Welcome to Washoe County Housing and Homeless Services
Washoe County Housing and Homeless Services Division leads the community in building a system that is capable of housing people so that homelessness becomes rare, brief, and non-recurring.
Click here to view the Washoe County Regional Homelessness Strategic Plan
The Division was established in 2021, and since then has shifted the Northern Nevada Continuum of Care (CoC) and Nevada Cares Campus from the City of Reno to Washoe County. The Division has overseen the expansion of homeless services through the Nevada Cares Campus $80 million construction project and a merger with the Washoe County Human Services Agency, bringing all homeless services, including the Our Place campus, under one umbrella.
Services and support include regional governance and coordination through the CoC and Built for Zero; shelter and services including outreach, case management, and behavioral health; and housing through tenancy support, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and permanent supportive housing.
Washoe County Housing and Homeless Services programs are intended to serve residents of Washoe County.
Below is the number of people experiencing homelessness in our community as of the end of last month
August: 1,741
For more information view the Washoe County By-Name List here: Community Dashboard.
A By-Name list is a list of people experiencing homelessness in a community
The Division oversees the Nevada Cares Campus (emergency shelter for men and couples) and Our Place Campus (emergency shelter for women and families). For available beds at the Nevada Cares Campus and Our Place, view the dashboard below:
The dashboard is under maintenance and is currently being updated intermittently.
Winter Warming Center and Overflow Beds:
The warming center is open 24 hours each day at the Nevada Cares Campus Resource Center
Overflow beds are open at the Nevada Cares Campus (84 beds) and Our Place (25 cots)
Washoe County Housing and Homeless Services Division leads the community in building a system that is capable of housing people so that homelessness becomes rare, brief, and non-recurring.
Click here to view the Washoe County Regional Homelessness Strategic Plan
The Division was established in 2021, and since then has shifted the Northern Nevada Continuum of Care (CoC) and Nevada Cares Campus from the City of Reno to Washoe County. The Division has overseen the expansion of homeless services through the Nevada Cares Campus $80 million construction project and a merger with the Washoe County Human Services Agency, bringing all homeless services, including the Our Place campus, under one umbrella.
Services and support include regional governance and coordination through the CoC and Built for Zero; shelter and services including outreach, case management, and behavioral health; and housing through tenancy support, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and permanent supportive housing.
Washoe County Housing and Homeless Services programs are intended to serve residents of Washoe County.
Below is the number of people experiencing homelessness in our community as of the end of last month
August: 1,741
For more information view the Washoe County By-Name List here: Community Dashboard.
A By-Name list is a list of people experiencing homelessness in a community
The Division oversees the Nevada Cares Campus (emergency shelter for men and couples) and Our Place Campus (emergency shelter for women and families). For available beds at the Nevada Cares Campus and Our Place, view the dashboard below:
The dashboard is under maintenance and is currently being updated intermittently.Information about additional shelter and housing programs in our community:
For a list of additional community housing programs in the region that fall into the emergency shelter, temporary housing or permanent supportive housing as defined in our community housing inventory, please click here.
Housing and Homeless Services Initiatives
Continuum of Care (CoC) is organized to carry out the responsibilities prescribed in U.S. Department HUD for Washoe County
Street Homeless Outreach teams connect people experiencing homelessness with services, contact the teams based on jurisdiction
Community Homelessness Advisory Board (CHAB) provides regional recommendations regarding homelessness
Additional Information
If you are interested in additional information on Housing and Homeless Services, contact the team via email at: RegionalHomelessServices@washoecounty.gov or by phone at (775) 325-8210.