DBA Forms
Please note:
- DBA filing process cannot be completed online.
- Original signature(s) required for all DBA forms.
- DBA forms must be notarized by a Notary Public or a Washoe County Deputy Clerk.
Below are the forms currently available for your DBA.
- Sole Proprietor or Individual
Page 1: Form, Page 2: Sample, Page 3: Instructions - Partnership or General Partnership
Page 1: Form, Page 2: Sample, Page 3: Instructions - Corporation, LLC, Business Trust & Legal Entities
Page 1: Form, Page 2: Sample, Page 3: Instructions - Trust as Owner
Page 1: Form, Page 2: Sample, Page 3: Instructions - Series LLC
Page 1: Form, Page 2: Sample Page 3: Instructions - Fictitious Firm Name Termination
Form to terminate your Fictitious Firm Name - Fictitious Firm Name Address Change
Form to change the address of your Fictitious Firm Name.
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