Permanent Employment
Full-time job openings for permanent positions are recruited through Washoe County Human Resources. Current job openings with Washoe County, including Juvenile Services, are listed on the Washoe County Jobs page:
Employment Recruitment Video
Note: Juvenile Services is not a part of Washoe County's merit personnel system, and Juvenile Services employees are not members of a bargaining unit. Full-time or part-time permanent employment with the Department of Juvenile Services offers the same benefit package and salary schedule as any other Washoe County departments.
Intermittent Employment
Intermittent (on-call) workers supplement full-time staff coverage when employees are sick, on vacation, or in training. On-call workers are not allowed to work more than 1,039 hours in a fiscal year and are subject to a complete background check and training requirements per Nevada Revised Statutes for individuals working within a facility caring for juveniles. On-call employees are not considered permanent employees and do not earn benefits, accrue leave time, or receive a guaranteed number of work hours.
Job descriptions for available on-call positions are listed below:
On-call job openings for Washoe County Department of Juvenile Services are handled internally. If interested, please fill out the On-call Request Form. Once submitted, it will be reviewed and if qualified, an interview may be scheduled.