Community Services

Prepare Ahead: Flood Emergencies

During a flood, protecting yourself and your family is more important than any possession. To prepare for a flood event, connect with the Washoe County Office of Emergency Management. There are opportunities to increase the time that you have to seek safe shelter by staying informed and preparing ahead. 

Sign up to receive emergency alerts through the Washoe County Emergency Management Regional Alerts. This vital communication system is used to notify Washoe County residents of impending flood or other emergencies.
Familiarize yourself with resources for imminent flooding. Sandbag locations have been regionally established and remain consistent to improve accessibility and reliability for all residents. Washoe County maintains a convenient interactive map layer within the Washoe Regional Mapping System to mark sandbag locations. 
Assemble an emergency kit and establish a family emergency plan through the Washoe County Office of Emergency Management. Staying alert to upcoming floods and preparing ahead for other emergencies increases the valuable time available to protect you and your family.
Learn more from the State of Nevada Department of Emergency Management. This resource includes valuable information on tool kits, child and youth preparation and animal resources.
Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »
Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »