ARPA Projects and Dashboard
Currently Funded ARPA-SLFRF Projects
Safe Camp Capital $4,693,132
Expenditure Category: 2.16: Long-term Housing Security: Services for Unhoused Persons
The Washoe County Safe Camp is a space for unhoused individuals to have access to a safe location for camping with basic facilities including restrooms, handwashing facilities, and trash disposal. The project expands on previous work by the Washoe County Homeless Services Division to create a safe location with 50 modular temporary housing pods to replace current tents, add a covered shade structure, and build a small structure to serve as a multi-purpose building for individual's needs, including a day center a case management office space. The goals of the project are to provide modular spaces for unhoused people with identified good behavior and potential for transitioning into housing.
Nevada Cares Campus Capital $24,618,706
Expenditure Category: 2.16: Long-term Housing Security: Services for Unhoused Persons
The Nevada Cares Campus is a new and dynamic project in the region. The project includes significant property improvements including, landscaping, bathrooms, showers, laundry, pet facilities, and the addition of a serving kitchen/cafeteria, case management/training space, construction of 50 units of bridge housing, and other site improvements/redesigns. The Nevada Cares Campus is designed to provide a low-barrier and housing-focused shelter for people experiencing homelessness. The first phase was completed by the City of Reno and funded by the City of Reno, City of Sparks and Washoe County; it included the land purchase, Sprung building, restrooms and showers, initial site and utility work. With Phase l of the construction project complete, the following scope of the Campus design and construction is projected to be completed in the phases. To view the project phases, please visit the Cares Campus Construction page. Funding is budgeted through 2026.
Cares Campus Facilities Operations $7,971,644
Expenditure Category: 2.16: Long-term Housing Security: Services for Unhoused Persons
The Nevada Cares Campus is a regional emergency shelter facility, and Safe Camp for unhoused individuals in Washoe County. The project includes the addition of 28 staff members to implement evidence-based approaches at the Nevada Cares Campus. These staff members include one medical billing specialist, one mental health counselor supervisor, three case manager supervisors, 18 case managers, three mental health counselors I, and two mental health counselors II. This project increases facilities capacity and additional positions to ensure more robust and effective emergency homeless shelter services and case management. Funding for this project is budgeted through the end of 2023.
Homeless Management Information System Case Management $250,000
Expenditure Category: 2.16: Long-term Housing Security: Services for Unhoused Persons
The Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a database tool that collects comprehensive data about community members experiencing homelessness. This tool is designed to coordinate services and housing referrals among providers throughout the community. Most community members who will benefit from this project live below the federal poverty line. This project will increase the capacity of the County's HMIS by expanding the number of licenses for community partners and establishing a case management module to better track case outcomes. This project supports the regional Built for Zero effort. The HMIS system should be implemented by June 2023 at the Cares Campus.
WellCare Living Supports and Services Pilot Project $1,916,700
Expenditure Category: 2.16: Long-term Housing Security: Services for Unhoused Persons
Washoe County's Well Care facility serves community members with severe mental illness, or intellectual or developmental disabilities who have not been able to access the supportive housing resources they need due to COVID-19. The project provides supportive housing of persons unable to live independently. The services include access to comprehensive case management and continuum of care for those who would otherwise remain or become homeless due to their medical, physical, intellectual, or mental health condition. Funding for the pilot project was extended to December 2024.
Kids Kottage Emergency Beds $2,443,000
Expenditure Category: 2.13: Healthy Childhood Environments: Services to Foster Youth or Families Involved in Child Welfare System
The operations of the Kids Kottage supports children experiencing abuse and neglect in the community that have been removed from their homes. Many of these children have been disproportionately impacted by the hardships imposed by the pandemic such as lost wages in their home, school closures, and lost access to community resources throughout the pandemic – including medical and mental health resources. The closure of pediatric psychiatric units in the community led to an increased demand for emergency beds at Kids Kottage. The only alternative would be to use inpatient hospital bed-holds at traditional medical hospitals which has proven to be ineffective as this competes with beds used for COVID patients. Additionally, there is a shortage of in-home foster care and in-home emergency foster care beds in the community due to an inability to recruit and retain qualified foster parent providers. Funding for the pilot project was extended to June 2025.
Addressing Human Services Agency Critical Staffing $527,133
Expenditure Category: 3.1: Public Sector Workforce: Payroll and Benefits for Public Health, Public Safety, or Human Services Workers
The Washoe County Child Protective Services Division has identified three positions as critical for managing the increased demand on staff caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The project will hire three positions (one Runner, one Intake Screener, one Assessment Case Worker) to administer services directly to support children in foster care and the children or families involved in the Child Welfare System. Positions are funded until funding is depleted.
Human Services Agency Vehicles $283,500
Expenditure Category: 2.13: Healthy Childhood Environments: Services to Foster Youth or Families Involved in Child Welfare System
Washoe County Human Services Agency identified a need for nine vehicles to add to its fleet to assist with the transportation needs of the population served. This need is a result of the increased caseloads resulting during the COVID-19 public health emergency. The resulting stressors of the pandemic (such as COVID fatigue, loss of employment, and reduced access to childcare coupled with increased demands of exclusions and restrictions) has led to a positive correlation in child abuse and neglect intake referrals and assessment cases. Vehicles have high passenger capacity, ability to safely fit multiple car seats, all-wheel drive ability, and overall easy accessibility for younger children and those with physical and mental disabilities. Vehicles will be used to address increased caseload for young children and families involved with the foster system to be transported to appointments, visitations, school, and other required essential services.
Our Place Site Enhancements $1,015,411
Expenditure Category: 2.16: Long-term Housing Security: Services for Unhoused Persons
The Washoe County Our Place campus is a facility for women and families experiencing homelessness. The campus has been designed to meet COVID social distancing recommendations. The project intends to complete on-site fencing, landscaping, and miscellaneous repairs, and interior/exterior finishes on existing buildings. Addressing the landscaping, fencing, and painting needs of the campus will ensure safe ingress and egress for the residents on the campus, particularly in winter. In addition, it will ensure the buildings are protected from damage caused by drainage, foot traffic, weather, etc. which ensures all space can remain available to clients still following social distancing guidelines.
Our Place Garden Fencing $164,377
Expenditure Category: 2.16: Long-term Housing Security: Services for Unhoused Persons
The project at the Our Place campus includes installing fencing around the 2.6-acre community garden and mini-farm on the property. The project will support the fencing around the perimeter of the garden to secure the garden space. Including activities like gardening and farming at the Our Campus facility works to increase the success of individuals. Women and families will be able to learn to grow food and provide for themselves while feeling safe in a fenced-in environment. The project intends to be completed by December 2022.
Public Defender Workstations $75,341
Expenditure Category: 3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
The Washoe County Public Defender is hiring three attorneys and two support staff for a period of 24 months to address COVID-19 pandemic-imposed backlog. The project will include workstations for these new staff members and COVID-19 related facility enhancements to allow for a safe client-attorney meetings and work.
Public Defender Attorneys & Support Staff $2,826,746
Expenditure Category: 3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
The Washoe County Public Defender’s project aims to hire three attorneys for 48 months. Each attorney will receive an average of 255 cases per year and is expected to close an average of 259 cases per year. The three attorneys will be able to provide representation to clients and close 1,530 cases over the term of the grant. This will close the cases received/cases closed disparity. This will positively impact the criminal case backlog within the courts. Restoring balance to the Public Defenders case received case closed ratio will benefit the court system, the criminal justice system and most importantly the vulnerable and indigent population whose communities have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Each Public Defender client is indigent or receives government benefits or has an income that is less than 200% of the federally designated level signifying poverty. Additional personnel needed to support the work of the three attorney’s includes a legal secretary and an investigator.
District Attorney's Office Facility Improvements $390,732
Expenditure Category: 3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
The Washoe County District Attorney is hiring three attorneys and two support staff for a period of 24 months to address COVID-19 pandemic-imposed backlog. The project will include workstations for these new staff members and COVID-19 related facility enhancements to allow for a safe client-attorney meetings and work.
