Article I: Purpose and Authority
In 2016, the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners enacted Washoe County Code ("WCC") 55.035, which created the Animal Services Advisory Board. The Advisory Board is comprised of local governmental stakeholders and various members of the public, and constitutes a public forum promoting information-sharing about Washoe County Regional Animal Services' programs and operations, as well as animal-related community issues.
Article II: Advisory Board Membership
- Membership. The Advisory Board consists of seven members, as follows:
- One (1) member who is a veterinarian or veterinary technician licensed to practice in Nevada (not employed by Washoe County);
- One (1) member who is a real estate or business professional with knowledge and/or experience of homeowners' associations, business organizations and/or financial operations;
- One (1) member who is a representative of a humane or rescue organization;
- One (1) member who is interested in promoting the health and safety of animals in Washoe County;
- The above four members are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners.
- One (1) member who is an elected member of the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners;
- One (1) member who is an elected member of the Reno City Council;
- One (1) member who is an elected member of the Sparks City Council.
- The above three members are appointed by their respective commission/councils.
- The above three members are appointed by their respective commission/councils.
- Qualifications. All members appointed to the committee must be residents of Washoe County.
- Term. All non-elected members shall be appointed for a term of four (4) years.
- Chairperson. The chair shall be selected from among the members at the first meeting of the calendar year.
- Resignation. If a non-elected member chooses to resign their position prior to the end of their term of service, such member must provide written notification to the Chair and the Director of Regional Animal Services. The Board of County Commissioners shall then appoint another individual who meets the qualifications of the vacant position to fill the vacancy and complete the term of service.
- Removal
- Elected members: An elected member may be removed and/or replaced by the local jurisdiction appointing that member for any reason.
- Non-Elected members: If a non-elected member is absent from a regularly scheduled Advisory Board meeting three consecutive times, the Director of Regional Animal Services shall notify the Board of County Commissioners and may request that the Board of County Commissioners appoint a different person to serve on the Advisory Board.
Article III. Quorum and Voting
- Quorum. A quorum consists of a simple majority of the total membership.
- Voting. An affirmative vote by a majority of the members present at the meeting is required to take action on any matter.
- The Chair may call for a roll call vote on any issue.
- All votes shall be recorded and the meeting minutes shall indicate the members voting for, against, or abstaining from a matter.
Article IV. Officers of the Committee
- Titles. The officers of the committee shall be:
- Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings, maintain order, and call special and emergency meetings as needed. The Chair shall be a voting member of the Advisory Board.
- Vice Chair. The Vice Chair shall serve in the absence of the Chair. In the absence of both the Chair and Vice Chair, a temporary acting Chair will be designated by the Advisory Board to conduct the meeting.
- Succession. No line of succession is claimed by this committee.
- Election of Officers. The first meeting of a calendar year should include the selection of Chair and Vice Chair, and shall be the first order of business following determination of a quorum. Newly selected officers shall take office at that meeting.
- Authority to sign. The Chair may sign certain documents to implement action by the Advisory Board. The Chair should confer with legal counsel as to the propriety of signing specified documents.
Article V. Staff to Assist the Advisory Board
- Washoe County shall provide staff to assist the Advisory Board, which shall include:
- Recording Secretary. The recording secretary shall attend meetings, record the proceedings, prepare agendas and draft minutes, post notice of agendas and supporting materials, and maintain committee records, among other duties.
- Legal Counsel. Legal counsel shall be appointed by the District Attorney. Legal counsel may assist the Board in determining points of order, reviewing agenda item legality, advising the members on Nevada's Open Meeting Law and ethics requirements, reviewing contracts, and any other item of concern to the conduct of the meeting.
- Director of Regional Animal Services. The Director shall attend meetings and provide a report on departmental programs and services, emerging developments, financial and budgetary updates, recent events and accomplishments, and proposed goals and The Director shall also prepare a periodic report concerning the Advisory Board's recommendations/actions, to be approved by the Advisory Board, for presentation to the Board of County Commissioners. The Director and/or other WCRAS staff shall serve in a technical and advisory capacity to the Board.
Article VI. Meetings
- General.
- All meetings shall comport with Nevada's Open Meeting Law requirements set forth in NRS 010 through 241.040, inclusive.
- Notice. A copy of the meeting agenda shall be posted at the appropriate locations at least three business days prior to the meeting to allow the public full awareness of the scheduled meeting.
- Agenda. Each agenda shall be approved by the Chair and reviewed by legal counsel prior to posting. Items may be placed on the agenda by any member of the Advisory Board or by the Director of Regional Animal Services. All other persons wishing to place an item on the agenda shall contact the Chair for authorization to include the requested agenda item.
