Emergency Management and Homeland Security


The Washoe County Emergency Management Program assists communities in the restoration of facilities and services following a disaster.  Recovery can be short-term such as reviving communication systems, transportation routes, power, and water supply.  It can also include long-term activities such as rebuilding neighborhoods, establishing new programs, and creating flood drainage systems.

Personal Impacts

The emotional toll that disaster brings can sometimes be even more devastating than the financial strains of damage and loss of home, business, or personal property.

  • Everyone who sees or experiences a disaster is affected by it in some way.
  • It is normal to feel anxious about your own safety and that of your family and close friends.
  • Profound sadness, grief, and anger are normal reactions to an abnormal event.
  • Acknowledging your feelings helps you recover.
  • Focusing on your strengths and abilities helps you heal.
  • Accepting help from community programs and resources is healthy.
  • Everyone has different needs and different ways of coping.
  • It is common to want to strike back at people who have caused great pain.

Children and older adults are of special concern in the aftermath of disasters. Even individuals who experience a disaster “secondhand” through exposure to extensive media coverage can be affected.

Contact local faith-based organizations, voluntary agencies, or professional counselors for counseling. Additionally, FEMA and state and local governments of the affected area may provide crisis counseling assistance.

Business Impacts

For businesses impacted by disasters like the Davis Fire in September 2024, please fill out the Economic Injury Worksheet and submit it to the Nevada Division of Emergency Management at disaster-recovery@dem.nv.gov. This will help us determine if businesses in the impacted area are eligible for Small Business Administration (SBA) loans. 

Additional Recovery Information

Red Cross Recovery Information
Small Business Association Recovery Information
Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »
Call 311 to find resources, ask questions, and utilize Washoe County services. Learn More »