Questions for Buyers Pre-Sale
Do I have to be present to purchase a tax lien or may I do it by mail?
Tax lien certificates are sold at public sale and you must be present. Should the note on a specific property be held by Washoe County, an "over the counter" sale would be permitted. -
Do I need to be present to register or may a friend register for me?
You must be present to register. A friend or family member cannot register for you. -
What do I need to register to bid?
You must fill out the registration form presented to you and show a valid picture identification (driver's license) with your current address. -
What happens if there are back taxes?
The buyer is not required to pay any delinquent property taxes at the time of the sale. -
How do I purchase a Certificate of Sale note?
All interested parties, of majority age (18 or older), must register to receive a buyer number. A random number computer program will select the successful buyer. A first and second alternate will also be chosen for the parcel from the number selection. The sale will then continue with all buyers remaining eligible for each parcel on the sale list. -
If I win the purchase of a Certificate of Sale, how long do I have to pay the purchase price?
Payment must be received by 10:00 a.m. the day following the sale. Payment must be in the form of cash, cashiers check, or money order made payable to the Washoe County Treasurer. -
If I purchase a Certificate of Sale note, do I own the property?
No. You own a note on the property, for a specified redemption period, and earn interest for each month the note remains outstanding. At the end of the redemption period, you may request the deed to the property. The buyer has no legal claim or obligations during the redemption period.