing an online application ensures your qualifications and personal information will be documented and ensures accurate applicant tracking information for every position.
  • Is there a filing deadline for my application?

    Most recruitments have a closing date on the announcement, which means that the deadline for filing applications is midnight on the day noted in the job announcement.

    This procedure is followed when it is certain that a sufficient number of applications will be received within a specified time. It is important to note this information when applying in order to submit your official application before the deadline. In either case, it is in your best interest to return application materials promptly.

    Some recruitments are "open until further notice," meaning official Washoe County employment applications will be taken until further notice as no deadline has been set. Recruitments are announced this way when it is unknown how long it will take to obtain a sufficient number of applications. 

  • How do I find out what jobs are available?

    Visit our online website to search for jobs that are currently available. A list of available positions can be viewed 24 hours a day at Job Opportunities.

    For a full listing of Washoe County job descriptions - see Job Specifications and Salaries 
    Sign up for Washoe County cMail Email Subscription Service, you will receive email updates on the job openings as they are posted on Washoe County’s Job Opportunities online recruitment page.

    To sign up for the cMail Email Subscription Service go to and create a new account. You just need an email address and password to get started.

  • I missed the deadline - can I still apply?

    As with any open position, once a closing date (deadline) has passed, no applications will be accepted. Please continue to visit the Job Opportunities page and apply for new jobs as they become available.
  • Who do I contact for further information about the job position or classification?

    If you have additional questions after reviewing the job posting, please contact the Recruiting Analyst whose email address and telephone number is listed on the job announcement.

    Or view the job specification on the Job Specification web page,

  • Will I be notified either way if I have met the training and experience qualifications?

    You will be notified via email within a few weeks of the closing date of the job posting notifying you that: A) you have met the qualifications and you are proceeding to the examination, or B) your application did not indicate that you have the necessary qualifications for the job.  The Department of Human Resources generally will not call you.

    If you believe that the Department of Human Resources has failed to correctly evaluate your qualifications, you may file a request for review within 5 working days of the notification date.

  • Can I obtain a blank application form to fill out although there are no current jobs I want to apply for?

    No.  Washoe County only accepts online application for current open vacancies.  There are often supplemental questionnaires, training and experience evaluations, or special instructions that go with specific job postings.  If an application is submitted without these attachments, you may be disqualified from the exam process.
  • When will a certain job open?

    There is no sure method of knowing when a classification will be opened.  Your best source for up-to-date information is to go to the Job Opportunities web page.

    Sign up for Washoe County cMail Email Subscription Service, you will receive email updates on the job openings as they are posted on Washoe County’s Job Opportunities online recruitment page.

    To sign up for the cMail Email Subscription Service go to and create a new account. You just need an email address and password to get started.

  • What types of jobs are available?

    Washoe County has over 300 different classifications of positions performing a wide variety of job duties. The County offers a comprehensive benefit package to full-time employees hired in authorized positions. Washoe County accepts applications only for positions for which we are actively recruiting.

    Sheriff`s Office vacancies are also advertised on the County`s online application system. To learn more about the job requirements for deputy sheriff recruit, visit the Sheriff`s Office.

  • The job has a typing requirement. Do I need to submit a typing certificate?

    If a typing requirement is listed as a necessary skill for a specific job, there is no requirement that you submit proof or typing certificates at the time of application unless specified on the job announcement. Some departments may require a typing test prior to the interview, at which time you will be provided with the specific details to move forward in the hiring process.
  • Where can I find out information about employment with Washoe County School District?

    The Washoe County School District is a separate agency.  Visit the Washoe County School District`s web site at
  • Where can I complete an application?

    Applications are accepted via our online application system.  Go to the Job Opportunities page and select "Apply Online". On the login screen select "Create an Account" link and complete the required fields.  You will be creating a unique user ID and password.  Please save your user ID and password for future applications.   

    Once you have registered, you may apply for any of the open positions listed on the Job Opportunities page--simply click on `Apply Online`, sign in and apply for the position. 

    Kiosks are set up in the Human Resources lobby, 1001 East Ninth St, Reno, NV 89512, County Complex, Building A, 2nd Floor - Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM  for those without Internet access or you may use the computers at any WC Libraries.
