Census 2020

Census 2020

This Census year is an important one for Nevadans.  Participation in the 2020 Census will help ensure that Nevadans get their fair share of federal resources and Congressional representation that will impact our local communities.


What is the Census?

The Census is a head count of each person that resides in the United States as of April 1, 2020. The Census is held every 10 years. It has been mandated by the U.S. Constitution (Article 1, Section2) since 1790. It was then established as a fundamental part of our democracy.

How do I take the Census?

For the 2020 Census, you can respond either online, by mail or by phone. Starting in early 2020, all census addresses will receive a card inviting the residents to complete the census. A phone number, a mailing address, and a URL will all be provided on the census card that is mailed so you can choose how you would like to answer the questions.

Do I need to take the Census?

Yes. If you are living in the United States, you are legally required to respond to the census and could be subject to a fine or limited prison term for non-compliance or false answers. Census Bureau staff work to achieve cooperation and high response rates by helping the public understand that responding to the Census is a matter of civic responsibility.

Is my information kept private?

YES. Federal law prohibits the Census Bureau from using the information that it collects for anything other than statistical purposes. The Census Bureau cannot share answers with the FBI, the CIA, ICE or even the President of the United States. For more information about the Census Bureau’s Data Protection and Privacy Program please see https://www.census.gov/about/policies/privacy.html

 Click here for information on other Census FAQ’s
Click here for information on How to Respond to the Census 
Click here for information on Important Dates to Know
For more information, click here.

What is the Census?


Is my 2020 Census Data Safe?


For questions and more information, please visit: census.nv.gov

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