Community Training Resources
Best Practice
HUD's Equal Access Rule & Preventing Family Separation Training
This training provides an overview of HUD’s Equal Access Rule and preventing family separation in the provision of homelessness response and housing services. The HUD Equal Access Rule works in conjunction with the federal Fair Housing Act to establish anti-discrimination protections, with a focus on LGBTQIA+ and diverse family populations, throughout HUD-funded projects - including those in the Northern Nevada Continuum of Care.
Northern Nevada Best Practices Training
Best practices are a set of counseling styles, approaches and working strategies where people working with people experiencing homelessness engage in motivational interviewing, trauma informed care and implement a hard reduction strategy.
Northern Nevada Housing First Training
Housing First is an approach where people experiencing homelessness are provided immediate access to housing and then offered the supportive services that may be needed to foster long-term stability and prevent a return to homelessness. This approach removes unnecessary barriers and assumes that supportive services are more effective in addressing needs when the individual or family is housed – when the daily stress of being homeless is taken out of the equation.
Excel 101
This is short introduction to the core features and interface of Excel. It includes a review of commonly used functions, and offers a practical application example for housing provider partners using data in HMIS.
Project Management
Offers an overview of the project management process, its core components including a detailed Gantt chart.
Coordinated Entry
Northern Nevada Coordinated Entry Training
Coordinated Entry is a community wide process meaning no agency has control, and no one agency is left to face the problem alone. To implement Coordinated Entry the Northern Nevada CoC will be utilizing a standardized assessment called the Community Housing Assessment Tool (CHAT). Multiple agencies will be assessing clients using the CHAT creating multiple entry points for access to housing. The CHAT assessment utilizes the federal Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), a database widely used in the Northern Nevada CoC, and through the HMIS system it creates a prioritized Community Housing List. The Community Housing List (Queue) will then be used as the community waiting list for housing – creating fair and equal access.
Northern Nevada CoC Eligibility Documentation Guide
This document provides guidance on how to meet eligibility documentation requirements for HUD-funded CoC programs. To view this document click here.
Northern Nevada CHAT Do's and Dont's for Assessors
To view this document click here.
Emergency Shelter
Jon DeCarmine - Housing Focused Sheltering Training
This training dives deep into the key elements of housing-focused sheltering, low-barrier services, and meaningful engagement with program participants, through the lens of someone who has worked on the frontline for years. To view training document, click here.
Jon DeCarmine - Part l: Low-barrier Services & Engagement
Jon DeCarmine - Part ll: The Continuum of Difficult Behavior
Jon DeCarmine - The Art & Science of Diversion
Effective Diversion: A Key Strategy for Ending Homelessness
This webinar provides an overview of diversion, the best diversion practices, and how communities are implementing diversion to ensure that new federal COVID-19 homelessness resources are most effectively and efficiently targeted.
Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)/ Data
Provides an overview of Northern Nevada’s Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS), its purpose, and how to enter and maintain client data while upholding client confidentiality.
HMIS Exit Data Reference Guide
This document is intended to provide a reference to consult when there is question about how to classify a participant exit.
To view the full document, please click here. Last Revised 10/2023.
Victim Services/ Domestic Violence
Victim Service and Domestic Violence Provider Confidentiality & Policies Training
To view training document click here.
Regional De-Identified Key Mini-Training
Client Confidentiality & De-identified Profiles
Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a local information technology system used to collect client-level data and data on the provision of housing and services to homeless individuals and families and persons at risk of homelessness. The Northern Nevada Continuum of Care (CoC) utilizes HMIS software that complies with HUD's data collection, management, and reporting standards. This training overviews new policies and procedures to de-identify profiles in HMIS. To view training document, click here.
Additional Information
If you are interested in additional information on the Northern Nevada Continuum of Care (CoC) trainings, please contact Washoe County Housing and Homeless Services at: