Office of the County Manager

Internal Audit

Washoe County internal audit division is an independent appraisal function established within the County. The internal audit division reports to the Washoe County Audit Committee. 


Our Vision 

The internal audit division will be a trusted advisor to Washoe County that promotes transparency and continuous improvement. 

Our Mission

To ensure public trust, promote transparency, accountability, and efficiency throughout Washoe County. 

Our Purpose

To provide assurance that internal controls are in place to mitigate risks, governance processes are effective and efficient, and organizational goals and objectives are met. These tasks are performed by professionals with an in-depth understanding of culture, systems, and processes by providing analyses, recommendations, and information while promoting effective control at a reasonable cost. 

To learn more about internal audit and the code of ethics please visit the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) website.



Contact Us

Internal Audit Manager Internal Auditor 
Katelyn Kleidosty Louis Martensen
Phone: (775) 830-2550 Phone: (775) 997-1791
E-mail: E-mail:



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