Will you come to my house?
While on probation, you must submit yourself, your residence, any vehicle, and any property under your control to random search and seizure for alcohol and/or controlled substances, by any peace officer, at any time, day or night, without a search warrant.
If you own a firearm and/or there are any weapons located on the premises where officers may visit, you must notify DAS immediately. If you fail to do so and a weapon is found during a search of your residence, you may be treated as a possible threat or officer safety hazard. All persons charged with Domestic Battery or Battery and all persons currently listed as a Defendant (or Respondent) on any type of protection order are not permitted to possess a firearm.
If you have dogs at your place of residency, you must notify DAS and provide information regarding the dogs. You may be asked to secure your dogs while officers are visiting. If you are residing with other people such as family, friends or roommates, it is your responsibility to advise them that the residence is subject to search and seizure whether you are on the lease or not.