Employee Trip Reduction
How Can you Help Washoe County Stay Green and Sustainable?
As a county employee, you can help by taking alternative transportation whenever possible, especially during events impacting 9th Street Complex parking during the Reno Rodeo and Hot August Nights.
To find car or vanpool partners, please register at the RTC Smart Trips website!
Recent ETR Activities:
♦ An Employee Transportation Survey was conducted, view the outcome of this survey here.
♦ Congratulations to the survey winners, who each won 2 movie tickets via random drawing:
From left to right: Jeri Renshaw (Finance), Cathy Hill (Comptroller), Judy Avila (Juvenile Services),
and Maureen McElroy (Reno Downtown Library)
♦ Congratulations to the Smart Trip registration winner, who won a FibBit Activity tracker:
Jonathan Lujan (Clerks)