Human Resources

Deferred Compensation Committee


In accordance with NRS 287.440, the Board of County Commissioners established a Washoe County Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) in 1979 to administer and provide oversight to the County’s deferred compensation plan.  The DCC is comprised of members from collective bargaining units and has a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of participants with respect to plan administrators, fund offerings, account management, plan review for compliance, best practices and competitiveness and is responsible for plan revisions and other necessary actions to meet those responsibilities.

Deferred Compensation FAQs


Nevada Revised Statute 287.440

Board Members

Chairman (Judicial/Probation) - Kendra Materasso

Vice-Chair (WCEA) - Justin Norton

Secretary/Treasurer - Cathy Hill

WCSDA - Trevor Solano

WCEA - Monica McKee

Retiree - Darrell Craig

Meeting Schedule

The Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) meets on the second Wednesday of every February, May, August and November at 2:00 p.m. in the Washoe County Human Resources Conference Room located at 1001 E. Ninth Street, Building A, Room A210, Reno NV 89512 unless otherwise posted.





Nov. 8, 2023

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation 3rd Qtr - MEETING CANCELLED RESCHEDULED 11/15/2023 2:00 PM


Additional Meeting Resources:




May 13, 2020

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee Meeting (DCC)

Meeting Cancelled



Oct. 31, 2018

9 a.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) Meeting

June 5, 2018

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) Meeting



Aug. 31, 2016

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee Meeting


Feb. 10, 2016

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) meeting - CANCELLED


Sept. 15, 2015

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) meeting - CANCELLED

Sept. 1, 2015

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) meeting - Meeting Cancelled

June 8, 2015

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) meeting

Feb. 11, 2015

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) meeting


Dec. 5, 2014

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) meeting

Nov. 12, 2014

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) meeting

Aug. 13, 2014

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) meeting

May 14, 2014

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) meeting

Feb. 12, 2014

2 p.m.

Deferred Compensation Committee (DCC) meeting

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Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »