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90 Day Technical Appeal Period
The 90-Day Technical Appeal Period is anticipated from April 1, 2025, through June 30, 2025, pending FEMA’s initiation and issuance of determination letter.
90-Day Technical Appeal Process
Property owners can challenge floodplain designations if they believe the technical mapping is incorrect.
What’s Needed
- During the 90-Day Technical Appeal Process, complete an Appeal Form.
- Washoe County will forward all appeals to FEMA for review.
- FEMA will make a final determination.
Accepted during technical appeal period, comments may be submitted online, by phone, email or mail.
Online Comments (live link during comment period)
Call: 775-391-8746
Email: engineering@washoecounty.gov
USPS: Washoe County Office
C/O Swan Lake Comment & Appeal Periods
1001 E. Ninth Street, Reno, NV 89512