- Careers
- Benefits
- Labor Relations
- Policies
- Organizational Effectiveness
- About HR
- Employment Verification
- Recruitment
- Online Application
- Examinations
- Interview and Selection
- Benefits - Cobra
- Benefits - Medicare
- Benefits - Deferred Compensation
- Benefits - GAP
- Benefits - Health Saving Account
- Benefits - Life Insurance
- Benefits-Medical Insurance
- Benefits-Obra
- Benefits - Retirees
- Can I name more than one beneficiary to my life insurance?
- Can only family members be named as the beneficiary to my life insurance?
- Do I lose my life insurance benefit when I retire?
- How does the $1,000 beneficiary benefit work?
- What is the difference between a primary and a contingent beneficiary?
- Am I required to receive care only from contracted providers?
- Can I change my health plan upon retirement?
- Do the Washoe County health plans include prescription drug coverage?
- Can I add and/or delete a dependent when I transfer to a Retiree Health Plan?
- How much would it cost to add my dependent?
- I see preventative and routine medical care is now covered at 100%. What exactly does this include?
- If I am responsible for any premiums, how will the deductions work with my PERS check?
- What if I am retiring out of the area?
- What if I do not want to make any changes to my insurance during Open Enrollment?
- What if I do not want to make any changes to my insurance when I retire?
- What if I want to continue my dental insurance when I retire?
- What is the GAP Plan?
- What is the Medicare Advantage Plan?
- Can I utilize the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) after I retire?
- Do I need to do anything with my Deferred Compensation Account through Voya?
- Can I continue my American Fidelity and/or Western insurance coverage after I retire?
- Can I do a one-time only deferral into my Voya account from my last check?
- What if I want to stop a voluntary deduction prior to my last check?
- When I receive my vacation, sick and/or compensation payoff, how will it be taxed?
- When will I receive my pay-off check and can it be separate from my normal check?
- Who issues my retirement checks?
- What if I predecease my spouse? Will they still be entitled to any beneficiary benefit?
- How do I find out if my doctor is a provider on my plan?
- How do I find out more about the plans offered through the Retiree Health Benefits Program?
- How do I find out more information about the Medicare Advantage Plan?
- How do I add or delete a dependent?
- Boards & Committees
- Compliance
What is the GAP Plan?
The GAP Plan was first introduced in FY 10/11 and is available in conjunction with the HMO Plan only. Washoe County pays the cost of the GAP plan for all employees enrolled in the HMO Plan; however, it is an elective coverage for dependents and employees are responsible for those premiums. Provided by American Fidelity, the GAP Plan is designed to reimburse the following out-of-pocket expenses up to:
• $1,000 per inpatient hospital confinement
• $200 for certain outpatient services
• $25 for non-routine doctors visits (limit of $125 per family per year)
For more information about the GAP Plan including rates or how to enroll/delete a dependent, you must contact American Fidelity directly at 775-829-1313.