Technology Services

Client Engagement & Experience

Kobe Harkins, Manager

Office Hours
7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Mon – Fri

1001 E. Ninth St
Building C, Suite C220
Reno, NV 89512

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The mission of the Technology Services Client Engagement & Experience (CEE) division is building and maintaining strong relationships between Technology Services and customers and clients within and external to Washoe County.

CEE objectives include:

  • Relationship Management with Stakeholders - Build and maintain relationships with business stakeholders and ensure IT services are aligned with the needs of departments.
  • IT Services and Investments - Ensure IT services are aligned with overall business goals and objectives of Washoe County and that IT investments are made strategically and efficiently.
  • Department Strategic Planning - Work with business units to understand their goals and strategies and develop a roadmap for Technology Services to support these objectives.
  • Service Level Management - Establish service level agreements with customers including within and after-hours support.
  • Technology Meetings - Organize and manage technology meetings and make sure meetings are addressing the needs of departments.
  • Governance – Ensure IT policies and procedures are in line with the overall governance framework of Washoe County.
  • Point of Contact – Primary point of contact for departments to address technological needs and issues.
  • Project Management – Work with departments to ensure use of project management best practice guidelines and track department projects.
  • Communications - Managing communication between Technology Services and other departments within Washoe County.
  • Vendor Management - Manages relationships with IT vendors and ensures that vendor products and services are meeting the needs of the organization.
  • Business Intelligence - Monitors the performance of information technology and tracks key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure departments are meeting goals and objectives.
  • Public Safety - Support public safety departments and ensure technology is supporting their mission.

The key responsibilities of Client Engagement & Experience are:

  • Business Relationship
  • Strategic Planning
  • Service Levels
  • Communication
  • Governance
  • Business Intelligence
  • Public Safety
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Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »