Clerk's Office

DBA Name Search

Our DBA Name Search allows you to search our database from 1887 to present. To search for a business name follow the directions below

  1. Click the "Online DBA Name Search" button below
  2. Be sure to read the information presented as it gives more detailed instructions on how to search for documents and pre-filling of other documents.
  3. After accepting the disclaimer, click on "DBA/FFN Search".
  4. Enter the name you wish to search for in the All Names field
  5. Click search!

Online DBA Name Search

If you require more information, please contact us at (775) 784-7287. For costs associated with obtaining copies, please review our fee schedule for information.

Important: When researching and filing a Fictitious Firm Name, it is your responsibility to ensure that the name is not already in use. Variants of a name are considered to be the same name. For example, Kids World and Kidz World would be considered the same name. Fictitious Firm Names filed with the Washoe County Clerk's Office are only applicable to Washoe County. There is no guarantee that the name is not in use elsewhere in the state, and there is no cross-reference between the Counties and the Secretary of State's Office. There are 17 Counties in the State of Nevada that would need to be checked for state wide Fictitious Firm Name searches.

ALSO note that by filing a Fictitious Firm Name it does not "protect" the name. The purpose of a Fictitious Firm Name is to "establish liability" for a company. While we perform a search of the name, that does not prohibit someone from filing the same or similar name.

Please also note that the information provided online is updated approximately every thirty (30) minutes. If you need more up to the minute information, please call our office at (775) 784-7287.

Privacy Policy - Clerk's Office

If you need assistance in another language, please call our office at 775-784-7287.

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