District Attorney's Office Court Case Backlog Personnel $2,032,682
Expenditure Category: 3.2: Public Sector Workforce: Rehiring Public Sector Staff
The Washoe County District Attorney's Office will hire three deputy district attorneys, investigator, and two legal secretaries to address court backlog created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sparks Justice Court Socially Distanced Jury Courtroom $471,324
Expenditure Category: 1.4: Prevention in Congregate Settings (Nursing Homes, Prisons/Jails, Dense Work Sites, Schools, Child care facilities, etc.)
Sparks Justice Court received ARPA-SLFRF funds to create a new courtroom that will accommodate fourteen jurors and provide equitable distancing, thus providing a safer operating environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Sparks Justice Court ceased all jury trials scheduled from March 2020 and did not resume jury trials until July 2021. The court was backlogged over 20 jury trials due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Additionally, virtual hearings conducted because of the COVID-19 public health emergency take much longer and require additional staffing resources, creating further delay in adjudicating cases. The new courtroom will provide an opportunity to contract with Pro Tempore’s and temporary staff to move cases forward to mitigate further backlog.
Sparks Justice Court JAVS Audio Visual Upgrade $138,638 Completed June 2022 under budget
Deobligated funds: $4,611.27
Expenditure Category: 3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
Sparks Justice Court installed updated audiovisual technology throughout the court. The project meets the growing demand for remote access to justice for public safety, expedited processing of case backlog due to the COVID-19 pandemic and addresses the negative impact of low-quality audiovisual technology on Limited English Proficiency (LEP) individuals and those who are hard of hearing. Additionally, this project addresses the quality of evidence sharing with onsite and remote parties and the preservation of such records within the certified recording system. Currently, the court experiences many issues in evidence cart connections and shared quality due to the outdated use of video graphics arrays and multiple down/up scalers to transmit the proceedings into the recorder, witness stand, and public visual display. These are critical fixes needed to continue virtual hearings and ensure every court user receives a quality experience.
Reno Justice Court Courtroom A Remodel $0.00 (Originally $500,000 - CANCELED March 2023)
Deobligated: $500,000
Expenditure Category: 3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
The Reno Justice Court is modifying an existing courtroom to accommodate for additional jury members and members of the public to allow for social distancing and to comply with Nevada Assembly Bill 42, which expanded the size of a justice court jury from six to twelve. The renovations will also allow for additional social distancing ability for in-person court proceedings. The project is expected to be completed in summer 2023.
Reno Justice Court Self Help Center $90,675 Completed June 2022 under budget
Deobligated: $16,356.15
Expenditure Category: 3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
The Reno Justice Court is currently constructing a physical space to house a self-help center. The project will furnish the space with computer terminals, workstations, chairs, and modular walls/doors for conference rooms. Once this area is furnished, self-represented litigants will be able to use the space to, among other things, oppose a residential eviction, oppose a debt collection proceeding, seal a criminal record, or file/oppose a small claims case. Self-represented litigants will be able to obtain assistance with registering for the Court's electronic filing system, and the Court will allow representative from local legal aid organizations to use the space to provide advice and counsel to these individuals.
Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Sheriff’s Positions $1,956,096 Completed December 2022 under budget
Deobligated: $906,994.20
Expenditure Category: 3.1: Public Sector Workforce: Payroll and Benefits for Public Health, Public Safety, or Human Services Workers
The Washoe County Sheriff's Office used ARPA funding to hire 20 Deputy Sheriff's and two Sergeants to address the increased criminal activity in service areas. From increased high-risk calls for service such as domestic violence to the expanded mental health needs of individuals housed in the Detention Facility, the workload placed on Deputies has increased exponentially. Sheriff’s Office deputies are the first responders to emergency calls from both the Nevada Cares Campus and the Washoe County Safe Camp. These calls will involve more time and complexity. The project includes the equipment needed to onboard these 22 positions including: radios, tasers, Ballistic vests, weapon allowance, four (4) vehicles, and recruitment costs. Personnel charges ended in June 2022; the vehicles are estimated to arrive later this year.
Washoe County Sheriff’s Office UVC Sanitizing Program $140,000 Completed October 2022 under budget
Deobligated: $36,000
Expenditure Category: 1.4: Prevention in Congregate Settings (Nursing Homes, Prisons/Jails, Dense Work Sites, Schools, Child care facilities, etc.)
The Washoe County Sheriff's Office will install UVC Light Sanitizing equipment to eliminate exposure to contagious diseases by killing bacteria or viruses prior to cleaning the inmate cells or housing units. This project will reduce costs for cleaning supplies because the equipment will sanitize the Detention Facility instead of personnel routinely cleaning it to eliminate the bacteria or viruses by wiping handrails, high touch areas, etc. The towers have been purchased and are awaiting delivery.
County Clerk’s Office Administrative Staffing $58,895 - Completed June 2022 under budget
Deobligated: $52,102.05
Expenditure Category: 3.3: Public Sector Workforce: Other
This project at the County Clerk's Office hired one assistant staff member to support the homelessness board and Clerk for six months.
Medical Examiner Contract Staff, Pooled Positions, Overtime, PPE & Supplies $190,000 Completed April 2023
Expenditure Category: 1.5: Personal Protective Equipment
The caseload for the Medical Examiner’s Office increased by more than 16% between 2019 and 2020 and is projected to increase by a total of 22% between 2019 and 2021. Due to the significant increase in deaths in the region, the Medical Examiner’s Office needs additional funding for personnel to handle the caseload increase. The ME's Office must investigate and conduct additional testing on other deaths as potential COVID-related deaths (cases in which COVID had not been diagnosed but in which similar symptoms are present). Many of these deaths do not end up being COVID-related but additional time and effort are used to make that determination which increases the workload for employees. The Medical Examiner’s Office also needs additional supplies to perform its mandated duties. This funding will allow the purchase of additional lab supplies (such body bags, scalpels, etc.) that are required for the office as well as personal protective equipment (PPE) for employees. During the pandemic, there has been (and continues to be) significant supply chain shortages. The Medical Examiner’s Office had to exhaust its normal supply reserves due to the lack of availability of supplies and has yet to recover. The project is funded through June 2023.
Second Judicial District Court Courtrooms Audio Visual Upgrade $1,331,004
Expenditure Category: 3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
The Washoe County District Court will increase audio-visual technology to allow for additional court proceedings for remote courts. The District Court will install the cameras, microphones and media carts necessary to have true audio‐visual capabilities in each court room. The project meets the growing demand for remote access to justice for public safety, expedited processing of case backlog due to the COVID-19 pandemic and addresses the negative impact of low-quality audiovisual technology on Limited English Proficiency (LEP) individuals and those who are hard of hearing. Additionally, this project addresses the quality of evidence sharing with onsite and remote parties and the preservation of such records within the certified recording system. This project also includes a new Audio‐Visual Technician for 24 months.
Mobile Outreach Vehicle/Command Post $575,498
Expenditure Category: 1.14: Other Public Health Services
The Health District will develop plans for and purchase a mobile outreach vehicle that will also serve as a central command post in emergencies. The vehicle will allow for targeted outreach focusing on highly socially-vulnerable zip codes. A mobile outreach vehicle/command post will allow training and education to healthcare partners in the community, increasing WCHD’s ability to provide medical services and mass vaccinate through targeted outreach. In addition, the vehicle will be utilized at Public Health Preparedness exercises of a varying types thus increasing public health and healthcare response in the region. The vehicle will be setup with an exam room to provide clinical services to help close the gap of health outcomes by going to underserved zip codes, specifically zip codes of high social vulnerability index as noted above, including multiple ethnic groups, with low vaccine rates and low access to health care. By increasing access to healthcare preparedness and access to clinical services, Washoe County Health District would be mitigating the economic, social and health impact of COVID-19 on the underserved and vulnerable populations. It is estimated that the vehicle will be fully assembled and delivered to Washoe County within the next few years. The RFP was released in Spring 2022.
