Office of the County Manager

Washoe County Strategic Plan

The strategic planning process was initiated in response to a shared desire among County leadership to institute a strategic management process where strategic priorities, organization alignment and performance metrics are part of core management practices. Additional outcomes of the planning process included linking the strategic plan to the budget to ensure resources are more closely aligned to priorities and an organizational conversation about values and culture is initiated. 

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False Alarm Reduction Program

In unincorporated Washoe County many citizens have installed burglar alarm systems to help protect their property; however, more than 99% of alarms prove to be false. With the limited law enforcement resources available to our community, the Washoe County False Alarm Reduction Program encourages alarm companies and property owners to maintain and properly use alarm systems.  

Washoe County has partnered with the vendor, CryWolf False Alarm Solutions, to manage the alarm registrations and false alarm billing. 

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Administrative Hearing Office

The Administrative Hearing Office (AHO) is a program within Washoe County that facilitates hearings for various code violations also when a citizen does not voluntarily comply with code requirements within the county.

These hearings are requested by the Citizen within 30 days of received notice of civil penalty or by a department or complaining party. Examples of these cases include but are not limited to barking dogs, dangerous dogs,  non-compliance with Washoe County code concerning things like debris build up, dangerous conditions or structures etc.

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County Manager's Advisory Council

The County Manager’s Advisory Council is a forum for constructive discussion on the role and responsibilities of county government in our changing world; the CMAC shares knowledge, best practices and advice with the County Manager and county senior leadership on various strategic issues with the goal of enhancing organizational effectiveness. Learn More »
Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »
Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »