Community Services

Capital Projects and Facilities

The Capital Projects team is responsible for the inventory, construction, major repair, and maintenance of assets and infrastructure owned by Washoe County including buildings, parks, and facilities for the Washoe County Sheriff and Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District. We perform engineering and project management, and oversee both the design and construction of new facilities and improvements to existing facilities. We work with contractors and consultants to make sure all construction is built to County specifications and completed within budget. Capital Projects are funded by the County or through grant funds.

Capital Improvement Program

Pursuant to Nevada Revised Statute 354.5945, Washoe County must prepare an annual capital plan for the upcoming fiscal year and the ensuing five fiscal years. The Washoe County Capital Improvements Program (CIP) is a five-year plan for maintaining existing infrastructure and building or acquiring new facilities to meet demands from growth, legal mandates, and health and safety issues. It is used to link the County's physical development planning with fiscal planning.

Washoe County’s CIP includes major projects requiring the expenditure of public funds, over and above annual operating expenses, for the purchase, construction, or replacement of the physical assets of the community. Major capital projects are normally non-recurring (e.g. new buildings, streets, utility systems, land for parks, investments in new technology, etc.) and have a cost of at least $100,000. Many of the projects submitted through the CIP process have been previously analyzed and prioritized by other committees, boards and working groups representing elected and appointed officials, citizens, and staff. Approved CIP projects are included in the final budget filed with the Department of Taxation. Washoe County adopts its 5-year CIP in May of each year after the operating budget is adopted.

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