Subrecipient Resources
This page is intended for Washoe County ARPA-SLFRF awardees (subrecipients). The webpage includes resources related to reporting, procurement, and training. Information about awardee performance and impact can be seen on the ARPA Projects and Dashboard page.Reporting
Activity Reports
Each quarter, subrecipients are required to submit an Activity Report that serves as a an update on the status of the project and goal attainment through the Project Evaluation Report (submitted as one). After the award performance period ends, subrecipients are required to submit a Project Impact Report that identifies project successes, testimonials, and impact.
Financial Report
Community Reinvestment Grants are cost-reimbursable unless approved by the Award Manager ahead of time. Grantees may request reimbursement of funds no more often than monthly on the 10th day of the month. Financial reports should include a cover sheet (invoice) with all necessary backup attached in a single pdf.
Invoices details to include: Business Name, Project Name, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Payment Terms
Budget Categories for Cover Sheet: Salary, Fringe, Travel, Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Other, Indirect calculated on 10% MTDC.
Proper backup may include: payroll reports, timecards, receipts, invoices paid, contracts, proof of payment, detailed/itemized receipts, procurement forms as applicable. Indirect costs may be requested for eligible Modified Total Direct Costs at 10% unless your organization has a negotiated indirect cost rate with a federal agency on file with Washoe County.
All award reporting, budget amendments, and project team information must be submitted through their eCivis portal that was used to apply to the award, accept the award, and manage reports. For questions about eCivis, please contact
eCivis Portal login:
Reporting Forms
Reporting Instructions for ARPA Projects
Quarterly Activity Report Form
Project Evaluation Report Form
Reporting Dates
Subrecipients are required to submit Activity Reports for their ARPA-funded projects on the 10th day after the end of the Quarter through eCivis. Reporting templates can be found above.
- October 10th, 2023
- January 10th, 2024
- April 10th, 2024
- July 10th, 2024
- October 10th, 2024
- January 10th, 2025
- April 10th, 2025
- July 10th, 2025
- January 10th, 2026
Trainings and Recordings
August 2nd, 2023 Subrecipient Training & Onboarding
Slides: 8-3-2023 Subrecipient Training
March 29, 2023 Subrecipient Training: eCivis Demo
Slides: 3-29-2923 Subrecipient Training
January 10, 2023 Subrecipient Training: Round 2 Awardees
Slides: Subrecipient Training: Round 2 Awardees
November 30, 2022 Subrecipient Training: Round 1 Awardees
Slides: ARPA Community Reinvestment Grant Program Awardee Meeting 11-30-2022
If you are a subrecipient of ARPA-SLFRF funds from Washoe County, as describeed in your subgrant agreement, all of your expenditures must follow federal procurement rules.
For purchases made with federal funds the dollar thresholds to determine the three levels of Procurement are below: micropurchases, small purchases and competitive purchases.
The Washoe County Community Reinvestment team is here to answer your questions and provide guidance as needed. We all want to ensure compliant spending with these funds. Contact:
Procurement Thresholds
Micro Purchase - Under $10,000*
- Purchases is allocable to the award and the price is reasonable. Multiple vendors were researched prior to making the purchase.
- Subrecipient Micro Purchase Procurement Form
- * For non-profit entities funded by Washoe County ARPA-SLFRF funds who have not self-certified a higher micropurchase threshold, the threshold is $10,000 in compliance with uniform guidance.
Small Purchase - $10,001 - $99,999
- Obtain 3 quotes from vendors and provide a thoroughly documented analysis of why the vendor was selected.
- Any purchase over $50,000 must document that the vendor is actively registered on and is not debarred or suspended.
- Subrecipient Small Purchase Procurement Form
Sole Source - $10,001 - $99,999
- Sole source is a non-competitive form of procurement that should be used sparingly. There must be proper justification that the purchase qualifies as a sole source.
- Consult your award manager before procuring goods or services through sole source.
- Subrecipient Sole Source Procurement Form
Sealed Bid - Over $100,000
- A competitive form of procurement that involves a formal bidding process and advertising.
- Consult your award manager before procuring goods or services through sole source.
- Subrecipient Sealed Bid Procurement Form
Competitive Proposal - Over $100,000
- A competitive form of procurement that involves a formal bidding process and advertising.
- Consult your award manager before procuring goods or services through sole source.
- Subrecipient Competitive Proposal Procurement Form
For all federal procurement:
- Purchases must be reasonable and necessary for the grant and follow cost principles.
- Minority-owned and women-owned businesses must be outreached to or explored.
- No cost-plus contracts are allowed using federal award.
- A vendor may not help an entity develop a scope of work for a project and bid on the project. This is considered self-selection and introduces a conflict of interest.
Other Procurement-Related Forms
Federal Contract Provisions Checklist
Subrecipient vs. Contractor Determination Form
Sample Language for Federal Compliance
Any person making a purchase using federal funds must have a Washoe County conflict of interest attestation form on file.
Any purchase over $50,000 using ARPA-SLFRF funds must ensure that the entity (vendor) is actively registered on and has a Unique Entity Identifier.
Forms and Resources
ARPA-SLFRF U.S. Treasury Final Rule
TEMPLATE - Personnel Tracking Sheet Your organization may use the Personnel Tracking Sheet if your payroll system cannot accurately account for an employee's hours worked, encompass funding sources, and provide notes on activities.