Land Development Services (Engineering)
The Washoe County CSD Engineering, Capital Projects, & Utility Division performs land development review for compliance with the Washoe County Development Code. Many of the forms provided below can be filled out electronically and printed for submission.
Please visit the Engineering Standard Details page for PDF and AutoCAD (DWG) files for design, materials, and construction methods related to streets, drainage, utilities, sewer and reclaimed water facilities, fire hydrants, and other areas of public works construction. Separate web pages are dedicated to:
Final Subdivision Map Forms
- Final Subdivision Map Submittal Checklist (PDF) updated 11/30/2023
- Development Services Application (PDF) updated 3/31/2017
- Subdivision Improvement Agreement (PDF) updated 11/28/2023
- Irrevocable Offer of Dedication (DOCX) updated 5/15/2024
- Public Works Bond Estimate: Engineers Estimate Exhibit A (XLSX) or Engineers Estimate Exhibit A (PDF) updated 11/28/2023
- Engineering Cost Schedule Inspection Fee Estimate Worksheet (XLSX) or Cost Schedule Inspection Fee Estimate Worksheet (PDF) updated 3/3/2025
- Materials Testing and Inspection Requirements (PDF) updated 1/10/2024
- Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain Acceptance Requirements (PDF) updated 1/17/2024
Financial Assurance Forms
- Financial Assurance Request Form (PDF) updated 11/25/2024
- Subdivision Faithful Performance Bond (PDF)
- Subdivision Irrevocable Letter of Credit (PDF)
- Subdivision Renewing Time Certificate of Deposit (PDF)
- Subdivision Savings Account or Money Market Account (PDF)
- Special Use Permit Irrevocable Letter of Credit (PDF)
- Grading/Paving Faithful Performance Bond (PDF)
- Grading/Paving Irrevocable Letter of Credit (PDF)
- Grading Renewing Time Certificate of Deposit (PDF)
- Grading Savings Account or Money Market Account (PDF)
Projects with Flood Control and Drainage Systems
The Truckee Meadows Stormwater Quality Management Program, a joint effort between Reno, Sparks, and Washoe County, has a wealth of information including Design Manuals, Structural Controls Guidance Manuals, Truckee River Watershed Map tools, the Truckee River Info Gateway (TRIG), and a Watershed MapServer.
The 2009 Truckee Meadows Regional Drainage Manual and accompanying Errata is used by City of Reno, City of Sparks, and Washoe County to ensure consistency in analysis, planning, and design of projects with flood control and drainage components.
Design Manuals
- Truckee Meadows Structural Controls Design and Low Impact Development Manual (PDF)
- Truckee Meadows Industrial and Commercial Storm Water Best Management Practices Handbook (PDF)
- Truckee Meadows Construction Site Best Management Practices Handbook (PDF)
Stormwater & Drainage Easement Forms
- Construction Stormwater Checklist (PDF) updated 1/6/25
- Temporary Blanket Drainage Easement (PDF)
- Permanent Owner-Maintained Drainage Easement (PDF)
Development in Special Flood Hazard Areas
The Division also reviews all new development located in special flood hazard areas (FEMA Flood Zones). All development in the flood zones are controlled by Washoe County's Ordinance No. 416 (flood regulations), and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regulations. Flood Insurance Rate Maps are the official community maps on which FEMA has delineated both the special hazard areas and the risk premium zones applicable to a community. The CSD Engineering & Capital Projects Division is the repository for the Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Washoe County.
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) webpage provides information on the program to a variety of audiences including surveyors.
The NFIP Elevation Certificate is an administrative tool used to provide elevation information necessary to ensure compliance with community floodplain management ordinances, to determine the proper insurance premium rate, or support a request for a Letter of Map Amendment.