Housing and Homeless Services

Volunteers and Donations

We would like to thank the community for the abundance of interest in supporting the Nevada Cares Campus and Our Place. To streamline multiple avenues for support, please see volunteer and donation opportunities below:

Volunteer Program  

Thank you for your interest in Housing and Homeless Services programs. If you are interested in volunteering at Our Place, the emergency shelter for women and families experiencing homelessness and/or at the Nevada Cares Campus, the emergency shelter for men and couples experiencing homelessness, complete the volunteer application: 

To sign up click here: Volunteer Opportunities 



Amazon Wishlist

In order to cover the most urgent needs for the clients, please visit the Amazon Wishlist. The list will be updated as needs shift. 

When purchasing an item from this wish list, please make sure to include your name, contact information, and group name (if donating as part of an organized drive).

Washoe County Regional Animal Services (WCRAS)

We have a wonderful partnership with WCRAS who provides pet supplies, including pet food, to the Nevada Cares Campus and Our Place. If interested in donating pet supplies, please connect with WCRAS.


How to Donate Gently Used Items 

If you would like to donate used items, we encourage you to donate to Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada (CCNN) as CCNN is our primary partner for gently used donations. CCNN launders and treats linens and clothing to ensure it is appropriate for reuse/donation.
We have set up a process to request linens from CCNN for participants moving into housing, as part of a move-in box. Catholic Charities also provides clothing, shoes, jackets, hats, etc. to participants; on-site, on a weekly basis. 


Additional Information  

If you are interested in additional engagement opportunities, please contact Washoe County Housing and Homeless Services at:  RegionalHomelessServices@washoecounty.gov

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Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »