Vice Chair Jeanne Herman

Phone: 775.358.0555
Commissioner Jeanne Herman was elected to the County Commission in 2014 to represent District 5, which represents the largest physical district in the county, consisting of almost 5,827 square miles or 89 percent of Washoe County. District 5 includes portions of Reno and Sparks, as well as Mogul on the west, a portion of Sun Valley and the east Truckee Canyon, north to the California and Oregon border, to include North Valleys, Warm Springs, and Gerlach/Empire.
Commissioner Herman serves on the National Association of Counties (NACO) Public Lands Policy Steering Committee and the Rural Action Caucus Steering Committee.
As a licensed realtor in states of Washington, California and Nevada since 1971, Commissioner Herman is familiar with complex and ever-changing regulations and is passionate about following a strict code of ethics. Commissioner Herman is a former Washoe County Citizen Advisory Board Member for Warm Springs and believes whole-heartedly in donating her time to volunteering and serving the community.
Following in her family’s footsteps of political and community leadership, Commissioner Herman’s grandfather was the Mayor of Nome, Alaska and in part, inspired her to run for public office. Her mother was the editor of the Nome newspaper, the Nome Nugget and served on President Kennedy’s Committee for the Aged.
A long-time horse and cattle rancher, Commissioner Herman has a passion for horses, spending her time off raising and training quarter horses and has also been actively involved in the 4-H program for more than 30 years. Issues of top priority for her are conservation of open space and as such, she serves on the State Land Use Planning Advisory Council, amongst others.
Current Board Appointments:
- Nevada Association of Counties Board of Directors
- Nevadaworks
- Regional Transportation Commission (Alternate)
- State Land Use Planning Advisory Council
- Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency Governing Board
- Truckee Meadows Water Authority (Alternate)
- Truckee River Flood Management Authority (Alternate)
- Vya Conservation District
- Washoe County Debt Management Commission
- Washoe County Internal Audit Committee
- Washoe County Legislative Liaison
- Washoe County School District Capital Funding Protection Committee
- Washoe County School District Oversight Panel
- Washoe County Stadium Authority (Alternate)
- Washoe Storey Conservation District
- Western Nevada Development District (Alternate)
Commissioner Herman has four grown daughters, six grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Commissioner Herman has a strong belief in the U.S. constitution, God and has a deep love for her country. She finds great joy uniting her neighbors, colleagues and friends to bring positive change to our community.