Public Health Technology Infrastructure $300,000
Expenditure Category: 3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
The Environmental Health Services and Air Quality Management Divisions project will contract with a vendor to implement the following: 1) Simplify the public facing processes to increase functionality and use and 2) Automate all processes including all permits and inspections. By updating the public health technology system, focusing on customer ease of use, ensuring all processes are automated and efficient, and reporting is easy and comprehensive, the Health District will be able to meet the public health needs more rapidly in Washoe County. This project will also improve the technology infrastructure to assist in meeting the current backlog and assist in the prevention of future backlogs. The project is funded through June 2024.
Children's Cabinet Signs of Suicide – Community Grant $100,000 - Completed June 2022
Expenditure Category: 1.12: Mental Health Services
The Signs of Suicide (SOS) prevention program is a nationally recognized, evidence-based, program for middle and high school-age students. SOS fulfills a critical need in the community as Cabinet staff work directly with middle school students in Washoe County, this includes students in the Washoe County School District as well as young people in charter and private schools, to identify signs of depression and symptoms that are consistent with suicide risk. We are all aware of the stressors the pandemic has placed on nearly every segment of the population, and youth are no exception. Fortunately, SOS helps identify young people in need of additional supports, provides immediate resources and assistance to identified youth and their families, and also gives youth tools to ask for help when facing difficult life experiences. The subgrant will be used for operating expenses to ensure the program is fully funded for the 2021-2022 school year. The funding concluded in June 2022.
Great Reno Balloon Race 2022 Event Support - Community Grant $100,000 Completed October 2022
Expenditure Category: 2.35: Aid to Tourism Travel or Hospitality
The subgrant to the Great Reno Balloon Race will be used towards operational expenses for the Great Reno Balloon Race of 2022 and ensure future sustainability of the event. The Great Reno Balloon Race is the world’s largest free hot-air ballooning event. The project supports event logistic costs such as parking, tent rentals, and bathrooms.
Regional COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance Research $504,258.66 Completed June 2022
Expenditure Category: 1.7 Other COVID-19 Public Health Expenses (including Communications, Enforcement, Isolation/Quarantine)
The City of Sparks administers the regional contract with the University of Nevada Reno to conduct a regional investigation of SARS-CoV-2 presence in wastewater and community prevalence monitoring due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is to conduct environmental surveillance of wastewater at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) and in the collection systems by monitoring of SARS-COV2 Marker during the pandemic in the Truckee Meadows region. Data is used to develop models that can indicate community prevalence of COVID19 in the population.
Wilbur D. May Museum Operations $200,000 Completed June 2022
Expenditure Category: 3.3: Public Sector Workforce: Other
This SLFRF allocation will provide support for the Wilbur D. May Museum to implement programming and continue normal operations as it recovers from the negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Museum was required to close its doors when COVID-19 public health emergency hit but was still required to provide payment to the vendor for a previously purchased exhibit. The Museum also lost revenue for wedding reservations, large events, small events, art shows and the Museum collection. This resulted in a significant revenue loss. The SLFRF support will allow for recovery as the Museum returns to self-sustainability. The Museum has been self-sustained since 2009, relying on and operating from exhibit revenues, facility reservation revenues until COVID-19. The funding for this project completed in June 2022.
Recruitment & Retention Incentive Program $150,000
Expenditure Category: 3.3: Public Sector Workforce: Other
The Washoe County Recruitment & Retention Incentive Program is used to assist with the recruitment and retention of employees in difficult to fill positions in the County that are impacted by a shortage of qualified labor in the region and/or to assist with the recruitment of positions into the County where the private sector has a competitive advantage with salary and retention incentive opportunities through three programs: Recruitment Incentive; Employee Referral Incentive; Retention Incentive. The program will last until the $150,000 has been awarded.
Employee Wellness Initiative $118,252.66
Expenditure Category: 6.1: Revenue Replacement: Provision of Government Services
To provide Washoe county employees with a fitness center on site to promote healthy work-life balance and living healthier lifestyles. The Employee Wellness Center at the 9th and Wells Complex includes adjustments to existing facilities to increase airflow and the purchase of fitness equipment. The fitness center opened in June 2022, completing this portion of the project. The projet also includes 48 months worth of Calm app subscriptions for Washoe County staff to promote employee mental health and wellness.
Incline Village Justice Court Renovations $747,800
Expenditure Category: 3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
Incline Justice Court renovations allow a temporary use for the Incline Village Justice Court to occupy the space for short term duration of approximately 3-5 years. The Incline Justice Access Project will include renovations to the Incline Community Center, to house the court room, offices, and technological enhancements to improve access to court proceedings for the public. The pandemic has driven innovation for remote access that will be long term solutions. Audio/video technology with a 360 degree in courtroom camera, distributed speakers, and IP based source systems will enable opportunities for remote access for those not physically located in the courtroom. Distributed Wi-fi access throughout the courthouse will be provided for public and counsel access. Additionally, the project will provide dedicated public workstations with access to case files and online forms. The project includes physical renovations to meet ADA requirements at the Incline Community Center. The project performance period for this project runs from June 2022 through Fall of 2023.
Soulful Seeds Operations Our Place Garden Operations - Community Grant $100,000
Expenditure Category: 2.16: Long-term Housing Security: Services for Unhoused Persons
Soulful Seeds provides healthy, sustainable, fresh food to the most vulnerable populations in the Washoe County community. In 2021, Soulful Seeds and Washoe County partnered to create a garden/farm located on the campus of Our Place, with a women's shelter and a family shelter operated by the County. This project includes operation expenses such as staff time, garden supplies, and purchase of 100 fruit trees for the campus. The women and families who stay at Our Place will have the opportunity to learn how to grow their own food, cook, and develop better nutrition habits while gaining job skills. The organization recieved and additional $50,000 on 7/18/2023 for hoop houses and other garden equipment.
Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Security Upgrade $2,000,000
Expenditure Category: 3.4 Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Detention Facility and Washoe County Courts at 1 South Sierra and 75 Court Street have security control systems that have been discontinued. These systems allow Sheriff Support Specialists to monitor and control access to some of the most secure and sensitive locations in the entire county. Currently, the software and hardware components operate poorly and are prone to intermittent failures that require repairs and impede the safe and timely flow of traffic through these facilities. An upgrade and replacement of components will ensure the continued reliable operation of these areas well into the future. There will not be evidence-based interventions included in this project. This project includes the multiple funding sources and will go out to bid later this summer. The period of performance for this project is expected to occur until the end of 2026.
ARPA-SLFRF Administration $2,800,000
Expenditure Category: 7.1 Administrative Expenses
Washoe County has hired a small team housed under the Office of the County Manager to administer and manage SLFRF funding. There is one Program Manager, one Analyst, and one Fiscal Compliance Officer. Budget includes workstations for staff members and office supplies to administer grants to subawards and comply with SLFRF reporting requirements.
ARPA Accountant – Admin $286,000
Expenditure Category: 7.1 Administrative Expenses
Washoe County has hired a part-time temporary accountant to assist with managing Washoe County ARPA-funded projects.
Regional Affordable Housing - Community Grant $300,000
Expenditure Category: 2.16: Long-term Housing Security: Services for Unhoused Persons
Support for affordable housing programming in Washoe County.
Juvenile Services Mental Health $661,924
Expenditure Category: 2.26: Addressing Educational Disparities: Mental Health Services
Multisystemic Therapy (MST) provides intensive, community-based treatment for moderate and high-risk juvenile offenders in the community in lieu of placement in intermediate behavioral modification or residential substance abuse programs. The overriding goal of MST is to reduce criminal activity, reduce other types of anti-social behavior such as drug use, and achieve these outcomes at a cost savings by decreasing rates of incarceration and out-of-home placement. Through intense involvement and contact with the family, MST aims to uncover and assess the functional origins of adolescent behavioral problems, and targets youths between the ages of 12 and 17. The program is supported by the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the U.S. Surgeon General. MST functions by therapists working in the home, school and community and are on call 24/7 to provide caregivers with the tools they need to transform the lives of troubled youth. In the time of ever shrinking residential and community-based options, MST provides a promising intervention option.
