
Auction Information

tractor art          computer art
Auction of surplus items; including vehicles, office furniture, equipment and other miscellaneous items

The State of Nevada retains a private contractor to conduct sales of state surplus personal property to the general public. Washoe County utilizes this Government and Municipal auction service for the sale of surplus property, which may include office furniture, vehicles and other miscellaneous items. Sales occur throughout the year and additional information may be found by contacting the auction provider at:

TNT Auctions

601 Britain Dr.

McCarran, Nevada

Phone: (885) 317-5133 or (702) 496-7606

Additional information is available on the State of Nevada Auction site:


home           land


Auction of Real Property

The Washoe County Treasurer’s Office holds auctions for delinquent property and mobile home taxes. Nevada State Law provides for the redemption of real estate properties up until 5 pm on the third business day before the day of the sale by a county treasurer (NRS 361.585). 

The Treasurer may withdraw any property prior to or at the auction. Additional information may be found here:

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