Board of County Commissioners

Spring 2021 Commission Newsletter

Greetings from Washoe County Chairman, Bob Lucey
Spring is here, and as of this week, Washoe County is marching toward post-pandemic normalcy. We all want to be back to whatever normal means these days. We want our students to get the best education possible. We want businesses fully open and raking in the revenue from happy customers and hungry diners. We want to go out to the ballgame and see some live music this summer.
And we are so close to doing just that.
In this newsletter, you’ll read about Artown’s plan for a full month of music and art. They have come up with creative ways to keep patrons safe while fully embracing the spirit of Artown. Washoe County Parks has incredible events lined up this spring and summer, and we look forward to seeing our friends and neighbors out at our regional parks.
You’ll also read more about the county’s plan to assume local control over COVID mitigation measures. This has been a trying process. We have heard loud and clear that residents want to be free to make their own decisions regarding COVID safety measures. But as public servants, we cannot ignore the threat to public health that COVID still poses. The plan approved by the state for Washoe County’s local mitigation measures is not perfect, but it will get us one step closer to normal, and for that, I ask for your patience and understanding.
Personal freedom and responsibility have come up a lot lately when talking about recovering from the pandemic. I believe it is on business owners to make their customers feel safe. Whether social distancing is mandated or not, if that’s what brings customers through the doors willing to spend their money, it just makes good business sense to do so.
As customers, neighbors, and good citizens, we can also take personal responsibility to follow the rules a little while longer for the benefit of the community. Please know that your County Commission is hard at work every day trying to get our community and our economy back to normal, even if normal looks a little different than it did before the pandemic.
I encourage everyone to sign up for email updates about the regional COVID mitigation efforts at Stay safe, respect those around you, support local businesses, and enjoy everything that makes Washoe County the best place in Nevada to live and thrive!
Note from the Chairman to All youth sports coordinators,
 I wanted to take an opportunity to try and clear up some misunderstanding and bring some clarity to the new directives that have come out from the State of Nevada regarding youth/adult sports games. As these Directives from the state and county can be confusing and difficult to decipher so we want to provide everyone with some more detailed information and places to reference in case of further questions. I would like to remind everyone that these are the foundation of the current restrictions and that any league or organization can be stricter with their requirements and maintain those standards if they wish for their participants, families, and staff.
View Youth Sports Information
COVID Mitigation Plan
The governor has lifted social distancing restrictions statewide and has empowered county governments to craft their own COVID mitigation measures that fit their residents’ needs. But...
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Artown is Returning
Artown is returning to Reno this summer, and your County Commission was proud to sign on as a sponsor, donating the use of Rancho San Rafael Regional Park for the 31-day event.
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Short Term Rentals
Common Sense Regulations
The Washoe County Commission recently voted to enact common-sense regulations related to short-term rentals.
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Parks and Events
Not quite ready for maximum-capacity events and indoor venues? Washoe County Regional Parks and Open Space has a variety of events and activities throughout our region all summer long.
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Improvements Coming for Pyramid Highway
The Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) of Washoe County is getting ready to begin construction on phase one of the Lemmon Drive project in June.
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Lemmon Drive Project
Phase one of the Lemmon Drive Project will widen Lemmon Drive from four lanes to six lanes from Sky Vista Parkway/Buck Drive to Military Road.
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You Ask.  We Answer.
Truckee Meadows Fire & Rescue Update
When disaster strikes, Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and our regional partners urge all residents to sign up to receive critical emergency notifications through the CodeRED system.
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