Second Judicial Court District Family Peace Center $480,281
Expenditure Category: 2.13: Healthy Childhood Environments: Services to Foster Youth or Families Involved in Child Welfare System
The Family Peace Center provides access to supervised visitation and exchange services for families dealing with court matters at the Second Judicial District Court. Supervised visitation programs provide children an opportunity to have contact with non-custodial parents while legal issues are being resolved. Most parents that use the supervised visitation service have underlying substance abuse, alcohol, untreated mental health issues and/or domestic violence concerns. Without such service, the non-custodial parents would not be safe to visit their child in an unsupervised setting.
Translation and Accessibility of Elections Outreach $300,000
Expenditure Category: 3.4 Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
The OCM, Communications Division will utilize funding to support Spanish language translation services for the upcoming general election including election webpages and a support to support a preliminary ADA accessibility assessment of the Washoe County website.
Senior Services Soft Serve Machine $15,000 Completed April 2023
Expenditure Category: 3.4 Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
Senior Services will utilize funds to purchase a soft serve ice cream machine to encourage participation in social activities by Washoe County seniors. The number of participants in facility attendance and regularly scheduled activity groups has decreased approximately 50% compared to pre-COVID census numbers.
Sun Valley Recreation Revitalization (GID) - Community Grant $250,000
Expenditure Category: 2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
Sun Valley General Improvement District will use ARPA-SFLRF funds to rehabilitate playground equipment at the Sun Valley Community Park, resurface a park basketball court, and finance a water conservation and energy consultation at four parks. The project will support deferred park maintenance at the Sun Valley Community Park, Sun Valley Pool, Highland Ranch Park, Gepford Park, and Sun Mesa Parks.
Palomino Valley Road Restoration (GID) Community Grant $250,000 Completed December 2022
Expenditure Category: 6.1: Provision of Government Services
Palomino Valley General Improvement District will use ARPA-SFLRF funds to support three road repair and maintenance projects in Palomino Valley. These projects will increase safety and access to public transportation corridors in the community.
National Fitness Courts - $499,568
Expenditure Category: 2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
During COVID-19 pandemic we saw the value and benefit of our parks and outdoor spaces in Washoe County as residents took advantage of opportunities for outdoor exercise. Two fitness courts will be installed in County parks located at Rancho San Rafael and South Reno Regional Parks. These fitness courts support our efforts to provide County residents with fun, and convenient opportunities for physical activity, that is free and available to all residents. The fitness courts are built to be easily accessible state-of-the-art outdoor fitness courts. Local art will be displayed on each of the two fitness courts. The ARPA-SLFRF funding will support 76% of the costs and a grant from Renown Health will support 24% of the costs.
Incline Village Recreation (GID) - Community Grant $250,000
Expenditure Category: 2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
Incline Village GID intends to hire an architect to evaluate the current skate park and design recommendations for improvements. Following these recommendations, IVGID will hire a construction company to install an enhanced skate park that meets the needs of the Incline Village Community.
The objective of this project is to enhance the skate park so that additional skate area can be provided along with beginner elements to better suit the growing number of users the park has.
Access to Veterinary Care for Underserved Communities – Community Grant $100,000
Expenditure Category: 2.24: Assistance to Impacted Nonprofit Organizations (Impacted or Disproportionately Impacted)
Funding will support animal care for 450 individuals or families in Washoe County, including the cost of an exam with a veterinarian, diagnosis and treatment, and necessary follow-up visits. Services will be provided by veterinarians at Options' fully-equipped and professionally staffed clinic in Reno.
Bigs with Badges – Community Grant $31,630.09
Expenditure Category: 2.13: Healthy Childhood Environments: Services to Foster Youth or Families
Involved in Child Welfare System
Bigs with Badges is a new program that specifically targets mentors (Bigs) from within the first responder community. This request addresses funding for the launch and maintenance of 20 matches in this new program option. Funding will be used to recruit, screen (including reference checks, background checks, interviews and fingerprinting), and train adult mentors; to recruit and interview Littles and their families; to match and introduce Bigs with Littles; to monitor matches for safety and efficacy as well as to provide guidance to Bigs; to conduct surveys to track the outcomes of the program’s enrolled kids; and to provide wraparound service referrals to families where necessary. As this is a new program, mentor recruitment and partnership building between BBBSNN agency and northern Nevada first responder agencies will be the bulk of the program’s focus and funding priority in the first year.
Community Foundation of Northern Nevada - Caregiver Support Initiative – Community Grant $210,985.49
Expenditure Category: 2.25: Addressing Educational Disparities: Academic, Social, and Emotional
The Community Foundation is partnering with the Sanford Center for Aging (SCA) to connect family caregivers with resources, provide caregiver workshops, and conduct community outreach. SCA will elevate the reach of two resources developed by the Community Foundation: the Nevada Caregivers Guidebook and (formerly the Washoe Caregivers Guidebook and The Nevada Caregivers Guidebook, available in Spanish and English, is a manual on how to be a new caregiver. supplements the Guidebook and lists 300 local resources for family caregivers along with information on how to get compensated as a family caregiver, and other caregiving information. is easily translated to Spanish and other languages. The Community Foundation is also partnering with the Better Business Bureau to protect isolated seniors from financial abuse.
Project Discovery - Creating Community Resilience Through Youth Empowerment: Promoting Healthy Attitudes, Behaviors and Cognitions – Community Grant $49,975
Expenditure Category: 2.27: Addressing Impacts of Lost Instructional Time
Project Discovery will provide free on-site school programs during the 22/23 school year at schools within a Qualified Census Tract. Programs are catered to individual classroom needs and include the Portable Challenge and Classroom Constitution. The programs provide experiential activities to explore and understand students' “Attitudes, Behaviors, and Cognitions” (ABCs) and their impact on other classmates and the greater community. Project Discovery will provide the Boys and Girls Clubs of Reno, Black Wallstreet and Forever14 with cost-free Ropes Course and/or Outdoor Adventure Challenges at Sky Tavern during the Summer of 2023. Project Discovery’s Leadership Challenge Program provides an arena where youth can “try out” more productive ABCs. The program emphasizes communication and demonstrates how life-changing leadership tools can be. Project Discovery will provide Washoe County Health and Human Services Foster Care youth summer camp programs as cost-free scholarships during the Summer of 2023.
Friends of Black Rock High Rock - Enhancing Recreational Opportunities and Creating Jobs in Environmental Tourism in Gerlach-Empire – Community Grant $49,864.79
Expenditure Category: 2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
Friends of Black Rock High Rock will create a new interpretive guide program in the Gerlach-Empire region to provide seasonal contracted work and additional recreation opportunities. The proposal aims to enhance and create new experiential tours and trips to include guided standard and e-bike tours, gem and mineral tours, art and culture trips, photography outings, dark skies campouts and geology and hot springs educational tours. Interpretative trail guides will be recruited and trained through a national accreditation program to provide guided e-bike tours in the Black Rock desert.
Tu Casa Latina - Immigrant Outreach and Advocacy – Community Grant $23,450
Expenditure Category: 2.24: Assistance to Impacted Nonprofit Organizations (Impacted or
Disproportionately Impacted)
Tu Casa Latina serves undocumented individuals who are survivors of trafficking, domestic abuse, or other violent crimes. Grant funds will be used to support portions of two positions in the organization to provide education and outreach events in the region related to immigration and to assist individuals with obtaining resources.
Incline Education Fund - Incline High School Engineering and Entrepreneurship PLTW – Community Grant $50,000
Expenditure Category: 2.27: Addressing Impacts of Lost Instructional Time
The Incline High School Engineering and Entrepreneurship program utilizing ‘Project Lead the Way Engineering’ (PLTW) will provide students with an opportunity to become excellent problem solvers and increase the number of students at IHS prepared to enter the STEM fields directly out of high school or at the university. Students that are interested in the trades will be able to learn modern job skills that are marketable and relevant to the current industries in our region. Funding will be used to support engineering equipment for the program.
Pioneer Center’s Golden Encore: Lifelong Learning Entertainment for Seniors – Community Grant $66,500
Expenditure Category: 2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
Lifelong Learning—Live on Stage! Provides programming catered to older adults, aged 55+ and engages them in the performing arts.
