- Careers
- Benefits
- Labor Relations
- Policies
- Organizational Effectiveness
- About HR
- Employment Verification
- Recruitment
- Online Application
- Examinations
- Interview and Selection
- Benefits - Cobra
- Benefits - Medicare
- Benefits - Deferred Compensation
- Benefits - GAP
- Benefits - Health Saving Account
- Benefits - Life Insurance
- Benefits-Medical Insurance
- Benefits-Obra
- Benefits - Retirees
- Can I name more than one beneficiary to my life insurance?
- Can only family members be named as the beneficiary to my life insurance?
- Do I lose my life insurance benefit when I retire?
- How does the $1,000 beneficiary benefit work?
- What is the difference between a primary and a contingent beneficiary?
- Am I required to receive care only from contracted providers?
- Can I change my health plan upon retirement?
- Do the Washoe County health plans include prescription drug coverage?
- Can I add and/or delete a dependent when I transfer to a Retiree Health Plan?
- How much would it cost to add my dependent?
- I see preventative and routine medical care is now covered at 100%. What exactly does this include?
- If I am responsible for any premiums, how will the deductions work with my PERS check?
- What if I am retiring out of the area?
- What if I do not want to make any changes to my insurance during Open Enrollment?
- What if I do not want to make any changes to my insurance when I retire?
- What if I want to continue my dental insurance when I retire?
- What is the GAP Plan?
- What is the Medicare Advantage Plan?
- Can I utilize the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) after I retire?
- Do I need to do anything with my Deferred Compensation Account through Voya?
- Can I continue my American Fidelity and/or Western insurance coverage after I retire?
- Can I do a one-time only deferral into my Voya account from my last check?
- What if I want to stop a voluntary deduction prior to my last check?
- When I receive my vacation, sick and/or compensation payoff, how will it be taxed?
- When will I receive my pay-off check and can it be separate from my normal check?
- Who issues my retirement checks?
- What if I predecease my spouse? Will they still be entitled to any beneficiary benefit?
- How do I find out if my doctor is a provider on my plan?
- How do I find out more about the plans offered through the Retiree Health Benefits Program?
- How do I find out more information about the Medicare Advantage Plan?
- How do I add or delete a dependent?
- Boards & Committees
- Compliance
How do I add or delete a dependent?
You must complete a new enrollment form in its entirety, as it replaces all previous forms, and return it to Human Resources along with any applicable documentation.
Under the new Health Care Reform Bill, you may cover your child/children to age 26 if they are not eligible for coverage under another employer-sponsored group health program. They do not have to be a full-time student, living with you, and/or dependent upon your financial support.
If you are adding a domestic partner, you must do so within 31 days of filing the declaration of domestic partnership, or during the annual Open Enrollment period.
Who issues my retirement checks?
Your retirement checks are issued directly from PERS. Please contact them at 775-687-4200 if you have any questions or concerns about your monthly retirement checks. -
Can I continue my American Fidelity and/or Western insurance coverage after I retire?
Yes, but you will need to contact the applicable company directly to make arrangements for payment:
- American Fidelity 775-829-1313
- Western Insurance 775-826-2333
Do I need to do anything with my Deferred Compensation Account through Voya?
You may have several options available to you in regard to your Deferred Compensation Account. For more information, please contact their local representative Tom Verducci at 775-530-3089. -
Can I utilize the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) after I retire?
This benefit is available up to three months after your retirement date. You may contact GuidanceResources for assistance at 844-209-0463. -
What is the difference between a primary and a contingent beneficiary?
Your contingent beneficiary comes into play only in the event that the primary beneficiary has predeceased them. -
Do I lose my life insurance benefit when I retire?
The County provides $20,000 of life and accidental death & dismemberment insurance for all benefited-employees, as well as a $1,000 benefit for those beneficiaries who are covered under your health insurance plan. You will retain this benefit as a retiree for as long as you are covered under the County’s Retiree Health Benefit Program. However, the benefit reduces to $13,000 at age 65, and once again to $7,000 at age 70. -
Can I name more than one beneficiary to my life insurance?
Yes. You may name as many primary beneficiaries as you want as long as you indicate the desired percentage of distribution. For example, if you name two children, you may want to show that each of them is entitled to 50% of the benefit. You may also list contingent beneficiaries as well. -
How does the $1,000 beneficiary benefit work?
The County provides $1,000 of life insurance for dependents who are carried on the participant’s health insurance plan. In the event a dependent dies while on the participant’s insurance, the participant would receive $1,000 in life insurance. -
Can only family members be named as the beneficiary to my life insurance?
You can name anyone as your beneficiary, regardless of your relationship. However, if you name a minor, the life insurance company will typically place the benefit in a Trust until that minor turns 18 years of age. -
What if I predecease my spouse? Will they still be entitled to any beneficiary benefit?
No, not unless they are eligible to enroll onto the retiree insurance. In that case, they would have the $1,000 life insurance benefit for as long as they remain on the plan. -
Can I add and/or delete a dependent when I transfer to a Retiree Health Plan?
You may add or delete a dependent at this time since the Retiree Plans are not subject to the Section 125 Internal Revenue Code restrictions (premiums are now post-tax). -
Can I change my health plan upon retirement?
Yes. Retirement is considered a qualifying life event so you are able to change health plans at this time. You may also change plans during any Open Enrollment period (mid-October through mid-November) for a January 1 effective date. -
Am I required to receive care only from contracted providers?
Members of the Surest and the Senior Care Plus Medicare Advantage Plan must receive care only from the physicians, hospitals and other health care providers that are contracted to provide services for Surest Plan and Senior Care Plus.
