Traffic and Roadway Engineering
Community traffic infrastructure, design, installation and maintenance is completed by Washoe County Community Services Department Engineering and Operations Teams, and Local Regional Partners working closely together to ensure connectivity between jurisdictions within Washoe County, Nevada.Traffic and Roadway Contacts
Submit a Traffic Concern
To share road/traffic concerns and identify possible solutions in unincorporated Washoe County, please submit a request for service through Washoe311 and attach the Engineering traffic request form. For more information, review Washoe County's traffic calming policy which may be useful to answer your most common questions.
Submit a Traffic Signal Malfunction
To report a traffic signal malfunction, please call RTC at (775) 335-ROAD or 335-7623. If you have difficulty or need additional support, please submit a request for service through Washoe311 or reach out to Washoe 311 at 3-1-1 (775-328-2003) or
Report Traffic Lights or Sign Issue
To report and issue with traffic lights or missing signs within unincorporated Washoe County, connect with the Washoe County Road's team or submit a request for service online.
Learn about Pavement Condition and Submit a Concern
Washoe County uses revenues from gas taxes to maintain roads according to the pavement condition index. A pavement condition index provides a simple method to balance maintenance and replacement of roads with available funds.
Private Construction in Right of Way
For permitting, standards and process for road-way construction projects within unincorporated Washoe County is obtained from the Washoe County CSD Engineering Team.
Regional Street Naming
Part of the land development process requires the naming of streets and roadways. This process is completed regionally with a cooperative effort between Washoe County CSD Engineering, the City of Reno, and the City of Sparks.
Presumed Public Roads
Is this road public or private? Maps of presumed public roads are available for reference and public use/access to public land on our regional mapping system. Visit ez maps presumed roads for more information.
Snow Removal Maintenance and Ditches
Washoe County Roads Team is always available to complete anticipated and emergency road issues in unincorporated Washoe County. The team works closely with our engineering team.