- Careers
- Benefits
- Labor Relations
- Policies
- Organizational Effectiveness
- About HR
- Employment Verification
- Recruitment
- Online Application
- Examinations
- Interview and Selection
- Benefits - Cobra
- Benefits - Medicare
- Benefits - Deferred Compensation
- Benefits - GAP
- Benefits - Health Saving Account
- Can I have and participate in an HSA if I am on Medicare?
- Can I pay my health insurance premiums with an HSA?
- Can I purchase long-term care insurance with money from my HSA?
- Can I roll the money from my HSA into an IRA?
- Can I stay on the HSA/HDHP when I retire from Washoe County?
- Can I use my HSA to pay for medical services provided in other countries?
- Can my employer contribute to my HSA?
- Do I have to contribute to my HSA? Can I change my contribution amount at anytime?
- Do I have to use the HSA in conjunction with the HDHP?
- Do unused funds in an HSA roll over year after year?
- How do I access funds in my HSA?
- How do I know if the HSA is a good choice for me?
- How much does it cost to maintain my bank account with American Fidelity?
- I am an active employee that has access to, but I am not utilizing, veteran’s benefits or Tri- Care. Can I enroll in the HSA/HDHP?
- I have a 25 year-old dependent on my health plan. Can I add them to the HSA/HDHP?
- I have a current FSA for medical and dependent care reimbursements. How will this impact my ability to join the HSA/HDHP plan?
- In what bank will HSA contributions be deposited and will those funds be FDIC insured?
- Is the network of doctors for the HDHP the same as for the current PPO Plan?
- My spouse and I both currently work at Washoe County. Can we both have an HSA/HDHP?
- My spouse has a Flexible Spending Account or Health Reimbursement Arrangement through their employer. Can I still have an HSA through my employment with Washoe County?
- What happens if I spend more than I have in the account?
- What happens if I use the money in my HSA for expenses other than medical?
- What happens to the money in an HSA after I turn age 65?
- What is a Health Savings Account?
- What is a limited-purpose Flexible Spending Account (FSA)?
- What is a qualified High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)?
- What is the difference between an FSA and an HSA?
- What is the maximum amount of pre-tax dollars that I can contribute to an HSA?
- Who decides whether the money I’m spending from my HSA is for “qualified medical expense?”
- Who is administering our HDHP claims?
- Who will be the “bookkeeper” for my HSA?
- Would dental and vision coverage be the same as they are now?
- What if I contribute more than the employee contribution limit?
- I want to cover my domestic partner on my HDHP. Can I use the HSA funds to pay for out-of-pocket expenses?
- What happens to HSA funds when an employee is no longer covered by the qualifying High Deductible Health Plan leaves Washoe County, or turns age 65?
- Benefits - Life Insurance
- Benefits-Medical Insurance
- Benefits-Obra
- Benefits - Retirees
- Boards & Committees
- Compliance
I have a current FSA for medical and dependent care reimbursements. How will this impact my ability to join the HSA/HDHP plan?
You will need to spend all your FSA money by December 31, 2024 in order to contribute an HSA. You do have the option of enrolling in Limited Purpose FSA if you are participating in the HDHP/HSA; however, the Limited Purpose FSA is for vision and dental expenses only.
You will still be able to enroll and participate in the dependent care FSA.