Rebuilding Together Northern Nevada - Safe and Healthy Homes for Washoe – Community Grant $100,000
Expenditure Category: 2.18: Housing Support: Other Housing Assistance
The Safe and Healthy Homes for Washoe Program addresses the immediate needs for home repairs in Washoe County, specifically Sparks and unincorporated Washoe County. RTNNV will perform these repairs by working in-house with repair staff members, volunteers, and hiring licensed contractors. These repair services fall into two categories—accessibility and livability. Accessibility services address issues for seniors and individuals with disabilities, including trip and fall prevention, accessibility modifications, and ramp installation. Livability services focus on the health and safety of a home. The project aims to provide home repairs to 10 families in affordable housing units.
Sierra Nevada Journeys - STEM Explorers – Community Grant $177,655
Expenditure Category: 2.27: Addressing Impacts of Lost Instructional Time
STEM Explorers is a weekly afterschool program that includes Overnight Outdoor Learning (an overnight camp) at the end of the school year. STEM Explorers is intentionally designed to build academic success and integrates social and emotional development through facilitated leadership and collaborative lessons. Grant funding will expand the program to three Washoe County schools including Desert Skies, William O’Brien STEM Academy (O’Brien) and Sparks Middle. SNJ can positively impact students at Desert Skies, O’Brien and Sparks Middle, where standardized test scores all reveal students are falling behind. Between the three school sites, Nevada Report Card’s Accountability Portal indicates that only 19-23% of students are proficient in science, lower than both Washoe County and Nevada
The Discovery Museum - Survival of the Slowest – Community Grant $100,000 Completed March 2023
Expenditure Category: 2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
Grant funding will support The Discovery's newest exhibit: Survival of the Slowest, a 10,000 sq. ft. traveling exhibition we will be hosting from September 22, 2022 through January 8, 2023. Survival of the Slowest features 15 animals with unusual evolutionary adaptations that help them survive in the wild. Visitors will learn about why creatures like the two-toed sloth, African crested porcupine, green iguana, and more look and behave the way they do. This exhibition teaches visitors the importance of wildlife conservation and habitat restoration so animals like those featured can continue thriving in the wild.
Community Services Agency - Victims of Crime Support Program – Community Grant $61,052.97
Expenditure Category: 1.11: Community Violence Interventions
Community Services Agency will provide services to victims of crime in the County by helping them to navigate resources. A comprehensive intake assessment will be performed covering various aspects of the victim's lives to identify individual needs, preferences, and strengths.
Gerlach Affordable Housing on behalf of Gerlach General Improvement District $250,000
Expenditure Category: 2.15: Long-term Housing Security: Affordable Housing
Washoe County Community Services Department will work with a local engineering company to consult with the Gerlach General Improvement District to develop additional affordable housing options for the Gerlach area.
Affordable Housing Trust Fund $2,060,000
Expenditure Category: 2.15: Long-term Housing Security: Affordable Housing
Washoe County's Affordable Housing Trust Fund provides funding to housing developers through competitive solicitation process to increase and improve the supply of affordable housing for low, very low and extremely low-income households, with priority given to permanent supportive housing projects affordable to extremely low-income households. On October 25th, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners approved updates to County Code Chapter 45.498 through 45.520, which redefines the purpose of the Fund to prioritize permanent supportive housing projects for the County’s extremely low-income households. Washoe County will contract with the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada for professional services to serve as fiscal agent for the purposes of holding, managing, and disbursing funds allocated the AHTF. This initial allocation will be for $2,060,000. The $2 million is pass through funding to be loaned out by CFNN and the $60k is the administrative and origination fee for CFNN's professional services.
Note-Able Music Therapy Services - Addressing Community Health Needs through Expansion of Music Therapy Services – Community Grant $255,506
Expenditure Category: 1.12: Mental Health Services
Note-Able Music Therapy Services (NMTS) bridges the gaps between disability services, education, mental health, and the arts by providing innovative music therapy and inclusive music opportunities to the community. Services are provided by board-certified and state licensed music therapists and instructors specializing in adaptive music and dance. Funds will help the organization expand to serve the residents of Washoe County in two ways: 1) by assisting with building renovation through the purchase of acoustic ceiling tiles to provide crucial soundproofing of spaces, and 2) by supporting staff to facilitate music therapy and adaptive music groups for children, adults, and seniors in partnership with local agencies. New program services will be provided at Our Place, CrossRoads, DayBreak Adult Day Health Care, Northern Nevada RAVE Family Foundation, Reno Housing Authority, United Cerebral Palsy (UCP).
Food Bank of Northern Nevada - Community Solutions to Hunger Relief and Food Insecurity in Northern Nevada – Community Grant $110,550
Expenditure Category: 2.1: Household Assistance: Food Programs
Food Bank of Northern Nevada will use grant funds to develop a new Community Kitchen and multi-purpose site to address nutritional needs, economic barriers and social determinants of health. The facility will be used to provide nutrition programming in a high food insecurity neighborhood in Washoe County.
Catholic Charities - Elevate (Workforce Development Program) – Community Grant $483,708
Expenditure Category: 2.10: Assistance to Unemployed or Underemployed Workers (e.g. job training,
subsidized employment, employment supports or incentives)
Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada’s (CCNN’s) workforce development (WFD) addresses systemic equity issues in Washoe County by resolving workforce and socioeconomic barriers for low-income, at-risk adults. Participants will be placed in entry level positions (e.g., retail, culinary, administrative, warehouse, maintenance, janitorial, etc.) based on their skillsets and interest. WFD includes temporary employment, financial literacy, credit solutions, resume building, interview coaching, 20-hour soft skills training through University of Nevada Reno’s (UNR) College of Business (COB), and wraparound homelessness prevention tools. Case managers will apply evidence-based and trauma-informed strategies to address each participant’s goals for sustainability and work-life balance. Eligibility assessments will address housing needs, food security, transportation, benefits enrollment, criminal background, work history, and interests to eradicate these barriers to success. Funding includes partial staff time for CCNN employees and funding for participant vouchers to subsidize rent, obtain bus passes, finish training certificates, and anything else identified by case workers as beneficial for the participant.
Domestic Violence Resource Center - Flexible Childcare and Child Enrichment Program – Community Grant $97,130
Expenditure Category: 2.11: Healthy Childhood Environments: Child Care
The goal of this pilot project is to offer survivors of domestic violence short-term, flexible childcare in an effort to reduce barriers associated with addressing their mental, emotional, and financial health and wellbeing. In addition, this project will provide more robust wraparound services to children who have witnessed domestic violence. The Children’s Program Advocate will create the foundation for the flexible childcare assistance program allowing survivors to access trusted childcare providers for short-term childcare when attending job interviews, counseling sessions, medical appointments, or even quick runs to the grocery store. This position will vet local quality childcare providers who are willing to provide safe childcare services for our clients and begin to build a trusted network of providers. Children’s Program Advocate will be an in-person facilitator of our existing age-appropriate cognitive learning and thinking activities but also develop new activities that promote social and emotional growth, confidence, self-sufficiency, and education about healthy boundaries, relationships, communication, and self-care.
Nevada Legal Services - Holistic Law Project for Homeless and Low-income Residents of Washoe County – Community Grant $243,200
Expenditure Category: 2.37: Economic Impact Assistance: Other
Recognizing that many legal services clients often have more than just legal issues, holistic lawyering provides legal advice and information while connecting the client to a social worker to provide comprehensive case management. Including a social worker as part of the legal team allows clients to meet their needs in one place, instead of traveling to many organizations. Social workers assist with interviewing clients, assessing the client’s psychosocial needs, and making referrals. The grant will test the client-centered approach to law, better meet the overall legal and social needs of clients and help close the justice gap in Washoe County by providing approximately 250 of the community’s neediest clients with holistic legal advice.