If you are on the Self-funded PPO or High Deductible Health Plan, you will receive a better rate if you use contracted providers, but you do have flexibility.
What if I want to continue my dental insurance when I retire?
Although dental insurance is an optional coverage and not part of your Retiree Health Benefit, you may purchase this coverage for yourself and your dependents at your cost. The monthly premiums are posted in the Benefits section on the Washoe County Retirees webpage. Premiums are updated annually. -
How much would it cost to add my dependent?
Current insurance rates can be found in the Benefits section on the Washoe County Retirees webpage. -
Do the Washoe County health plans include prescription drug coverage?
Yes. Visit the websites below to check drug prices, view your prescription history, locate pharmacies near you, and enroll in the pharmacy mail order program.
• Self-funded PPO or High Deductible Health Plan: www.maxorplus.com (or call 1-800-687-0707)
• Surest: OptumRx (or call 1-888-290-5416)
What is the GAP Plan?
The GAP Plan was first introduced in FY 10/11 and is available in conjunction with the HMO Plan only. Washoe County pays the cost of the GAP plan for all employees enrolled in the HMO Plan; however, it is an elective coverage for dependents and employees are responsible for those premiums. Provided by American Fidelity, the GAP Plan is designed to reimburse the following out-of-pocket expenses up to:
• $1,000 per inpatient hospital confinement
• $200 for certain outpatient services
• $25 for non-routine doctors visits (limit of $125 per family per year)
For more information about the GAP Plan including rates or how to enroll/delete a dependent, you must contact American Fidelity directly at 775-829-1313.
If I am responsible for any premiums, how will the deductions work with my PERS check?
You will receive your pension check from PERS at the end of each month. Insurance premiums are deducted one month in advance. For example, the premium deducted from the PERS Pension check in January is to pay for February’s premium; February’s deduction pays for March’s premium, etc.
Upon your initial retirement, you will be responsible for submitting your portion of the first month’s insurance premium to Human Resources along with the completed Retiree Health Benefits Enrollment form. The exact amounts (which are sometimes pro-rated) will be calculated for you by our Benefits Specialist.
What is the Medicare Advantage Plan?
The HMO Medicare Advantage Plan was added to the Washoe County Retiree Health Benefits Program in FY 10/11. The coverage is provided through Senior Care Plus, and is available only to those retirees and their dependents with both Medicare parts A and B. Please note that enrollment occurs only on the first of each month. -
How do I find out more information about the Medicare Advantage Plan?
You may contact the Enrollment Specialist at Senior Care Plus at 775-982-3134. -
What if I do not want to make any changes to my insurance when I retire?
You will still need to complete a new Retiree Health Benefits Enrollment form to enroll in the County’s Retiree Health Benefits Program. If you do not submit a new application, the assumption will be made that you do not wish to continue your health insurance through Washoe County and your insurance will terminate as of your last day of employment. -
What if I do not want to make any changes to my insurance during Open Enrollment?
If you do not wish to make any changes to your insurance plan during the annual Open Enrollment period, you do not need to complete a new form. -
What if I am retiring out of the area?
If you are starting your new life as a retiree outside of Washoe County, you are eligible for the PPO, HDHP, and the Surest Plan.
Please update your contact information with Health Benefits any time you change your address, and remember that if you move out of the local area in the future, it may be necessary to change your choice of health plans.
How do I find out if my doctor is a provider on my plan?
Please contact the following listed providers:
- PPO Plan administered by UMR with the United Healthcare Choice Plus Network, visit www.umr.com or call 800-826-9781.
- Surest Plan, visit www.join.surest.com or call Customer Service at 1-866-683-6440.
- Senior Care Plus Medicare Advantage Plan, go to www.seniorcareplus.com. Click on provider directory, choose Senior Care Plus HMO, enter the provider's name and click search. Or you may contact Hometown Health Customer Service at 775-982-3112.
I see preventative and routine medical care is now covered at 100%. What exactly does this include?
For a full description of what services meet the definition of preventative and routine medical care, please refer to your plan summary or contact your plan administrator directly:
- Surest participants can contact Surest Plan Customer Service at 866-683-6440.
- High Deductible Health Plan participants can contact UMR Customer Service at 800-826-9781.
- Senior Care Plus Medicare Advantage participants can contact Senior Care Plus Customer Service at 775-982-3112.
- PPO Plan participants can contact UMR Customer Service at 800-826-9781.
How do I find out more about the plans offered through the Retiree Health Benefits Program?
We strongly encourage all retirees to attend one of the Open Enrollment meetings scheduled each year. If for some reason you cannot attend, you may contact one of our Benefits Specialists, Kristie Harmon at (775) 328-2079, Molly Hodges at (775) 325-8111, or Christine Kirkland at (775) 328-2099 to set up an appointment. -
When will I receive my pay-off check and can it be separate from my normal check?
Separate checks are not issued for pay-offs; you will receive your final check on a normal payday. -
Can I do a one-time only deferral into my Voya account from my last check?
Yes. You will need to contact the local Voya Representative, Tom Verducci at 775-530-3089, to complete a Contribution Change form which must then be forwarded to Payroll at least ten days prior to your retirement. -
What if I want to stop a voluntary deduction prior to my last check?
You need to notify the Comptroller’s (Payroll) in writing or by e-mail at least ten days prior to your retirement date to insure your requested changes can be made.
Office of the Comptroller, P O Box 11130, Reno NV 89520-0027; email: payroll@washoecounty.gov -
When I receive my vacation, sick and/or compensation payoff, how will it be taxed?
Washoe County is a biweekly payer; all checks are taxed biweekly. Please consult your tax advisor for advice.