Community Services

North Spanish Springs Floodplain Detention Facility

Following a major flood event in 1986, construction of a flood control facility in the unincorporated area of Spanish Springs was completed in 2008.

The facility captures and collects stormwater runoff generated in the Spanish Springs Valley, primarily from the Griffith Canyon area, and meters stormwater flows through the northern part of Spanish Springs through the City of Sparks, and ultimately to the Truckee River.

The total cost of the 2008 flood facility was $13.9 million of which $11.1 million was funded by two bond issuances. User rates and fees are charged to residents and business owners located within the Spanish Springs Stormwater Drainage and Flood Control Service Area.

  • On April 24, 2015, the BCC adopted Ordinance No. 1552, amending sections of the previous Stormwater Drainage and Flood Control Service Ordinance, modifying the service area as well as the amount and basis for calculating stormwater management fees.
  • On April 14, 2015, the BCC held a public hearing for the second reading of proposed modifications to the existing Stormwater Drainage and Flood Control Service Ordinance No. 1537.
  • Following a Citizen Advisory Board meeting presentation in November 2014 and a public meeting on February 19, 2015, staff presented a Business Impact Statement to the Board of County Commissioners on March 24, 2015. 
  • At its February 25, 2014, meeting, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) directed staff to modify stormwater management fees related to the North Spanish Springs Floodplain Detention Facility in order to fund a deficit in revenue required to pay operating expenses and debt service. 

Spanish Springs Floodplain Detention Facility Financial Report.

For more information on the role Washoe County residents play in stormwater management, please visit our Drainage and Flooding webpage.

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