Assessor's Office

Important Dates

Real Property Dates | Personal Property Dates

July 1st
Lien Date

July 1st Through June 30th
Washoe County`s Fiscal Year

January 1st
Close of Real Property roll*
Deadline for mailing value notices to property owners*

January 15th
Deadline for appeals to County Board of Equalization
If January 15th falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the appeal may be filed on the next business day.

March 10th
Deadline for appeal of County Board of Equalization decision to State Board of Equalization

June 15th
Deadline for renewing or applying for most exemptions.
Deadline for rental properties to file Partial Abatement ("Tax Cap") form for next fiscal year.

June 30th
Deadline for appealing Partial Abatement ("Tax Cap") qualification/determination for current fiscal year.

July 5th
Deadline for applying for an exemption on real property acquired after June 15th and before July 1.

1st Quarter third Monday in August
2nd Quarter first Monday in October
3rd Quarter first Monday in January
4th Quarter first Monday in March

Pursuant to Nevada Revised Statute 361.310, the actual date may be somewhat prior to this date.
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July 1st
Lien Date

July 31st
Declarations Due

July 1st Through June 30th
Washoe County`s Fiscal Year

August Through April
Washoe County`s Personal Property Billing Cycle for businesses

January 15th
Deadline for appeals to County Board of Equalization (for business Personal Property taxes billed prior to December 15th)
If January 15th falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the appeal may be filed on the next business day.

May 15th
Deadline for appeals to State Board of Equalization (for business Personal Property taxes billed after December 15th)


1st Quarter third Monday in August
2nd Quarter first Monday in October
3rd Quarter first Monday in January
4th Quarter first Monday in March

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