Public Administrator

What Is the Public Administrator's Involvement With Funeral Arrangements?

In general, the Washoe County Public Administrator's Office handles the personal and real property of a decedent.  The responsibility and expertise for handling the decedent and the arrangements for the decedent fall to the Washoe County Medical Examiner and/or the Mortuary. 

In situations where the Public Administrator is either appointed to administer the estate of a decedent or files an Affidavit to Administer a Small Estate, the Public Administrator may authorize payment from the estate funds to pay the funeral expenses previously arranged by family or reimburse whoever paid for the funeral arrangements in advance.  When limited funds are available in the estate, the Public Administrator may provide a referral to Washoe County Social Services who will then provide arrangements according to their policies and procedures.  The Public Administrator will reimburse Washoe County Social Services if and when sufficient funding becomes available during the administration of the estate.

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