Community Services

Stead (STEA) GPS Base Station

Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District
Station 3
10575 Silver Lake Blvd
Reno, Nevada

Site Details

  • Mapping Indentifier: N22SM01037
  • Datum: NAD83/94 (HARN)
  • Latitude: 39° 37' 31.936680" N
  • Longitude: 119° 53' 01.166280" W
  • Ellipsoid Height: 1534.864 meters
  • Elevation Mask: 10°
  • Logging Interval: 5 seconds
  • Rollover Period: 2 hours
  • ARP Antenna Height: 0
  • Site Coordinate Text File
  • Log File

Data collected with Trimble NetR5 receiver with Trimble Zephyr Geodetic antennae.

Data Files


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