Communities in Schools of Western Nevada - Integrated Student Supports in Washoe County – Community Grant $740,512
Expenditure Category: 2.26: Addressing Educational Disparities: Mental Health Services
As a result of the pandemic, the need for mental health services, social-emotional health, and trauma-informed practices has significantly increased for Washoe County public school students. Communities in Schools operates in 13 schools across Washoe County to provide Integrated Student Supports (ISS). ISS is an evidence-based, success-proven methodology for providing students with the services and resources they need to remove both academic and nonacademic barriers to their success. The wraparound services include social-emotional learning opportunities, hunger prevention, physical and mental health services, before and after-school tutoring, and college and career readiness programs. Washoe County support services including Child Protective Services, Housing and Homeless Services, Juvenile Services, the Sheriff's Office, and Human Service Agency collaborate with Site Coordinators to provide a “community in the school”. This funding would provide partial funding for 17 Site Coordinators who will provide over 9,000 students with school-wide services and about 650 students with direct case management each year.
High Sierra Area Health Education Center - Community Health Worker Certification Program – Community Grant $323,750
Expenditure Category: 2.10: Assistance to Unemployed or Underemployed Workers (e.g. job training,
subsidized employment, employment supports or incentives)
Level Up is High Sierra AHEC’s Community Health Worker I certification program for high school students (ages 16 and older). Nevada and Washoe County continue to experience healthcare worker shortages as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants in the Level Up program receive comprehensive career counseling, job training, skill building, and ultimately certification as a Community Health Worker I or II if field placements are completed. Community Health Workers provide critical services to the healthcare field by acting as a bridge between the healthcare system and vulnerable communities by empowering patients to navigate their health and health needs.
The Life Change Center - Opioid Treatment Induction Support – Community Grant $568,042
Expenditure Category: 1.13: Substance Use Services
The Opioid Treatment Induction Support (OTIS) program is a new pilot program that supports individuals recovering from fentanyl addiction. Fentanyl is an opioid rated at 100 morphine equivalent and 50 times stronger than heroin. Treatment patterns at The Life Change Center have shown that individuals recovering from fentanyl have a –20% sobriety rate compared to other opioid users and traditional opioid treatment options are less effective. To address this, OTIS was designed to support, educate, and encourage individuals within the first 90 days of treatment to take their daily medication and work with peer recovery support specialists to normalize withdrawal. The program aims to increase sobriety within fentanyl users in the community.
ReDirect Youth Outreach - ReDirect Youth Outreach & Boxing – Community Grant $133,965
Expenditure Category: 2.13: Healthy Childhood Environments: Services to Foster Youth or Families
Involved in Child Welfare System
ReDirect Youth Outreach & Boxing is a local Reno/ Sparks nonprofit that services at-risk youth in the community through fitness and boxing. ReDirect has created a program that allows youth to use fitness and boxing as their coping skill for their daily lives. Many of the youth that ReDirect serves struggle with a variety of mental health diagnosis, disabilities, behavioral issues among others. It has been proven that fitness and physical activity is one of the top outlets to manage anger, aggression, anxiety, depression. It is also very instrumental in keeping kids off the street, out of trouble and away from drugs. Funding will support 50 youth to participate in the program at no cost with priority given to youth involved in the foster care system or juvenile services.
The Empowerment Center - Supportive Housing Services – Community Grant $58,230
Expenditure Category: 1.13: Substance Use Services
The Empowerment Center provides recovery-focused supportive housing to women recovering from substance use disorder. The facility is a 42-unit sober living residence that opened in October 2022. This housing option is for individuals committed to a clean and sober lifestyle. Grant funds will support partial salary for one year for the Director of Housing Services who is responsible for providing on-site programming for residents to transition into independent living. The funding will also support WiFi for the facility so that individuals can access online resources and drug test costs through the Sober24 program.
Northern Nevada Literacy Council - Washoe County Literacy Project – Community Grant $345,485
Expenditure Category: 2.10: Assistance to Unemployed or Underemployed Workers (e.g. job training,
subsidized employment, employment supports or incentives)
Northern Nevada Literacy Council provides Adult Basic Education (ABE) programs addressing the literacy needs of Washoe County residents. The NNLC Washoe County Literacy Project will offer the following literacy programs at no cost to participants: High School Equivalency Classes and examination preparation, English Literacy Classes, Citizenship Classes, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Out-of-School Youth Program, Family Literacy Program, and Literacy Assessments.
Washoe County Civil Rights and Equity Engagement $500,000
Expenditure Category: 3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
This proposal seeks to engage a team of consultants to evaluate Washoe County’s program and services in the areas of limited English proficiency, unintended barriers to receive services and employment, Civil Rights Title VI and diversity training, and facility accessibility. An analysis of these areas and implementation plan for correction will allow Washoe County to better serve our community by improving equitable access to our programs, services, and facilities.
Purchase of 1240 9th Street $4,800,000
Expenditure Category: 1.14: Other Public Health Services
This project will fund the purchase of real property at 1240 9th Street (formerly used by West Hills). The intended use of the building is the provision of behavioral health services and Washoe County and County.
Boys and Girls Club of Truckee Meadows Childcare Expansion - Community Grant $1,500,000
Expenditure Category: 2.11: Healthy Childhood Environments: Child Care
Washoe County will award funding to the Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows (BGCTM) to provide an additional 210 childcare spots in the community as part of a larger public-private partnership to expand
childcare. A portion of these slots (100) will be held in reserve for five years, for Washoe County employees and foster parents, which will provide a critical resource to attract, retain, and stabilize employment and foster services in the County. The award will allow for BGCTM to renovate and furnish the new space to provide childcare services.
Mental Health Meeting Facilitation $4,200 Completed March 2023
Expenditure Category: 1.12: Mental Health Services
Washoe County contracted with a third-party facilitator to convene regional stakeholders for meetings related to addressing mental health in the community. The meetings convened participants from local hospitals, behavioral health facilities, the university, and other interested parties to understand the root causes of mental health issues that inevitably lead to cyclical use of resources. Funding was used to pay for the meeting facilitation, pre and post assessment research, and providing detailed notes.
Health District Demo $30,000
Expenditure Category: 1.14: Other Public Health Services
This project will pay for the demolition portion of a larger plan to reconfigure existing space which will expand clinical services to the Washoe County community. It is expected that this project will address improving Public Health access for Washoe County residents.
Community and Clinical Health Services (CCHS) provides varied consistent clinical services for the Washoe County community. CCHS provides support for vulnerable populations to access medical and public health services. Services include Immunizations, WIC, Family Planning, Sexual Health, Maternal Child, and Tuberculosis. CCHS is currently at capacity and this reconfiguration project will address space issues for daily work and personnel. The reconfiguration will streamline work process which will address ongoing staffing issues. The reconfiguration will focus on centralizing clerical services to better serve clients and increase capacity. The immunization program has been vital throughout public health emergencies and crises, providing vaccines and applicable testing. This program will continue to provide the necessary vaccines and to do so it requires additional space for staff and clients to offer vaccines within the clinic. CCHS programs are available for all Washoe County residents.
Panic Buttons $28,935
Expenditure Category: 3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
This purchase will replace about 60 wireless panic buttons at the historic Downtown Courthouse. The existing system is obsolete and not capable of any new buttons or programming changes. These buttons are located in critical areas such as Judges Chambers, Courtrooms, public counters, etc. This will allow the addition of new buttons in the new COVID courtroom. This historic nature of the building doesn’t allow typical cable installations, thus requiring a wireless system.
South Valleys Regional Park $2,000,000
2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
Funding will support expansion of the South Valleys Regional Park in accordance with the 2019 Master Plan approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Funds will be used to implement a portion of Phase 1 of the approved Master Plan. The project includes developing the Park to include additional multipurpose flat fields, baseball and softball fields, restrooms, picnic areas, play areas, and a possible dog park. This is a collaborative initiative with support from local little leagues and in-kind donations.
Future of Work $2,000,000
3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
The Future of Work Initiative considers how Washoe County delivers its services to the public and how it can leverage more efficient tools and resources to provide a more effective customer experience. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Washoe County has embraced alternative work environments, new technologies, and streamlined resources. This funding would support the reconfiguration of the County Complex (1001 E. Ninth Street) to centralize offices that interact directly with the public into one area so that individuals from the public can find their needed service more efficiently.Sun Valley Bike Park $500,000
2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
Funding will support design and construction of a Sun Valley Bike Park in accordance with the 2014 Master Plan Update at Sun Valley Regional Park. The Bike Park will provide a dedicated track for mountain bikers and recreationalists to safely bike at Sun Valley Regional Park.
