Technology Services

911 Surcharge

911 Surcharge Remittance

The 911 Emergency Response Advisory Committee was created with the intent to develop a plan for the enhancement of the County's 911 emergency response system and make recommendations to the County Commission concerning the expenditures of the money collected through the telephone line surcharge.  While initially scheduled to sunset in December 2001, the 2001 Nevada Legislature made this a permanent funding source. 

**Surcharge Increase!**

May 16, 2023, the County Commission adopted a resolution increasing the fee from $0.85 per line to $1.00 per line (Washoe County Code 65.450) to become effective July 1, 2023.

A surcharge of up to one dollar per line was authorized in 2017 by the Nevada Legislature (NRS 244A.7643).  


911 Surcharge Remittance Form - for remittance through June 2023 $0.85/line
911 Surcharge Remittance Form - for remittance beginning July 1, 2023 $1.00/line

911 Surcharge Business Impact Statement - 2023

Request for data or arguments concerning a proposed increase to Washoe County’s 911 telephone line surcharge (Washoe County Code (“WCC”) 65.450)

The Washoe County Board of County Commissioners will consider an increase in Washoe County’s 911 telephone line surcharge.  This increase will help cover the costs of technology enhancements at regional 911 Dispatch Communication Centers operated by Washoe County and the Cities of Reno and Sparks. Planned technology enhancements include, but are not limited to, an upgrade of the Regional Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system, continued adoption of Next Generation 911 technologies, and enhanced 911 network redundancies.    

Washoe County’s 911 telephone line surcharge is currently set at $0.85 per month for each customer access line to the local exchange of a telecommunications provider; $0.85 per month for each telephone number assigned a customer by a supplier of mobile telephone service (including VoIP); and $8.50 per month for each customer trunk line to the local exchange of a telecommunications provider.  In accordance with NRS 244A.7643, the 911 telephone line surcharge may be increased in an amount up to: $1.00 per month for each customer access line to the local exchange; $1.00 per month for each telephone number assigned to a customer of mobile telephone service (including VoIP); and $10.00 per month for each customer trunk line to the local exchange of a telecommunications provider. This is a potential increase of up to $0.15 per month for access lines and mobile telephone numbers (including VoIP) and a potential increase of up to $1.50 per month for trunk lines.

In compliance with NRS 237.080, local governments are to notify trade associations or owners and officers of businesses that are likely to be affected by the increase of a surcharge. Trade associations or owners and officers of businesses may submit data or arguments to the local government’s governing body, or its designee, if adoption of the proposed surcharge increase will either: (a) impose a direct and significant economic burden upon a business, or (b) directly restrict the formation, operation or expansion of a business.

Washoe County has completed the Business Impact Statement process and completed a DRAFT Business Impact Statement. Access the DRAFT Business Impact Statement from the link below:

DRAFT 2023 911 Surcharge Business Impact Statement

911 Surcharge Business Impact Statement - 2018

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