- To place an item on the agenda, the interested party shall contact the recording secretary and shall provide the recording secretary with the specific agenda item language to be included on the agenda.
- All agenda items must be provided to the recording secretary at least two weeks prior to the meeting date.
- Support Materials. Each action item on the agenda should be accompanied by written information and materials pertaining to that agenda item. Supporting documentation shall be provided to the recording secretary at least two weeks prior to the meeting date. The recording secretary shall distribute the support materials in advance of the meeting, preferably at the time of the agenda posting.
- Late-Produced Support Materials. The Advisory Board may, after review of any late-produced materials, decide by a majority vote to consider the materials. In order for late-produced materials to be properly analyzed by the Board, the Board reserves the right to reschedule the item to a later place on the agenda or to reschedule the item to a subsequent meeting.
- Robert's Rules of Order shall inform the Advisory Board's meeting procedures when a question or controversy If a conflict occurs between these Bylaws and Robert's Rules of Order, these Bylaws prevail.
- Records. The Advisory Board shall keep a public record of its business. Complete records of the Board's actions shall be kept on file with Washoe County Regional Animal Services.
- Regular Meetings.
- The Advisory Board shall set regular meeting days and times quarterly.
- All regular meetings shall begin at the time appointed by the Board and shall be scheduled for no more than three (3) At the end of the three hours, a simple majority of the Board can vote to extend the meeting or conclude the meeting and reschedule the remaining items for a subsequent meeting.
- Special Meetings.
- Special meetings may be held at the Chair's request, or by written request of two (2) committee members.
- Special meetings may be held at the Chair's request, or by written request of two (2) committee members.
- Emergency Meetings.
- An emergency meeting may be called by the Chair, or an emergency item may be added to any regular or special meeting when unforeseen circumstances require immediate action. Unforeseen circumstances include, but are not limited to:
- Disasters caused by fire, flood, earthquake, or other natural causes; or
- Any material impairment of the public's health and safety.
- Before an emergency meeting may begin, or an emergency item may be considered, the Board must, by affirmative vote of a quorum, find that an emergency exists and specify the conditions and circumstances which constitute that emergency.
- An emergency meeting may be called by the Chair, or an emergency item may be added to any regular or special meeting when unforeseen circumstances require immediate action. Unforeseen circumstances include, but are not limited to:
- Order of Business. The order of the following agenda items may be changed as necessary at the discretion of the Chair.
- Roll call and determination of a quorum.
- Public Comment.
- Review, amendment and approval of minutes from previous meeting.
- Business of the day.
- Announcements and selection of topics for future agendas.
- Public Comment.
- Adjournment.
- Public Comment. Public comment should be limited to three (3) minutes per person for each comment period. The Chair may grant further time at his or her discretion.
Article VII. Records and Minutes
- Records. All documents pertaining to the work of the Advisory Board shall be maintained under the supervision of the Chair and Washoe County Regional Animal Services. Said documents shall be open and accessible to the Board members and to the public during working hours, unless such records are declared confidential by law.
- Minutes. Written minutes of each meeting shall be kept and are public records.
- Meeting minutes or electronic recordings of each meeting will be made available within thirty (30) working days after adjournment of the meeting.
- The Director of Regional Animal Services shall ensure that a qualified recording secretary is available to record all actions of any Advisory Board meeting and to maintain written minutes.
- Copies of the written draft minutes of the past regular meeting shall be furnished to the Board members within twenty (20) days as a normal procedure and at least three (3) days in advance of the next regular meeting for review and approval.
- Approved written minutes are considered to be a summary of the proceedings. Written minutes may be superseded by an electronic
Article VIII. Committee Responsibilities
- Facilitate communication between community members and the Director of Regional Animal Services to enhance the department's services, programs and operations with the overall objective to ensure that the care and safety of animals within Washoe County is consistent with community needs and desires.
- Offer opinions and make recommendations to the Director of Regional Animal Services in the following areas:
- Development of short and long-term departmental goals and objectives;
- Amendments to Washoe County Code ("WCC") Chapter 55;
- Amendments to provisions of the Nevada Revised Statutes governing animals, and strategies to implement those amendments;
- Development of educational materials and programs for the public;
- Departmental delivery of programs and services to the community;
- Departmental policies and procedures;
- Animal-related community needs and trends.
- Periodically review and approve the Director of Regional Animal Services' report to the Board of County Commissioners concerning the Advisory Board's recommendations/action.
Article IX. Amendment of Bylaws
- Amendment. The Washoe County Regional Animal Services Advisory Board Bylaws and General Provisions may be amended by a majority vote of a quorum at a regular meeting and become effective upon signature of the Chair.
- Failure to Follow. If the Advisory Board fails to follow one of its own Bylaws, the Board's actions are not invalidated so long as the action is in compliance with other laws.