Radiology Scanner $500,000
1.6 Medical Expenses (including Alternative Care Facilities)
Funding will support the purchase of a new radiology scanner for the Regional Medical Examiner’s Office. The current scanner was purchased as a refurbished unit five years ago and has shown continued signs of aging. Without radiology scanners, medical examiner staff would be required to perform completely forensic autopsies, which take hours to complete and are invasive. Radiology scanners allow for ME staff to perform minimally invasive autopsies to identify causes of death more quickly and efficiently.
Washoe Arts and Culture $300,000
6.1 Revenue Recovery Provision of Government Services
Washoe Arts and Culture funds will support the enhancement of arts and culture in Washoe County through purchasing art installations and hosting community outreach. The funds will be used to commission and install art pieces in the Washoe County region including but not limited to, the Washoe ArTrail, murals, and arts at Washoe County parks.
Green Recovery Plan $250,000
2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
The Washoe County Green Recovery Plan provides for goals and strategies related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing resilience, and mitigating climate change impacts, strengthening food security, and increasing access to healthy foods, investing in equitable, multimodal transportation infrastructure, and establishing an urban forestry program. The plan was developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential opportunities for a more resilient community to be explored in a coordinated effort. Funding will be used to support elements of plan recommendation implementation.
Behavioral Health Crisis Response $125,000
1.12: Mental Health Services
Funding will be used to support Washoe County’s Behavioral Health Crisis Response Plan implementation. A coalition of community partners continues to work to implement the Crisis Response Plan which will improve response for individuals, youth, and families experiencing a behavioral health crisis. When fully established, the crisis response system will include a fully functional 988 crisis call hub (somewhere to call), mobile crisis teams (someone to come to you), and a crisis stabilization center (somewhere to go), along with enhanced supports for children and families in crisis. Additionally, the award will support the implementation of a Washoe County Behavioral Health Summit. The local summit follows a State Behavioral Health Summit held in fall 2022 and will convene the behavioral health treatment and prevention community to identify best practices and strategies to address behavioral health needs in the community.
Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan $100,000
3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
Washoe County has an incomplete and untested cybersecurity incident response plan. The plan currently lacks a playbook on how to deal with the different types of cybersecurity attacks. In addition, County staff is also untrained on implementing the response plan. The lack of preparedness increases the risk of a successful cybersecurity attack on Washoe County. Funding will be used to complete the response plan, train Washoe County employees, and test the plan.
Neuromodulation Treatment for STAR Participants $100,000
1.12: Mental Health Services
Department of Alternative Sentencing is seeking to pilot a program for Neuromodulation Treatment services for participants in the Support in Treatment, Accountability and Recovery (STAR) Program to understand and treat the impacts of post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health issues on individuals seeking recovery from substance use disorder. The program will be voluntary for individuals who have shown potential for advanced treatment services.
Innovative Senior Programs $100,000
6.1 Revenue Recovery Provision of Government Services
Funding will be used to improve the quality of life for county senior residents and to address the needs of vulnerable seniors.
Department of Alternative Sentencing In-Car Mobile Wi-Fi for Officer Vehicles $20,000
3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
Book vending machines allow for the Washoe County Library System to check-out books to patrons 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Library has installed book vending machines at other Library locations with great success over the past few years. This machine will be installed outdoors at the Sun Valley Teen Resource Center, an area that has been identified by the Library Board of Trustees as a book desert with urgent needs in the region.
Northern Nevada HOPES E. 4th St. Clinic - Community Grant $1,500,000
1.14: Other Public Health Services
Funding will support the new Northern Nevada HOPES East 4th Street Medical Clinic health care facility for adult primary care services, chronic disease prevention services, behavioral health services to low-income, and underinsured or uninsured individuals. HOPES is constructing a new community health center that will provide low-barrier and affordable care to 12,000 at-risk individuals. The new clinic is a 40,000+ square foot building on East 4th Street adjacent to the Nevada Cares Campus offering adult primary care, chronic disease prevention, case management and the expansion of the Mental and Behavioral Health program to include group therapy, psychiatry, Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and eventually, Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP).
Children's Cabinet The Oddie Project - Community Grant $1,000,000
2.11: Healthy Childhood Environments: Child Care
The Oddie Project is a multi—faceted regional initiative delivering 100 new affordable childcare slots for children ages infant to 5 years in age, a commercial grade production kitchen for meal preparation, workforce training and job placement for high demand industry sectors like construction, healthcare, information technology, hospitality, and food service. The space will serve as a community connection center and resource hub inclusive of wraparound case management. To help address regional childcare capacity issues exasperated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Children’s Cabinet and the Food Bank of Northern Nevada have partnered to renovate a space on Oddie Blvd to provide 100 additional childcare slots for parents and caregivers. As the Oddie Project grows, the intention is to partner with non-profits and public partners to continue to meet the unique needs of the children, families, and individuals in this community. Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows will manage the childcare center; Community Health Alliance (current tenant) will provide healthcare services; Northern Nevada Literacy Council will conduct classes onsite, such as GED prep.
Raise the Future Intensive Recruitment Program $632,494
2.13: Healthy Childhood Environments: Services to Foster Youth or Families Involved in Child Welfare System
Raise the Future focuses on connecting youth waiting in foster care with the adults who become stable forces in their lives and support those relationships so that they last a lifetime. Raise the Future’s caseworkers, called Youth Connections Advocates (YCAs), dedicate extensive time and resources to finding permanent connections for small caseloads of 12-15 waiting youth who do not have an identified permanent placement and have a permanency goal of adoption. Using social media and sophisticated family search tools, YCAs work alongside County caseworkers to scour each child’s history and existing network to locate safe, familiar adults who could become potential permanent placements. Without this intensive, dedicated attention, “harder-to-place youth” often linger in care for extended periods of time and age out of foster care without the support of a caring adult. The project would provide Intensive Recruitment services to all eligible Washoe County youth to promote adoption from foster care and provide TBRI®-infused Family Support services for caregivers and professionals to help youth heal from trauma and maintain stability. Funding over two years will support increasing the number of youths being continuously supported at one time from 25 (currently) to 45 or more and increase the availability of TBRI® training to families and professionals.
Raise the Future aims to provide TBRI ® informed- training and support services to adoptive, foster, reunified biological, kinship caregivers and professionals who serve children and families in Washoe County and to promote safety, permanence, and well-being using Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI®) to increase relational connection toward the goal of creating greater permanency outcomes through strengths-based attachment practices that help minimize behaviors that cause disruption, and help create understanding for caregivers and professionals into the underlying trauma that impacts behavior.
Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Ambulance Fleet Expansion - $500,000
3.4: Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery
TMFPD uses Type 1 ambulances to provide emergency transportation services for advanced life support operations within its jurisdiction. With the continued growth in the region and increased yearly 911 calls, an additional ambulance will have an immediate positive impact on service delivery to the area. During times of increased call volume in the county, TMFPD has documented delays in ambulance response to outlying TMFPD districts. TMFPD and its regional partners continue to receive an increased number of emergency calls to residents. The use of ambulances also reduces the need for larger equipment to be used for addressing emergency calls. Funding will support the purchase of one or two ambulances and associated ancillary equipment to outfit the vehicles depending on quotes received during the bidding process.
Tahoe Micro Transit - TART Connect $400,000
6.1 Revenue Recovery Provision of Government Services
The North Lake Tahoe Micro Transit Program has been a pilot program since 2021 that provides on-demand shuttle services for the Incline Village and Crystal Bay communities with a focus on local workforce commuters to alleviate parking congestion in the area. The funding will support additional service operation in Zone 3 serving Incline Village and Crystal Bay which accounts for nearly 40% of the regional ridership for the Micro Transit Program. The funds will allow the shuttles to operate for 14 hours during Fall and Spring (an increase from 4-6 hours previously) and maintain 16 hours per day during Summer and Fall.
