Converting a Manufactured Home to Real Property
For conversion to real property, foundation requirements are determined by your lender. Check with your building department to ensure the home has been installed in accordance with all state and local building codes.
Nevada State Department of Manufactured Housing requires the following:
- Sixty dollars ($60) check or money order payable to Manufactured Housing.
Original or certified copy of recorded TL-110 Conversion to Real Property affidavit. Blank forms and instructions are available on the State’s website (see above).
Mail to:
The Nevada State Department of Manufactured Housing
1830 E College Pkwy Ste 120
Carson City, NV 89706
775-684-2940 OR 702-486-4135
The Nevada State Department of Manufactured Housing
Note: Personal property taxes for your Manufactured Home may not be paid from your escrow account. Please check with the Washoe County Treasurer to confirm taxes on your Manufactured Home are paid in full for the fiscal year.
When the Department of Manufactured Housing is satisfied that all requirements have been met, they will issue a Real Property Notice and mail a copy to the Assessors Office at which time the value of the Manufactured Home will be added to the real property roll. Taxes must be paid for the entire fiscal year before the property can be converted to Real Property.