Happy Tails

Tigger, an emotional support cat, slipped out a broken window screen from Mr. Pelletier’s home in August 2016. Mr. Pelletier filed a lost report with WCRAS but no one seemed to have seen Tigger. Two months went by when Officer Denning responded to a call of an injured cat in the area Mr. Pelletier’s home. The caller pointed out the cat stumbling near the building but unfortunately he went into a crawl space before she could catch him. Officer Denning set a humane cat trap and started knocking on doors in the area to see if she could find the owner. After several doors she came up to Mr. Pelletier’s door and learned that he was missing his cat for the last two months. The injured cat was the same color had the same collar. Eventually they were able to get the cat out of the crawl space and Officer Denning transported the cat to a local veterinarian. Tigger was anemic and dehydrated from two months of being lost. He required hospital care, blood tests, fluids and medication. Mr. Pelletier was on a fixed income and could not afford the medical bills to help Tigger. WCRAS utilized the C.A.R.E.S. donation funds to pay for Tigger’s medical bills. After the veterinarian released Tigger, he was microchipped and returned home to Mr. Pelletier. Both of them are quite happy to be reunited and the window screen is fixed so hopefully Tigger will not get out again.
India's Story
India was adopted in 2008 from an animal shelter in New Mexico. India had suffered abuse prior to being brought to the shelter and was recovering from a broken jaw and was in poor overall health. India was lucky to have been adopted by a caring, compassionate woman who adores her. Unfortunately, India’s mom was injured in a car accident and became disabled. Shortly after, India began having dental issues, possibly as a result of her previous jaw injury. Without this program, India would not have been able to receive the necessary medical care that she needed to live a healthy, comfortable life. “I’d be lost without her in my life. She has been a joy and a blessing and makes me laugh every day. I sincerely thank you for your kindness for animals and their owners and for helping India to have a healthy life” says India’s mom.