Office of the Washoe County Treasurer

Billing Information - Taxes

Tax Collection - Real Estate and Mobile Homes

Tax rates are set in June of each year.  Tax bills are prepared and mailed out by August 1st of each year.  Property taxes are due on the third Monday in August.  However, taxes may be paid in installments if the taxes on a parcel exceed $100.00.

Please Note:  Commercial Personal Property taxes are not subject to this billing cycle.

The installment due dates for tax year 2024-2025 are:

   Installment                  Due Date                                         Last Day to Pay Without Penalty
   1st Installment              Monday, August 19, 2024             August 29, 2024   

   2nd Installment             Monday, October 7, 2024             October 17, 2024   

   3rd Installment              Monday, January 6, 2025             January 16, 2025  

   4th Installment              Monday, March 3, 2025                March 13, 2025

These are not quarterly payments.  The Nevada Legislature has established these four due dates.  Applicable penalties will be charged for delinquent payments per NRS 361.483.  Property on which taxes have not been paid in full will be advertised in the local newspaper as delinquent.  A Trustee's Certificate will be filed against the same on the first Monday in June.  Property owners have 2 years from the date the lien is filed to redeem the property by payment of all taxes, delinquencies and costs.  If not paid, a tax deed will be executed transferring to the county treasurer, in trust.

If you purchase real property during the tax year, you are responsible for any taxes not paid at the close of escrow.  When a taxpayer acquires a new home, pays off a mortgage, refinances a home, or buys real property during the tax year, they must contact the Treasurer's Office to request a duplicate bill.  We can be contacted by phone at (775) 328-2510 or via e-mail at:

For information on the property listed on the unsecured roll, which includes mobile homes, commercial property and aircraft, see the personal property section of this website.


In accordance with NRS 361.260(3), "An improvement on real property in existence on July 1 whose existence was not ascertained in time to be placed on the secured roll for that tax year...must be placed on the unsecured tax roll."  When this occurs, the property owner will receive a Supplemental Real Property Tax Bill.
This bill is in ADDITION to the original tax bill and is typically billed in two installments having the same due dates as the 3rd installment (first Monday in January) and 4th installment (first Monday in March) of the original tax bill.

This bill is NOT SENT TO YOUR MORTGAGE COMPANY.   Many mortgage companies do not pay supplemental tax bills.  Please contact your mortgage company for their specific procedures.  If you do forward your bill to your mortgage company for payment, be certain to include your loan number on the bill. 

Physical Address 1001 E. 9th Street - Room D140 Reno, NV 89512-2845 Phone 775.328.2510

Mailing Address P.O. Box 30039 Reno, NV 89520-3039 Fax 775.328.2500

Customer Service Telephone Hours 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Office Hours 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday
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