Public Administrator

After A Loved One Dies, How Do I Handle Their Property or Estate?

It can seem overwhelming when faced with handling all of the affairs of a loved one, but if you'll take it one step at a time, you'll not only survive the process, but you'll complete the process successfully. 

Since the Washoe County Public Administrator's Office does not have attorneys on staff, we cannot and do not provide legal advice.  We can refer you to various resources who may be of assistance, but we cannot direct you or advise you what to do.

The first and strongest recommendation is to encourage you to seek out proper legal advice from a Nevada licensed probate attorney.

Depending on the gross value of the estate and the ages and relationship of the heirs, the requirements of the estate could vary. There are some resources available that may help provide some direction, links to some of these can be found on the Public Administrator's Useful Tools and Resources  page.

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