Board of County Commissioners

Fall 2020 Commission Newsletter

Greetings from Washoe County Chairman, Bob Lucey
As the leaves turn color and we usher in a new season, I’d like to reflect on where we’ve been while looking forward to a stronger, brighter season before us.  Despite our challenges this year with the unprecedented health and economic crisis from COVID-19, the busy wildfire season, and the upcoming General Election, I am extremely proud of the outstanding work that is being done at Washoe County.
In this edition of Board of County Commission newsletter you will learn more about the region’s CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) allocations total of $86.1 million for our region, and how Washoe County is putting a portion of those funds to work.
We will also give you an inside look at the Truckee Meadows Fire & Rescue, after an incredibly hot, dry and busy summer and fall for our men and women on the front lines of our many wildfires.
And finally, the upcoming General Election is underway, as ballots went out to our voters last week, and beginning Saturday, October 17, early voting begins in Washoe County. I urge all registered voters to get out and vote and read more about our elections below. Already more than 30,000 ballots have been returned to the Registrar of Voters, so we are off to a strong start this election season.
Your commission is also hard at work this fall. Please see the highlights of our September meetings here, and watch for October’s highlights as we work toward a strong finish to 2020.
General Election Update
The 2020 General Election is just around the corner, and the Washoe County Registrar of Voters Office is, as always, dedicated to making this historic election smooth, efficient, and secure.
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CARES Funding
A recurring theme has shown up on recent Board of County Commissioners meeting agendas: CARES Act grants and pandemic-related programs. Washoe County has been diligently applying for federal funding to support businesses, residents, and services during this trying time and working toward keeping our community healthy and secure.
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Truckee Meadows Fire and Rescue Update
Truckee Meadows Fire & Rescue (TMFR) has had a busy fire season, responding to nearly 250 wildfires to date. Despite the cooler temperatures, the wildfire season is still ongoing, and it is up to each of us to be responsible and deter outdoor activities that could spark fires in Washoe County.
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Swan Lake Update and Flood Awareness
The water continues to recede, largely due to the dry conditions our region has experienced throughout the last several months.  At the peak, the water level in Swan Lake was approaching 10,000-acre feet of water.  Today, it is closer to 2,500-acre feet.
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