Tahoe Lending Locals Program $350,000
2.15: Long-term Housing Security: Affordable Housing
The Tahoe Lending Locals Project aims to incentivize homeowners in the North Tahoe area to rent their homes to locals rather than maintaining short-term vacation rentals. Affordable housing in Incline Village and Crystal Bay continues to be an issue for year-round residents and local workers. This program will be an innovative public-private partnership that provides property owners cash incentives to convert their units into new long-term rentals for local employees. There are many other similar, successful programs operating in the Tahoe Basin but none in Nevada. The program will be competitively bid for a vendor to administer in the region.
Community Health Alliance Our Place Onsite Visits - Community Grant $314,000
1.14: Other Public Health Services
Funds will support Community Health Alliance (CHA) to provide onsite health care services at the Our Place women and family emergency shelter facility using the Mobile Medical Center for two half days a week. CHA is a federally qualified health center that provides health care services to low-income and vulnerable populations in the community. CHA provides medical services to children and adults including wellness checks, sick visits and acute care, behavioral health consultations, vaccines, lab testing, and health education.
Nevada Museum of Art Capital Campaign - Community Grant $250,000
6.1 Revenue Recovery Provision of Government Services
The Nevada Museum of Art is the only accredited art museum in Nevada and provides important education and research programs for Northern Nevadans and visitors. To meet the needs of the growing community, the Nevada Museum of Art has initiated a Capital Campaign to fundraise for construction of a Center for Education and Research adjacent to its downtown Reno facility. This project will expand and enhance art education and research opportunities.
Bristlecone Recovery Center Residential Treatment - Community Grant $250,000
1.13: Substance Use Services
Bristlecone Recovery Center (BRC) offers addiction, problem gambling, and mental wellness treatment services in Nevada. BRC offers a full continuum of treatment services that encompasses social model detoxification (including medical detox), residential, transitional living, outpatient & intensive-outpatient, aftercare, targeted case management, treatment for co-occurring disorders and community education and outreach.
Rebuilding Together Northern Nevada Senior and Veteran Housing Rehabilitation - Community Grant $200,000
2.18: Housing Support: Other Housing Assistance
ReBuilding Together Northern Nevada (RTNNV) provides housing rehabilitation and repair services for vulnerable community members. RTNNV uses a set of 360 specifications for common repairs to assess health and safety hazards in homes. These funds prioritize homes of low-income veterans and individuals 60 years and older who may need ramp installation, roof repairs, energy efficiency upgrades, accessibility modifications, etc. Funding will support approximately 20 to 25 home repairs in the community.
Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful Public Lands Clean Up and Education - Community Grant $200,000
2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
Funding will support public lands clean up in Washoe County including community clean-ups, coordinated education events, and additional dumping pickups for the rural areas of the community. The 2024 Great Community Clean Up will be expanded to include additional sites and increase the removal of green waste and trash in the community. KTMB will also expand its identification and monitoring of illegal dumping hot spots and coordinate the removal of abandoned vehicles.
EDAWN Entrepreneurial Ecosystem & Start-up Week - Community Grant $150,000
2.32: Business Incubators and Start-Up or Expansion Assistance
The Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada’s (EDAWN) Startup Ecosystem Support Program aims to foster a vibrant and diverse entrepreneurial ecosystem within the county by organizing Startup Week, a week-long event series focused on educating entrepreneurs, promoting innovation, and highlighting the role of startups in the local economy. In addition to Startup Week, the initiative will support year-round programming to train new ecosystem builders, promote diversity, and strengthen the entrepreneurial community. Funding will support Start Up Week for two years that will foster a spirit of innovation, creativity, and collaboration in the community, which is vital for post-pandemic economic recovery. The funding will also support entrepreneurial initiatives by providing resources, education, and support to aspiring entrepreneurs and startups, helping businesses navigate the changing economic landscape.
Truckee River Corridor Improvements - Community Grant $100,000
2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
The Truckee River has been identified as a regional concern for decades to make necessary improvements for increasing economic development opportunities, environmental sustainability, and accessibility. The City of Reno has dedicated a portion of its ARPA SLFRF funds to Truckee River Corridor Improvements including commissioning a Master Plan consultant to provide detailed recommendations on opportunities for river safety and economic development. In support of this initiative, Washoe County will provide funds to support planning costs and some project implementation costs.
IVCBA Incline Main Street Initiative - Community Grant $75,000
2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
The Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association’s mission is to build community and grow cohesiveness for the sustainability of Incline Village and Crystal Bay, Nevada. Funding will be used to support the Incline Main Street program, which works to redevelop and revitalize downtowns.
Black Community Collective Entrepreneur Literacy and Financing - Community Grant $75,000
2.32: Business Incubators and Start-Up or Expansion Assistance
The Entrepreneur Literacy and Financing Program seeks to increase the reach and effectiveness of minority-owned businesses within Washoe County. The program provides microloan opportunities for small businesses, as well as education and support for business owners by the Black Community Collective (BCC) staff to understand start-up costs and expansion costs. The program will create a cohort of peer-to-peer business leaders. Funding will support the administrative overhead for the BCC to develop and administer program materials and course delivery.
The Generator Children's Arts Programming - Community Grant $60,000
2.22: Strong Healthy Communities: Neighborhood Features that Promote Health and Safety
The Generator is a community makerspace located at 2450 Oddie Blvd in Sparks, Nevada. The Generator provides a space for artists to create pieces of art and explore different mediums. The children’s programs hosted by the Generator allow for hands-on education of youth to engage in the art design process. Funding will be used to support increasing classroom resources onsite for children to engage in digital fabrication and 3D design. The Tech Lab would expand equipment options including laptops, a 3D printer, and laser cutters which are effective ways of engaging with the older elementary and older students. The funds will also expand the Generator’s Kids Lab and Art Activities including the installation of a collaborative building system called Rig-A-Ma-Jig which will become the centerpiece of the learning space for young children pre-K to early elementary.
Tahoe Prosperity Center Envision Tahoe - Community Grant $47,500
2.37: Economic Impact Assistance: Other
Lake Tahoe’s economy is currently over 60% dependent on tourism for revenue generation. That means economic downturns, fires/smoke, pandemics, and other natural disasters all have a negative impact on our economy. To be more resilient, the Envision Tahoe Prosperity Playbook outlines several strategies to diversify our regional economy. Tahoe Inc, a project of Envision Tahoe will support the growth of start-ups, existing small businesses, and entrepreneurs in Lake Tahoe specifically slated for the Washoe County population bordering the Lake. It is with this data-based research that TPC and its partners have developed the strategies and elements of this project that will diversify and strengthen the economy within the region. Specifically, ARPA funds will be directed towards creating a forum that brings together entrepreneurs, start-up businesses and small business owners for community building, collaboration, co-mentorship, and joint problem solving, gather and/or survey small businesses, and connect Anchor Employers in the region to develop means of harnessing their resources for proven economic growth insights’ increase business mentorship, and encourage business solutions to originate locally.
Reno Air Races Association Annual Event Operation Support - Community Grant $40,000
2.37: Economic Impact Assistance: Other
Funding will be used to support the 2023 Reno Air Races Annual Event held in Reno, Nevada. The Reno Air Races have been held in Reno since 1964 and this September will be the last event held at its current location. Some examples of funding could include the cost of bleachers for spectators, tables and chairs, and other security for the event. Reno Air Races will also provide 100 tickets for Washoe County to distribute to seniors during the event.
Tahoe Transportation District - Community Grant $37,500
6.1 Revenue Recovery Provision of Government Services
Funding will be used to support Washoe County’s FY24 annual contribution to the Tahoe Transportation District operations. The Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) has a board of fourteen directors a representative from each of the six local governments in the Tahoe basin, two governor appointees, a state appointee from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, appointees from the two transportation management associations in the basin, an at-large transit provider, and NDOT and Caltrans as ex officio members. The methodology for determining each jurisdiction’s contribution was apportioned by the percentage of development per jurisdiction in the Tahoe Basin by associating residential and commercial development with transportation demand.