"The mission of the Comptroller's Department is to provide expertise in public finance, risk management and procurement that promotes sound financial management and trusted information."
About Us
The Comptroller's Department recommends and implements financial and fiscal policies, monitors the County's revenues and expenditures, and recommends or takes action as necessary to assure a positive fiscal outcome. The Comptroller's Department also maximizes the revenue collected by individual County agencies, oversees the financial operations of County departments, maintains accurate financial and accounting records of all County transactions, prepares financial reports, and limits exposure to loss from damage to or destruction of assets and errors or omissions. The Comptroller's Department pays the County's vendors and employees.
In order to accomplish its mandates, the Comptroller's Department is organized into six divisions:
Accounting Division
Accounts Payable Division
Collections Division
Payroll Division
Purchasing Division
Risk Management Division
The Comptroller's Department administration and accounting staff are also appointed to organize and notice meetings and take the minutes of the Washoe County, Nevada OPEB Trust Fund Board of Trustees, as well as maintain records of the financial activity of the Fund.